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THE MAIN EVENT II! Lord Bane vs. Matteponk
12-11-2008, 01:25 AM,
I'm going to get some beers in, feet up and watch the match it's going to be a corker!
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12-11-2008, 01:38 AM,
That flanking move by the fearless Lord Baneski could be the killer stroke in this battle :kill:
It all depends on how Von Mattplonk counters this flanking move :chin:
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12-11-2008, 02:10 AM,
Yes - And here we have pics of Lord Bane's setup. I have removed the fog effect so we can see better, but it is there. Looks like Bane is going with a three pronged approach, with most of the strength in the center.

[Image: me2-30.jpg]

Closeup to the North: Three tankers await the orders to move out. There is a lack of roads from this direction - lots of snow and scattered trees - in order to ensure the success of a quick flank move without bogging he uses all vets here.

[Image: me2-33.jpg]

In the center: the main battle force. Notice Bane leads with his vets here - they will start quicker when orders are given, and fire faster and with better accuracy. His greens and conscripts will bring up the rear - this way he'll only use them against armor if he's forced to, or when Matteponk's tanks have been spotted and buttoned already. Possible trouble: He has a front line of greens pointing to the West. That's a lot of 8" snow out there for greens to cross without bogging.

[Image: me2-32.jpg]

To the South: Six more T34/85s prepare to move out. He leads again with 2 vets and a crack - they may venture straight forward into the scattered trees for a flanking move, but he will almost surely turn his two greens and conscript up the road in this weather.

[Image: me2-31.jpg]

Possible setup trouble: Some of Lord Bane's tanks in the above pic are perilously close to the map edge. If one of his lead tanks should bog, it could cause the AI to stupidly redirect his rear tanks around it to the South and off of the map. I've seen it happen before!

Coming Next: Matteponk's setup...
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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12-11-2008, 02:22 AM,
Just flapping my mouth really but if LB's plan is to win the battle then clean up the flags later his flanking hooks might well be deeper than you've drawn? Driving full bore into town like that isn't going to flank anything.
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12-11-2008, 05:15 AM,
Or has LB re-thought his battle plan?
He originally said that he'd send 12 tanks down the MPs right flank, (LBs left), but now we see only 6 on that flank, and 12 straight down the centre.
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12-11-2008, 08:02 PM,
LOL The Main Event DAR has replaced the Washington Post website as my only morning reading before going off to work. Great stuff Der Kuentsler.
"A bad plan is still better than no plan at all." -- Mikhail Tal

[Image: pzV.jpg]
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12-12-2008, 02:07 AM,
He he - eh, news is overrated!

Meanwhile back at the front we have Matteponk's German setup. Looks like the bulk of his forces will be heading for the flags, with a fairly strong battle group in the North:

[Image: me2-35.jpg]

To the North: Matteponk leads with one of his regular Pz IV70s. From the angle it is pointed it appears as if he's going to use the available road to zip this Company led uberplatoon into the North side of town. This platoon contains 3 vet grenadier squads and three vet and crack MG42s. It is led by crack Company HQ Mogg, who is a +2 in every bonus except stealth, where he's +1. Looks like MP is planning here to use the LR firepower of these units to pin and disrupt Bane's foot soldiers as they approach. The severed Platoon HQ units will probably accompany the MG straight into some trees to guard the North flank.

[Image: me2-36.jpg]

Central force: The only vet AFV Matteponk has is leading the way here, a Pz IV70 followed by its regular HQ IV70. These have vet SMG riders and a MG42 rider. Are they headed for the central church? Notice Matteponk lines up his platoons in single file like Herroberst did in the first Main Event. I can see why the platoon HQs are in back - they walk a little faster and need protection - but why are the others single file? Could it be if the first squad comes under fire the trailing squads are still free to adjust?

[Image: me2-37.jpg]

South central: Another Company led uberplatoon rides theses AFVs - containing vet grenadiers and three MG42s - identical to the force to the North. This force is also led by a Pz IV70.

[Image: me2-39.jpg]

Southern flank: Matteponk has one Grenadier platoon on the left - but look at all the real estate left open to the South. He hasn't put anyone there to guard it.

[Image: me2-38.jpg]

There's nothing left to do now but fight - German soldiers have written their letters home and await their orders in the piercing cold.

[Image: 2636235.jpg]
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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12-12-2008, 04:04 AM,
Re: single file: yes, single file when you don't expect contact allows you to take better advantage of terrain cover, wind the file around obstacles quicker and move faster as well as avoid getting the whole platoon pinned down by fire - a computer wargame version of travelling overwatch.
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12-13-2008, 12:16 AM,
herroberst Wrote:Re: single file: avoid getting the whole platoon pinned down by fire - a computer wargame version of travelling overwatch.

That surprises me. I always thought that moving the squads side bij side (with a decent distance between the squads) was the way to prevent the whole platoon getting pinned down. After all when the leading squad is shot at some of the pixel bullets will whiz by and land in/near the following squad(s) and pin them too. Right ?
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12-13-2008, 12:59 AM,
BertBlitzkrieg (FGM) wrote:

Quote:After all when the leading squad is shot at some of the pixel bullets will whiz by and land in/near the following squad(s) and pin them too. Right ?

Hmmm... That's interesting.

I don't think infantry fire is tracked with the same kinetic model as tank fire... It's my understanding that infantry fire is like mortar fire: When it hits the ground, it inflicts a level of suppression and damage to all those who occupy that ground... Bullets are not tracked like individual tank shells as they fly through the air.. They hit the ground and have a (circular?, square?) blast radius... Bullets will not whiz by and hit follow up squads.

The actual bullet in flight is just a visual goodie, and not actually individually tracked. I think that's how it works, but I could be wrong...
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