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Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign AAR
03-20-2011, 05:05 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-21-2011, 02:09 PM by larsonney.)
Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign Intro Part I
KHARKOV ’43 GRAND CAMPAIGN---Opening Thoughts

Four Blitz gamers have embarked on a quest of unparalleled magnitude…the 445-turn grand campaign game for Kharkov ’43. This is the story from the German side…played by Pierre (Arkan) and Jon (Larsonney). Our opponents are Robert (Raizer) & Keith (Hoff)…who gave scouts honor to not read this until it’s over!!

This campaign is unique since it does not have the traditional victory hex format per se. Per the games notes…

Included in the first patch of Kharkov ‘43 is a Grand Campaign that includes all starting forces and reinforcements for the six weeks from February 2nd to March 18th. This scenario was not originally included as the victory point system for Panzer Campaigns did not represent well the capture and loss of locations over time. For this reason, three smaller campaigns were included representing each of the major phases of the campaign.

To allow the Grand Campaign to more closely follow history a new method for determining victory has been included. Instead of determining victory only at the end of the campaign, there is an interim victory determination at the end of each of the three major phases of the Kharkov ’43 campaign. Based upon the results of each of the phases a winner for the scenario can be determined.

I will leave you to read the rest from the grand campaign notes included in Kharkov ’43. Let’s get started!!

Overall, we plan on trying to withdraw all the forces of Army Detachment Kempf west across the Severnyy Donets River…a fighting withdrawal where the priority is to not lose units…better to get them out mangled than have them trapped. Obviously, this is easier said than done.
In the southeast, the existing (on-map) divisions of 1st Panzer Army will hold/push north, waiting for the rest of 1st Panzer Army’s divisions to arrive.
The unknown is what our opponents plan to do with Mobile Group Popov. Will they push south and threaten to encircle 1st Panzer Army? Or will they push west to Barvenkovo, then north-west to Kharkov?
The direction of the campaign lies in their hands…

German Strategy
Here are the initial force dispositions…if only we could see the Russians with this amount of clarity during the game!

A simple glance will tell you we (the Germans) have a problem…the Russians have a 35+ Kilometer hole to push through south-east of Kharkov. More on that headache later…let’s start in the North first…


North Front
The 88th & 168th face 4 rifle divisions from the 40th Army that don’t get going for 3 days, on February 5th.
This area is expected to be fairly quiet the first day…with the right flank of the 168th being the question as the Russian 69th Army gets going to the east…


Northeast Front-Part I
Ahh…the joys of being an elite division in the Wermacht…the Grossdeutschland PZG division has a 45+ hex front to hold. Directly opposite them is 69th Army…4 rifle divisions plus another rifle brigade, a destroyer (AT) brigade, and a tank brigade.
We expect to start pulling the GD division back slowly, shielding the 168th INF div south of Korocha.


Northeast Front-Part II
Just south of the Grossdeutschland lies a 1/3rd of the 2nd SS Das Reich PZG Division…of course they are facing the northern arm of the Russian 3rd Guards Army…namely 4 rifle divisions plus a destroyer AT brigade.
As with the GD DIV, we expect to start the 2nd SS division back slowly west. The catch here is that the right flank of the Deutschland is open and the mobile forces of 3rd Tank Army are here…so we plan on a quick exit if needed....which…would force GD to accelerate their pullback as well.


Center Front
Here is the critical spot in the German line (except, of course, for the gaping hole farther south ). The 6th SS Polizei RGT is just north of the 298th INF Division. The 6th SS is a sub-par unit standing in the way of the explosive part of 3rd Tank Army and the 6th Guards Calvary Corps. Historically, they collapsed and allowed the Russians to eventually surround and annihilate the 298th.
We plan on immediately pulling both the 6th SS & 298th back in a fighting withdrawal towards the Donets River. Our hope is to get the majority of these units across the Donets to help bolster the defense of Kharkov. However, as my dad used to tell me, “Hope in one hand & spit in the other, see which one fills up faster”! 

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03-20-2011, 05:10 AM,
Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign Intro Part II
Center-South Front
The 320th INF Division is broken into 3 regimental groups to try and cover the principal river crossings. The 585th & 586th regiments are covering Sen’ova and Gorokhovatka crossings. The 587th REG of the 320th is in heavy woods south-east of Izyum. In addition, the remnants of the 382nd FeldAus Division (about a regiment) is reorganizing in Izyum.
We plan on pulling back the 585th & 586th regiments west towards the Donets. The 587th regiment southeast of Izyum will try to link up with the 382nd and hold the city as a “fortress”. (Hoping again ).


