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Constructive discussion
01-12-2009, 12:34 AM,
Constructive discussion
I've checked over the posts re LOS that Gordon brought up.
All the guy was checking out was, simply put, Should one be able to check LOS from any hex on the map when there are no units looking from that position? Seems a sensible enough point.
Then, looking over the threads, one thread seems to have been removed, one closed.
There were some valid replies with different views and many others attacking personalities
I'm not taking sides here but, as I said before, There are probably a lot of other members of the Blitz who just don't enter into discussions because there seems to be a 'core' of members who seem to overrun the thread and, the unpleasantness that then follows is something that would put anyone off of entering into the debate?
I personally used to love reading some of the threads on here but recently, it seems that any interesting thread just degenerates.
For the sake of the site, let's keep debates polite and encourage views from everyone. Remember, as in business, new blood is vital to keep going, don't let's frighten it off!
01-12-2009, 01:05 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
The main fault of any discussion is the misuse of one's opinion to denounce another's position either thru smart ass sarcasm or petty taunts that imply an "attack" of some sorts.

Degeneration of threads usually begin when the 1st person to cry wolf appears and utilizes their knowledge of said rules and policies to slam the book on anything remotely inclusive. Failing to achieve the desired results thru the initial contact then results in an aggressive campaign to ridicule and denounce the opposition.

It's difficult to hold any sort of civil discussion these days thanks to political correctness and thin skinned egos. Whenever someone is ever so slightly compared to anything beyond homo sapien, an instant outburst of "personal attacks" defense arises because this is probably the only way to entice large groups of support, rather than remaining subjective to the point of debate and encourage further discussion by proving factual data and tangible results to support the questionable material.

Furthermore, when your opinion is shunned or you're asked to leave the thread because of it, you should take it in stride and knock down those barriers that limit your participation by producing a more receptive delivery system and documentation to support your views.

Finally to sum it all up
Assholes are like opinions, everyone has one, but that's no reason to go shitting on everything you can.
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.... "We were never to say die or surrender" -- Chard
01-12-2009, 01:50 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
glint Wrote:I've checked over the posts re LOS that Gordon brought up.
All the guy was checking out was, simply put, Should one be able to check LOS from any hex on the map when there are no units looking from that position? Seems a sensible enough point.

Agreed 100% with you Peter that it was a simple point he brought up. No issues there.

Quote:Then, looking over the threads, one thread seems to have been removed, one closed.

Actually nothing was removed as far as I can tell. As for the one that was closed: did you see the moderator's reason. G'sHQ open up a new thread for no reason (in the mod's opinion) other that he was being disagreed with.

Quote:There were some valid replies with different views and many others attacking personalities.

Unfortunately the original poster IMHO started the ball rolling in an unconstructive manner.

Quote:I'm not taking sides here but, as I said before, There are probably a lot of other members of the Blitz who just don't enter into discussions because there seems to be a 'core' of members who seem to overrun the thread and, the unpleasantness that then follows is something that would put anyone off of entering into the debate?

IMHO not entering into debate becasue someone may say something you don't like is cowardly IMHO. We are all grow ups here. If you choose to enter a debate or not enter a debate it is on you and you alone. If you ego is so fragile that it can be damaged by anyone here at the Blitz, well then it is probably best that you don't post.

Quote:I personally used to love reading some of the threads on here but recently, it seems that any interesting thread just degenerates.

:stir: Let me put a news flash out to all posters. :stir:

Mr. Roadrunner is going to post on almost any subject that is put on the Blitz, especially if it is about proposed rule changes.

Further more seeing that he is a bit of a crumedgeon ;) he does not like several of the rule changes. He is passonite about the game to the point of excess IMHO. So am I. So I tend to post a lot or not at all depending how annoyed I am at any giving time.

And lastly if you don't like what Mr. Roadrunner (or anyone else) says DO NOT respond to it. Stick to the facts if you must, don't quote him (or anyone else) or use his (or anyone elses) name. Then it CANNOT be personal.

Quote:For the sake of the site, let's keep debates polite and encourage views from everyone.

Agreed 100%, but that also includes Mr. Roadrunner. Afford him the same courtesies as anyone else.

Quote:Remember, as in business, new blood is vital to keep going, don't let's frighten it off!

Agreed again 100%, but most gaming communites have a hardcore group of yahoos in it. The Blitz is no different than anywhere else.

Bring your wit and passion; check your ego at the door.


01-12-2009, 01:52 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
RedDevil Wrote:Snip......
Finally to sum it all up
Assholes are like opinions, everyone has one, but that's no reason to go shitting on everything you can.

