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Constructive discussion
01-12-2009, 11:10 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
glint Wrote:I'm gonna just play the games and check the new patches Hawk !
I agree with you, damage has been done to this site, it's a shame.
No probs matey, honest!
I just guess I'll just put my head in my arms and cower in a ditch and keep out of any discussion from now. (Actually, like others, I can't be bothered with the pernickety wranglings going on in here whenever someone brings up a subject for discussion).
Bye all !

Cheers Pete

I have no issues with you sir.


01-12-2009, 11:12 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
K K Rossokolski Wrote:I believe Ed is very supportive of much of the work that has been done, particularly in new capabilities and improvements to those already existing. He has stated so publicly on more than a few occasions. He remains staunchly opposed to the Extreme Assault variation, and the Variable Visibility. I believe him to have grave concerns as to the way he perceives CS is going, a position to which he or anyone is perfectly entitled. Certainly, some might consider his writing style prolix, but that (as yet) is not forbidden. But to state, as you do above, that "He is against any change whatsoever......" is incorrect!



01-12-2009, 04:48 PM,
RE: Constructive discussion
well it would be nice to see more players involved in discussions and keeping the blitz the hub of CS gaming.Time is a factor for some. We all share differences of opinion from time to time which isnt a bad thing....good ideas can come from such things. There is a lot of experience in these halls of the blitz.
01-12-2009, 08:41 PM,
RE: Constructive discussion
Gordons HQ Wrote:I’m finished now that’s it, that’s my final word, make of me what you will.
I'm off to my bunker now.

I shall send a box of tissues, dictionary, and thesaurus.

Other members have defended and defined my positions. For their comments ... thanks.

I take only one exception in what Gordon writes. I am not against every change. Any clear headed reading of my posts, both here and at Matrix, regarding game changes will prove that I wanted changes and improvements to the game.
My "wild" reactions and comments really came after playing that lousy bug ridden version 1.03. Some players, yet today, still do not see the problems with that version that I (and others) saw immediately following the download.
What remains wrong with the game is variable visibility, and extreme assault. It is just not within the game scale.
Variable visibility was fixed by making it optional, though I'd rather have seen it dropped altogether.
Extreme assault was a nice idea in concept but, it is too extreme and opens up cheesy game play. A "lighter" version of extreme assault could work to make the game better and would lessen the "assault, surround, and capture" tactic that some players complain about.

I like the hidden AT guns, though I think they stay hidden for too long.
I like the new units and unit graphics.
I like the new OOB's.
I like LOS as it is.
I like that the game plays on Vista and is supported by Matrix.

That being said, I trust you will be true to your words?

01-12-2009, 09:00 PM,
RE: Constructive discussion
RedDevil Wrote:The main fault of any discussion is the misuse of one's opinion to denounce another's position either thru smart ass sarcasm or petty taunts that imply an "attack" of some sorts.

I always thought it was when a person thought their opinion was more important than that of others?

RedDevil Wrote:Degeneration of threads usually begin when the 1st person to cry wolf appears and utilizes their knowledge of said rules and policies to slam the book on anything remotely inclusive. Failing to achieve the desired results thru the initial contact then results in an aggressive campaign to ridicule and denounce the opposition.

I always thought it was when a person with a position of power abuses that power by making themselves above the rules. And, by bending the rules so that some members are made to conform, and be punished by those rules, while others (who share the same view of the one in power) are allowed to flaunt, bend, and break the rules?

RedDevil Wrote:It's difficult to hold any sort of civil discussion these days thanks to political correctness and thin skinned egos. Whenever someone is ever so slightly compared to anything beyond homo sapien, an instant outburst of "personal attacks" defense arises because this is probably the only way to entice large groups of support, rather than remaining subjective to the point of debate and encourage further discussion by proving factual data and tangible results to support the questionable material.

Political correctness? It has nothing to do with the breakdown of discussion on these forums.
No one checks their egos at the door.
The definition of personal attack is contained in another thread. Read it and understand it. That is where discussion is trod down.

RedDevil Wrote:Furthermore, when your opinion is shunned or you're asked to leave the thread because of it, you should take it in stride and knock down those barriers that limit your participation by producing a more receptive delivery system and documentation to support your views.

Or, simply not accept or tolerate personal attacks and re-engage in the discussion.

RedDevil Wrote:Finally to sum it all up
Assholes are like opinions, everyone has one, but that's no reason to go *explitive deleted (to conform with club posting rules)* on everything you can.

I heard it as; Opinions are like a$$holes. Everyone has one and some stink.

01-12-2009, 10:59 PM,
RE: Constructive discussion
Thank you all for your intelligent and thought provoking points which I have read and enjoyed.

I see no need to moderate anything (RD did not explicitly swear, he merely expressed his opinion WHICH he is entitled to do).

I will leave this thread open and monitor it.

Thanks guys.
Antoni ChmielowskigGames Played : WiTP-AE, TOAW3,Gary Grigsbys War in The East/ War In The West
01-13-2009, 12:56 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion

I used to play CS a few yrs ago. I've yet to get back into it but will some day when I get the new game.

Now call me weird if you want, for that matter, call me anything you want as long as you don't call me late for dinner if I was invited. I find the argueing to be entertaining myself. Now if only people could throw in a lot of light hearted humorous jabs in there and poke fun at each other at the same time, the elevation of the entertainment would be hard to surpass. Big Grin

Stuff like Joe is living proof god ain't perfect either ruining a perfectly good asshole when he put teeth in him..........or your momma so fat, she jumped in the air and got stuck.

Lighten up people. Be serious, be mad, but be funny at times too. If not, doesn't really matter to me as I am still entertained by the argueing. Go figure. :smoke:
01-13-2009, 02:50 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
Outlaw Josey Wales Wrote:Lighten up people. Be serious, be mad, but be funny at times too. If not, doesn't really matter to me as I am still entertained by the argueing. Go figure. :smoke:

Just makes you one sick puppy, that's all. Big Grin


01-13-2009, 03:48 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
hahahahaha That's a compliment compared to a lot of the things I've been called over the years.......Big Grin
01-13-2009, 05:28 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
Hi All
I find it very interesting that many long term, grizzled veterans of this club have avoided these postings.......
Maybe that speaks to something ?

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