Southeast Front
This sector has both disaster and opportunity. South of Izyum lies the breach in our lines…with Mobile Group Popov ready to exploit it. In the Slavyansk area, 7th Panzer division holds the city while to the east lie the 19th & 27th panzer divisions (very weak divisions, especially in armor strength).
The 7th Panzer Division will hold Slavyansk while the 19th & 27th Panzer divisions will strike north to the Severnyy Donets, trying to trap part of the Russian 52nd & 28th Guards Rifle Divisions on the south side (assuming they try to cross the river). In addition to impacting the combat effectiveness of these divisions, we hope (I know, I know…) to secure the river line to solidify the right flank of 1st Panzer Army.

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03-20-2011, 05:12 AM,
Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign
I messed up on the pictures...I attached them instead of having them inside of the post...I will fix for the Day 1 update...:hissy:

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03-20-2011, 11:31 AM,
RE: Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign AAR
Hi Jon,

I like the situation summary, very good read!

I went ahead and merged the 3 threads into one AAR thread on the campaign, okay? That way all the parts will stay together - otherwise someone coming in later on would not be able to read the initial posts you made without searching. This way you can post onto this thread as you go.

Thanks for the AAR
[Image: exercise.png]
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03-20-2011, 01:44 PM,
RE: Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign AAR

Really, really looking forward to seeing how this one pans out. :)

As one of the designers of Kharkov '43, it's important to see how some of these campaigns / scenarios pans out. We are committed to fixing any glaring issues.

It sounds like you are going to report daily for the AAR - as someone who has done a turn by turn AAR here at the blitz I could not agree more with a one day frequency. A turn by turn is just a huge amount of work and to be honest becomes very tactical. Your approach will give a much more operation feel - something that will be required in a campaign this size.

Good luck guys - looking for the next installment!

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03-20-2011, 02:15 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-20-2011, 02:17 PM by larsonney.)
RE: Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign AAR
(03-20-2011, 11:31 AM)Ricky B Wrote: Hi Jon,

I like the situation summary, very good read!

I went ahead and merged the 3 threads into one AAR thread on the campaign, okay? That way all the parts will stay together - otherwise someone coming in later on would not be able to read the initial posts you made without searching. This way you can post onto this thread as you go.

Thanks for the AAR

Thanks Rick...I will do my homework and make sure the screen shots are inside the post text, not as an attachment for the next post...:rolleyes:
(03-20-2011, 01:44 PM)Strela Wrote: Jon,

Really, really looking forward to seeing how this one pans out. :)

As one of the designers of Kharkov '43, it's important to see how some of these campaigns / scenarios pans out. We are committed to fixing any glaring issues.

It sounds like you are going to report daily for the AAR - as someone who has done a turn by turn AAR here at the blitz I could not agree more with a one day frequency. A turn by turn is just a huge amount of work and to be honest becomes very tactical. Your approach will give a much more operation feel - something that will be required in a campaign this size.

Good luck guys - looking for the next installment!


Thanks David...yes I plan on doing a daily update...otherwise its too much for me!
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03-31-2011, 02:43 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-31-2011, 02:47 AM by larsonney.)
RE: Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign AAR

Where is Mobile Group Popov?!?!
Day one saw the anticipated assault/advance by the Russian Hordes in the center…but nary a whisper of the Russian exploitation forces (3 motorized infantry Battalions did show up at Slavynansk)…multiple recon flights found nothing…where are they?

North Front
This front was static on the first day…should be quiet today as well…unless something goes wrong with Grossdeutschland to the east…

[Image: d9c13dc8edNorth%20Day%201.jpg]

On the northern flank of the Grossdeutschland, the Fusilier regiment fell back most of the day, conducting local counterattacks as dusk fell. The object of these were to free up units that become trapped by Russian units.

[Image: 07172062b7NorthEast1%20Day%201.jpg]

South of the Fusilier regiment, the Grenadier regiment fell back as well, withdrawing north of Budarka. We must make a decision whether to hold here for a day or keep moving west…the Russian 69th Army has been pushing hard on our heals all day! The recon battalion of 2nd SS PZG should fall back on Budarka proper with little problem...

[Image: f619d4c21fNorthEast2%20Day%201.jpg]

South of Budarka, the Deutschland regiment of 2nd SS PZG is falling back in good order…very little enemy action here on the first day…we are a bit faster than the Russians and have created some space, plus the fact that there does not seem to be a major Russian probe in this area…yet! The bulk of the regiment will continue to fall back on the divisional headquarters at Ol’khovatka.

We have pushed the Der Fuhrer regiment of 2nd SS PZG east to Verilkiy Burlok, hoping to counterattack the northern flank of 3rd Tank Army, slowing it down.

