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Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]
04-17-2007, 08:23 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-17-2007, 08:29 PM by Occam.)
Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]

With Elxaime, Indragnir and Mafooo
With Musashi, Outlaw Jose Wales and Greg

Wp and Nato forces have met and engaged in 1st and 2nd turns of
'Total war in Germany' scenerio by Tazaaron.
And it's looking like a lot of fun.

When game has progressed i will post first map and situ on
what is happening.
Nato seems a tight unit..
WP? When they want to talk, they will.


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04-17-2007, 08:34 PM,
RE: Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]
sounds like you're all having a great time - it's good

to see Aaron's work put to such good use. ah, what

an enjoyable hobby we chose...
'Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.'
- Groucho Marx
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04-17-2007, 09:32 PM,
RE: Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]
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04-17-2007, 11:08 PM,
RE: Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]
sure you the WP if you survive at this war you will discover the real information of the Gulag

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05-11-2007, 06:00 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-11-2007, 06:42 PM by Occam.)
RE: Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]
Update [tazaaron's War in germany 2]

Nato stands firm. [ day 2. morning tea]

The mindless hoards of the 'manifesto'.
Have launched their war machine westward.
If furious combat have we free peoples of the west resisted
their advances.
Except for natasha, who wheedled nato secrets from Northag
last night. LOL [lucky bastard]
Few could resist her sultry slavic demeanour, [except bond]

In the north the WP seems inert.
In the center they battle for position but can turn no flank.
In the south they have advanced well but now face the result of the
US millitary industrial complex. [yossarian tells milo to stop doing that]
The WP tries hard to be gamey with Helo-inf.. we defeat them.
The harriers and jaguars break their airlandings

Berlin stands untouched after a short period of fruitless fire
by those that want a united germany under german rule.
The east germans.

The WP believes we will fall back and bleed till no blood is left.

I almost feel sorry for them. Poor godless peasants.
Decendants of the stable keepers of the romanovs.
They will always be 'new money' or even 'slightly' worse.
Illiterate thugs.


A great scenerio. please do update it tazaaron

99% of everything is crap.. [theodore sturgeon]

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05-11-2007, 08:11 PM,
RE: Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]
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05-12-2007, 03:14 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-12-2007, 03:29 AM by Occam.)
RE: Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]

Of course you will resort to statistics.

This many that and that many this.
If the RAF had 'believed' in statistics. Would the germans have won
the battle of britain?

After you lowered the 'iron curtain'. When we had the 'bomb'
and you did not. Did we attack? NO

We the free peoples of the west suggest that the peoples of the WP dont want dialectic materialism.
They want Hungry Jacks and Walmart.
Chevy impalas and BMW 3 series.

Your empire will be the 1st in history to collapse because
it could not give it's people a decent car or a good burger. ;)

Soviet communism is truley naive.


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05-12-2007, 03:26 AM,
RE: Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]
Indeed, actually working on it now, maybe next weekend i finish and get it out. Changes r or will be.

1.Moved 4th canandian mech south to Gelnhaussen (historical) and assigned to 5 corps.

2.Deleted my phantom bdes in Nato the 197th and the 26 fallschirmajer bde (not Historical)

3.Modified oob to use Volcano mans alt art pack a and b.

4.82nd takes 18 hours longer to fully deploy less troops jumping in over longer peirod, moved one of there drop zones

5. Made 101st not airmobile, did this for those gamey situations (not that anyone would do that) i did increase foot speed to help reflect the use of helos.

6. MAJOR RECONSTRUTION done to the dutch oob using the great work by Hans on northag-north Winter War Scenarios if u have downloaded this u have the extra grapics already.

7. MAJOR CHANGES done to the Danes oob, ive done my research and ive found that alot of those little units were just for coastal defence so i eliminated them from game, the danes r much cleaned up now but they liked to intergrate arm, mech even down to company level so still plenty of liitle units just alot less. added first bde of the jutland division, jutland div will be only danes represented in the game and since they were based off map except for hq they r now all reinforcements that show up over a period of 2.0 days starting with the bde in Haderslev then Viborg then Aalborg, each city is farther up the penisula (historical)

8. Change berlin oob ( no more west germans)

this yet to be done

9. Change ace mobile oob

10. Make 101st a strategy (operation Screaming Eagle) with 3 options on deployment

I think thats it but that could change

Rangers Lead the Way
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05-12-2007, 03:55 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-12-2007, 04:14 AM by Occam.)
RE: Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]
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05-12-2007, 05:04 AM,
RE: Red Star-White Star. Total war in germany. [2]
it is a great game but all games have their flaws and the helo situation is one of them both in use and in gamey situations, i would be great to airlift the 101st behind enemy lines but if u look at it in the gamey situation and in the fact that this isnt the ia drang or iraq where u have complete air superiorty, this is germany 1985, for one the soviets had migs, helos and that little thing called the sa-7, it could have made a airassault behind the lines very costly. Plus the 101st only had air assets to lift roughly one company per battalion and its impossable to portray that under current rules. and unless the rules r changed i dont c much alterative, on the other hand foot speed is higher so they will move faster than a regular foot unit and u will be able to deploy them through the strategy to 3-4 different parts of germany but as in the 82nd its going to take an extra day or 2 to fully deploy

Thanks Aaron
Rangers Lead the Way
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