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Assault Rules...Outcome
08-09-2008, 11:10 AM,
RE: Assault Rules...Outcome
Jason Petho Wrote:[quote=Silkster53]
No where did I say I would not try it?

Jason Petho Wrote:No where did you say you would?

I was merely suggesting to give it a whirl when they are available.


Silkster53 Wrote:You say 50%, then I'll take you at your word. If it plays to 90% then I'll take Huib at his word.

Jason Petho Wrote:I stated it was subjective. With the glitches fixed and the new math I believe you'll see a 50% difference.

Subjective and math go so well together?

Silkster53 Wrote:Did you not understand what I wrote?

Jason Petho Wrote:Obviously not.

Ugh and ugh.

Silkster53 Wrote:Now you want to play with my words? And, try to go on an offshoot of designers who have changed their styles?
C'mon, I expect better.

Jason Petho Wrote:That is how I interpreted your words and responded to that interpretation.

*shakes head*

Silkster53 Wrote:Don't bring up armor facing. That option does not fundamentally change the game.

Jason Petho Wrote:To some it does.

Hmmmm. I've never, ever heard anyone say as much.
Except for Huib who has complained about the armor facing effects within the scale of the game, but he also had issues with the scale of time and space of the game also, with (as I understood) the scenario designer could make a single game represent days and hours and not minutes. I'm sure if I misunderstand that he will correct me?
I've used armor facing on or off as per my opponent's request. Personally I like it on. Though most game results were never affected by either it's use or lack of use.

08-09-2008, 11:28 AM,
RE: Assault Rules...Outcome
Silkster53 Wrote:The thoughts of Matrix constantly tinkering with the game engine leaves me somewhat underwhelmed.
I think that the longevity of the game was based in people making mods and creating new scenarios. But, that is one players opinion.
I do not remember one person changing the game engine and having it universally accepted. Though, I could be wrong.

So, if Matrix will add new campaigns and scenarios, along with units, graphics, and other mods, it will go a long way to further the game.
There is a big difference to me between adding to ... and changing ... the game.


I wouldn't expect a change to please everyone. And I would expect Matrix to continue to tinker with the new assault rules for a while but not indefinitely. Matrix is still trying to get its first modification off the ground.

It is Matrix's game, and if Matrix turns it into something we don't like, we can always walk away. Matrix could sit tight and not change the game, but Matrix chose not to. That's the owner's prerogative. Like it or not, we're along for the ride. Matrix has already responded by making the rules optional. To the extent we don't like the new rules (or the old ones), we can always petition for new changes.
08-09-2008, 12:30 PM,
RE: Assault Rules...Outcome
It's amazing how this thread is, like the others, being basically how one person feels about it, no-one else seems to be saying much anymore and perhaps, like me are put off even discussing it. Maybe many are quite happy to see what Matrix achieves with the changes. Some of us are even playing games with the V1.03 with no problems as yet, I even carried out an assault with engineers and infantry against units in a fort and eliminated them first attempt, so I'm happy so far.
I think this uneven debate is unfair on the people trying their' best for the community, if one doesn't like the Matrix solution, play the old Talonsoft.
As someone said before, it's getting like propaganda on this thread, so much repetition, everyone's going to believe it?
Anyway, for one who has always played for the fun, win or lose, this blitzkrieg of a thread has really put me off, it's totally unpleasant and I think the custodians should step in now.
08-09-2008, 08:14 PM,
RE: Assault Rules...Outcome
I must say I agree with glint.

Enough already.

Take this debate to PM's please.

Soon everyone can have an option of original assault rules or extra crispy assault rules.

I think this thread has run its course.


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