[Image: b28bb64aeeNorthEast3%20Day%201.jpg]

The Russians have recon elements as far north Shipovatoye, blocking the retreat of two regiments of the 298th INF division…so we plan on using the Der Fuhrer regiment to counterattack southeast from Verilkiy Burlok to blunt the Russian sword a bit. The flanks of the thrust will be held by elements of the Deutschland regiment in the Vyselok area and the 526th & 527th regiments of the 298th along the main highway…they have a stretch of good defensive terrain to anchor their line. This is a bit risky so approval from Heerresgruppe Don/Sud is still pending…

[Image: b8d56f524cNorthEast4%20Day%201.jpg]

Center Front
The poor 6th SS Polizei RGT has almost ceased to exist…only 3 companies are left, trapped northeast of the 298th. While the 526th & 527th (mentioned earlier and shown below again have their retreat route blocked, the 525th is retreating in good order west towards Staroverovka…the catch being that there is a 20+ Km gap between them and the rest of the division. Not sure what will happen here as day 2 unfolds. This is the main hesitation for launching the Der Fuhrer counterattack…the Russians could shoot through the Novonikolayevka gap, turn north and catch all of the 526th & 527th regiments, and by extension, the Der Fuhrer regiment in a trap.

[Image: 5e2ff016eeCenter1%20Day%201.jpg]

The day appeared to be going well for the 585th regiment of the 320th INF division, falling back in good order west towards Poveykovka…but as midnight approached, mobile units of the Russian 6th Army appeared behind them…so it does not look good. The STUG-IIIg’s of the divisions recon battalion are the only blocking force on the main highway at this moment. South of the highway, several companies of the regiment are moving west slowly…

[Image: 9b4e360027Center2%20Day%201.jpg]

Center-South Front
The 320th INF Division’s 586th regiment is falling back on Kun’ye and Chervona-Dolina…very little enemy action here today, just some elements of the 106th Rifle Brigade showing up by late afternoon.

[Image: c6f24db028CenterSouth1%20day%201.jpg]

South of the 586th’s retreat, the critical crossroads at Izyum has been turned into a “fortress city”. The 587th regiment from the 320th arrived by dusk to reinforce the 619th reserve regiment of the 382nd Feld Aus division. The decision was made to hold this city since the retreat routes southwest from Izyum move through terrain easily reachable by the Russians and northwest is difficult terrain to move through.

[Image: 6a34197f28CenterSouth2%20Day%201.jpg]

Southeast Front
This sector has was our only bright spot on the first day…7th Panzer held Slavyansk, with elements of 4th GDS Tank Gorp (part of Mobile Group Popov) & 197th Rifle division showing up in the northern outskirts in early afternoon…they pushed 1 km into the city but no worries yet.
To the east, 19th & 27th Panzer pushed north. 19th Pz had considerable success…trapping 3 battalions south of the river and mauling the rest of the 52nd Rifle Division, throwing it back across the Donets.

By late afternoon the river crossing was secured (The Russians engineers tore down the bridge) and the bulk of the 19th Pz slid east to support the under-staffed 27th. Terrain is against us here…there is a ridge with scant defensive terrain. We secured the hill but became engaged with 2 Guards Rifle Divisions opposite us, neither side gaining advantage. With our repulse of the 52nd to the west, they slowed their advance and did not push south by early afternoon… we will see what the morning brings.

[Image: 09e219989aSoutheast%20Day%201.jpg]
Here is the strategic overview...I could only include 10 images in the day 1 update

[Image: bd61313797turn%201%20overview.jpg]
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03-31-2011, 09:36 AM,
RE: Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign AAR
A most excellent AAR! Very informative and very entertaining to read. Kudos to you! Might I suggest some screenshots of your unit counters so we can see the combat strength and morale of your units?
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03-31-2011, 10:20 AM,
RE: Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign AAR
Yes...I plan to show more as we have more climatic action...a lot of skirmishing at the moment!
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04-02-2011, 12:08 AM,
RE: Kharkov '43 Grand Campaign AAR
Very interesting to watch! The Soviet 69th Army is predominantly Rifle Divisions but its attached Tank Brigade can cause you grief - which is very evident by the isolated Gross Deutschland units. The German units are so powerful but when spread out as per the starting positions it is hard to utilise that firepower without the Soviet forces worming around your flanks.

I am impressed how close to history you are currently playing. Das Reich made Verliky Burlok the stronghold you are planning to and split 3rd Tank from 69th Army. Ultimately the SS were forced to pull back once their flanks were threatened but not before they had launched a number of counterattacks consistant with what you have planned.

Be warned the 2nd & 3rd days is where it gets exciting - particularly in the German 298th Infantry sector.

Hope you are enjoying the scenario and I would appreciate any feedback!

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