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Rating scenarios without any self reflection
10-22-2007, 10:20 PM,
Rating scenarios without any self reflection
I must say it's really motivating to keep designing scenarios when you read some comments on scenarios. Makes one want to withdraw all scns here instantly. :( and like Earl, give the scn files only to those who appreciate them.

See the latest comments on "Battle of the Outposts" there for everybody to see....

Well I have no wish to hang around here any longer.
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10-22-2007, 11:33 PM,
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
How does one see the comments on the scenarios? I know I made a comment when I posted a result the other day, and I can't see it on the full scenario info screen.

Huib, I'd recommend just letting the occasional bad comment just go, and not getting so worked up about it. I see mostly balanced ratings and mostly medium to high scores, with two outliers. Maybe someone was bitter about a loss, maybe something strange happened (without the players realizing it) that completely screwed the game up.
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10-22-2007, 11:58 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-23-2007, 12:04 AM by RedDevil.)
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
The trails and tribulations of a scenario designer is similar to that of an author, you will never please all the critics and must live on the fruits of the few who enjoy your works.

To give up and become non-accepting of criticisms only leads to a narrow avenue of success, if any at all.
The energy and effort you give into each of your works is a true measure of your devotion to what you enjoy most out of life. Standing out in the stage of life with a determined will to succeed and not giving in to the whims and whines of lesser souls will bring you the ultimate satisfaction and absolution.

I give you many thanks for your continued efforts here, I do hope you will reconsider your last thoughts and brush aside the negativity. Your work is greatly appreciated in all the communities you dwell upon here by far many more than those who do not.
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.... "We were never to say die or surrender" -- Chard
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10-23-2007, 12:06 AM,
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
Panther Bait Wrote:How does one see the comments on the scenarios? I know I made a comment when I posted a result the other day, and I can't see it on the full scenario info screen.

When pulling up the Scenario Information screen, there is a box of stars in the upper left corner. Click on it to read comments left by players.
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.... "We were never to say die or surrender" -- Chard
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10-23-2007, 01:10 AM,
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
Strange - one positive comment and the two negative comments contradict each other, sounds like sore losers to me;)
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10-23-2007, 01:15 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-23-2007, 01:16 AM by Hawk Kriegsman.)
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
Huib Wrote:I must say it's really motivating to keep designing scenarios when you read some comments on scenarios. Makes one want to withdraw all scns here instantly. :( and like Earl, give the scn files only to those who appreciate them.

See the latest comments on "Battle of the Outposts" there for everybody to see....

Well I have no wish to hang around here any longer.

Ok I remember when you did this about a year ago and I was positive toward you, but I have no patience for the people around her with their I am not being treated well so I am leaving!

So both barrels for you Huib!

I reviewed the comments of 29 of your scenarios (ones listed by your first and last name) and here are the results of comments on your scenarios:

26 overwhelmingly positive comments on the scenarios

9 neutral comments with suggestions on what they think needs to be improved

2 negative comments (one of which complained about too much infanty)

So I look at this and say where is the beef? Of 36 comments you have 26 positives! 70%! If you remove the neutrals it is 93%!! What the hell do you want 100%? Its not going to happen.

If you want to take your ball and jacks and go home fine.

It makes you look like whiney adolescent in need of constant praise.

Grow Up!

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10-23-2007, 06:38 AM,
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
I've heard words like, "this sucks" and "that is totally unbalanced" and "why do you bother creating scenarios if they are like this". Eek
Why do I spend my time now converting some of my designs to the Matrix edition?
Why do I bother? :chin:
Because I want to! I did not make the scenarios for anybody in particular.

I recently completed a Huib design, the one named in this thread, and I made negative comments because I found it to be tedious. After ten short turns, that felt like a hundred, the game ended in a draw (that's a tie Wolfman, no winner or loser). My opponent pressed me all the way. I felt the very design favored the Germans. But, most likely it should have done so?
I've also played a couple other Huib designs that were ended early by me and/or my opponent because it lacked something we wanted in a game we play. Nor did I comment upon them.

I'm not a very good player. But, I have an eye for scenarios. I can "feel" that a scenario is balanced in my bones. I've rarely been wrong. Though others might disagree. :rolleyes: I also know what I do not like in some scenario designs. I'm one who plays for fun. I may rack up plenty of games and my opponents know that I do not keep my eye on my win/loss ratio. It's fun to win, when you win, not if you have to win to have fun?
But, if you do not have fun and do not feel challenged, sometimes you need to make a comment?

Plainly I did not like this one scenario. Sorry.
If I cannot make a comment because someone's feelings will get hurt, and they will take their ball and leave, then something is wrong?
I believe it is not a wrong with me or my opponent.
As in winning, if you are someone that needs 100% praise when clearly not all are going to give that praise to you, then I cannot help you.

I would prefer you to "buck it up" and stay.

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10-23-2007, 03:51 PM,
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
A coincidence that I just finished a PBEM game with this scenario today.

I thought it was a nice little scenario. My feeling is that if the Dutch make a fighting withdrawal and not try to hold the initial line it woud be very hard for the Germans to rush in and get a major victory in the 10 turns alloted them.

Everyone has their likes and dislikes and there will also be negative comments, sometimes even justified ones. Just keep up with the good work. I was really grateful to find a scenario with some minor Allies in it.
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10-23-2007, 08:08 PM,
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
Good points Cole.
Normally I would not have commented, in this thread, at all.
But, the header "Rating scenarios without any self reflection" seemed to imply something the designer wanted to put forth that ruffled my feathers. A subtle put down?

How about a little designer "self reflection"?
How about a little designer understanding that the comments reflected the "experience of the individual player"?

As Hawk stated, this has come up before.
As you stated, you enjoyed the scenario and appreciated that minor countries were represented.

My guess is that the designer will not take his own advice and use a little "reflection" to see that there are negatives and positives in all scenario designs. Focus on the one negative and he will not be able to enjoy any positives?
As Hawk pointed out, the majority of comments were solidly positive.

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10-23-2007, 11:40 PM,
RE: Rating scenarios without any self reflection
I'm currently working on a large scenario with my buddy, Keif149.
We are play-testing it and enjoying it immensely.
The intention is to get it right, if possible and put it up to the blitz for others to enjoy, if they desire to play it.
If they like it or not is irrelevant, we have designed something that we enjoyed doing and can only hope others will get the same enjoyment.
If they think it sucks, then that's their right, it won't spoil the fun we both had designing it!
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