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02-03-2009, 12:52 AM,
c_Question Mark  Events
I was looking at the events in FiTE and saw some stuff that was very wrong and it got me wondering.

In the event file can there be blank events between other events for easier reading when a scenario dump is made?

If the answer is no, can I put news events in between to act as a break? Or better yet, a news event that displays nothing in the game?
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02-03-2009, 01:29 PM,
RE: Events
There can be blank events, but it's not usually so they will be easier to read; at some point the designer has wanted to change or move or remove an event, but they are locked in sequence, and can't be moved, they can only be edited; so they can be edited into blanks, so as not to affect gameplay. You may reuse them as another event, if the sequence works, but it's often easier to leave them blank, and add new events at the end.

So you could use those as breaks, although I think the events are easy enough to read without breaks, once you get used to it.

Also, you may certainly use "news only" events, with no news bulletin, as "filler"; they will do nothing in the game.
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02-05-2009, 02:02 PM,
RE: Events
Great info. Thanks.
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02-24-2009, 11:37 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-24-2009, 11:37 PM by Amnesia.)
RE: Events
Sorry, maybe you guys already replied to the problem with other words, but I am not sure, here is my question :

Is it possible to get a way to correct a mistake in the list of events, in not being forced to restart the scenario from the begining, I know how to correct this bug, but I am lazy to restart the whole
"war in europe ver3" (from Sept 39)..The bug is simple, when I capture Tavda, instead of seeing the whole red army evaporating, this the german army which leaves !! a simple tiny mistake in the name of the unit which is supposed to disapear, in the list of events..
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02-24-2009, 11:50 PM,
RE: Events
It is very hard to fix an event and continue the game, without starting over. You have to save the move file (pbl) as a scenario file (sce); then make the fix; then begin to play. But, the game engine thinks you have started a new game, and resets the game date to the start date. So you would also have to manually change every event, which is keyed to a turn number. IE, if you restart the game at turn 40, and there's an important event at turn 50, you have to reset that event to occur on turn 10. So it might work in a simple scenario, where there aren't too many events.
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02-25-2009, 01:30 AM,
RE: Events
ha ha ha..
What is exactely what happened..I thought that I had succeded at this moment..I have been able to resume my game, with the mistake corrected, but my wermacht had decreased at the potential of september 39..which was not that bad considering that the allied had decreased the same way as well..But it was not really interesting to continu anymore then..the pb is that there is more than 450 events on this scenario.:(
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02-25-2009, 11:10 AM,
RE: Events
Did you report the bug to the designer?
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02-26-2009, 12:48 AM,
RE: Events
Actually no...Because I have the feeling that would be useless..
I am sure there is more updated versions of this scenario, and maybe a better existing scenario of the whole WWII...
But I am still a bit ignorant compared to you, and few other members..I am sure war in europe ver3 is outdated, but nobody plays on it so I can not find any info about it..
At this day, I am correcting the scenario myself, I've seen 4 bugs, and been able to fix 3 one :

1 : Dnepropetrovsk : axis supply +4 and -4 in the same time
2 : Leningrad german bloc appears in Greece (pb of coordonates)
3 : German surrender instead of russian
4 : German and italian U-boot never come (???How can I fix it ??)

I will send an email but I am sure the programer already knows these bugs..
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02-26-2009, 09:41 AM,
RE: Events
Well, I'm asking, because once these scenarios are released, they become public domain; in several cases, where the designer is not actively updating his own scenarios, we've posted the modified (corrected) versions somewhere on the web, so players won't suffer as you did, playing dozens or hundreds of moves into a scenario, only to encounter a serious game-busting bug. I'd like to have the scenario after you make those changes, and I'm sure we can find a place to post it. We would want to make it clear in the scenario briefing what the modifications are, and give credit to the original designer, but if the designer is not going to keep the scenario playable, others should be able to. That is, if it's worth saving; if as you say, there are much better scenarios, then it may not be worth the trouble. I think FITE is being actively maintained, maybe that's the way to go...
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02-27-2009, 07:48 PM,
RE: Events
Ok, so give me a several moment, because I am sure in thinking, that I can find 2 or 3 other little bugs..I also would like to make this scenario perfect, but I don't want take too important decisions concerning several data (do you remember the discussion we had by PM about the historical data ?), so, here is the other points that I find weird, but I can not decide to correct alone :

-Axis replacement too weak, and never improve after 4 year of war.
-Allied replacement insanely huge (8x more that axis)
-Axis supply decreasing by 80% in winter 41 ?? I know that winter was terrible, but still..That seems too much..And the afrika korp doesn't deserve to be so affected as well..
-Axis rail repear too slow, in the real history, we know that the wermacht was supplied by train until Stalingrad, and in "war in europe ver3" it is impossible to repear the lines so fast..
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