LMGDAO!!!! Big Grin


01-12-2009, 04:36 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
Hawk, I maybe reading your comments in the wrong context perhaps.
You bring Ed into the debate whereas I stated I'm not taking sides. I even admit that Gordon made a controversial remark that didn't help matters for him. I'm really trying to point out that the majority of views coming out in quite a few threads are those of the ''yahoo hardcore'' as you call them and it would be interesting to hear the thoughts of even the novices on the Blitz.
As for not entering into the debate, being classed as cowardly, I laugh loud, I've been a union chairman, a martial arts instructor and a manager in work organisations, there is nothing I'm afraid to take up Hawk. You're possibly missing my point, the wrangling that goes on amongst 'adults' here is possibly why other 'adults' do not bother posting?
I would emphasise that comment is not directed at any particular person/s so please do not infer that I am in any further posts, I'm just suggesting maybe we all look at the possible damage to the site being done here?
01-12-2009, 05:43 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
Ok ill step in here maybe a bad move but hell we all want our say.The board is for general topics discusions on what is right and what is not right etc with the game.Think im correct so far.If a member puts up a thread which you dont like or are offended by it send that person an e-mail stating such.For all other members read the post ignore or reply in a sensible manner hey presto problem solved.I think were all adult's here but hey i do get a few kicks when reading some of the crap that some members post.Were here to play games have an ADULT discussion and get on with life.You may not like what some members post but hell ignore it unless its a personal attack on you then go into e-mail talks with them not on the board and make things more serious.Long thread from me i need BEER DOH.
01-12-2009, 05:56 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-12-2009, 06:00 AM by Hawk Kriegsman.)
RE: Constructive discussion
glint Wrote:Hawk, I maybe reading your comments in the wrong context perhaps.

You did.

Quote:You bring Ed into the debate whereas I stated I'm not taking sides.

I took no side either. No where did I state anyone was right or anyone was wrong. I brought up Ed's name up as he was one of the two principals that caused you to start this thread.

Quote:I even admit that Gordon made a controversial remark that didn't help matters for him.

As I stated.

Quote:I'm really trying to point out that the majority of views coming out in quite a few threads are those of the ''yahoo hardcore'' as you call them and it would be interesting to hear the thoughts of even the novices on the Blitz.

I agree that all should be heard at the Blitz. I never stated otherwise. As for the yahoo hardcore comment: I said that all gaming sites have them. Go look at some Dungeons and Dragons sites sometime. Makes this site very tame in comparison.

Quote:As for not entering into the debate, being classed as cowardly, I laugh loud, I've been a union chairman, a martial arts instructor and a manager in work organisations, there is nothing I'm afraid to take up Hawk.

Then my comment would not apply to you now would it?

Quote:You're possibly missing my point, the wrangling that goes on amongst 'adults' here is possibly why other 'adults' do not bother posting?

No I did not miss your point. If anyone does not post for whatever reason then I am sorry it is their own fault. Period. If they don't post because things can become heated then I am sorry IMHO they are cowardly.

Quote:I would emphasise that comment is not directed at any particular person/s so please do not infer that I am in any further posts,

Could you please direct me to the point in my post where I said that you said anything about anyone?

Quote:I'm just suggesting maybe we all look at the possible damage to the site being done here?

Peter the damage to this site was done a long time ago.


01-12-2009, 06:27 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
I'm gonna just play the games and check the new patches Hawk !
I agree with you, damage has been done to this site, it's a shame.
No probs matey, honest!
I just guess I'll just put my head in my arms and cower in a ditch and keep out of any discussion from now. (Actually, like others, I can't be bothered with the pernickety wranglings going on in here whenever someone brings up a subject for discussion).
Bye all !
01-12-2009, 06:44 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
I really did not think my response to Mr Roadrunners comments on my LOS thread to be contentious as such. But on reflection I could see it possibly could be seen that way.

However by reading these very threads often, his views can hardly not have been made more clear to anyone who reads the CS forum.
He is against any change whatsoever to the game he loves to play.
So when he paragraph by paragraph destroys ever word of what I thought was a constructively thought out argument, it is hardly surprising that in advance I knew what he would say in response to my thread.
Nor is this the first time he has done this with something I considered to be a constructively thought out thread.
Believe me I don’t mind this as this is his opinion and that is why I posted the threads, that is to obtain peoples opinions and to give food for thought.
What I really take exception to is the fact he continues to dominate the thread usually stating over and over again the same argument.

It’s the way it’s done too pasting in paragraph after paragraph of someone else’s reply, sometimes replying to the paste and sometimes just a one liner at the end
What then happens to the thread is issues posted by others become lost in the wealth of posts by Mr Roadrunner and usually one has to read through reams and reams of posts to find any alternate views at all. It becomes what I consider to be a very boring job indeed trying to get to the meat of the argument.
We know he loves the game, is against change and sometimes I believe that’s correct way to go when things are thought out.
However it’s not to say we are all against everything and everything new being discussed is wrong or will be bad for the game.
A proper discussion is the only way to go if we think there is an issue with the game and that there is possibly a way to correct an error in the game to make it better.
Those of us who think like that have just as much right to be heard as anyone else.

I’m finished now that’s it, that’s my final word, make of me what you will.
I'm off to my bunker now.

01-12-2009, 09:06 AM,
RE: Constructive discussion
Gordons HQ Wrote:I really did not think my response to Mr Roadrunners comments on my LOS thread to be contentious as such. But on reflection I could see it possibly could be seen that way.

However by reading these very threads often, his views can hardly not have been made more clear to anyone who reads the CS forum.
He is against any change whatsoever to the game he loves to play.

(My emphasis). That is simply not so. I believe Ed is very supportive of much of the work that has been done, particularly in new capabilities and improvements to those already existing. He has stated so publicly on more than a few occasions. He remains staunchly opposed to the Extreme Assault variation, and the Variable Visibility. I believe him to have grave concerns as to the way he perceives CS is going, a position to which he or anyone is perfectly entitled. Certainly, some might consider his writing style prolix, but that (as yet) is not forbidden. But to state, as you do above, that "He is against any change whatsoever......" is incorrect!

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