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Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
07-30-2006, 10:27 AM,
Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
Anyone played this HTH? Is it decently balanced?
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07-30-2006, 10:40 AM,
RE: Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
Sorry for the double post.
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07-30-2006, 12:11 PM,
RE: Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
I'm playing two pbem games of this currently both as Russians (1 is a team game). At turn 45 and turn 33 so none of the "rescue" units have been released yet. Pocket has not been formed in either game but I think there is no stopping it. I think it will be a matter of how much is in the pocket at turn 50-60 an can it be destroyed by turn 125 or so...SS and rescue forces are pretty strong so they could probably effect the rescue but we'll see -- Russia has lots of infantry. I'd recommend this game, but perhaps my axis opponents would like to chime in with their view.

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07-30-2006, 01:02 PM,
RE: Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
Hi I Am playing the Russians have more or less crushed all the Romanian and German divisions that stayed and fought instead of retreating and am on turn 55 and are moving my divsions in the Far Northwset of Stalingrad they are driving South have made contact so far with the Death head Division and almost have them trapped probably they will be destoryed before another division can get to them not trying to form a big pocket with the Forces from the Northwest and just plan to drive south and make contact with the rescuing Panzer Divsions because if they are fighting me there they cant get to Stalingrad. The South have punched through and am making a short hook to meet up with the forces just to the north of Stalingrad and hopefully will have a solid pocket by around at latest turn 100 then can begin grinding battle to crush the Stalingrad pocket .In Stalingrad it self am not fighting becuase you can fire and fire and you just dont get any casualties IMHO so will just sit and wait until Stalingrad becomes isolated then i will attack city.

But of course my German opponent will be trying to stop me
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07-31-2006, 03:29 PM,
RE: Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
I have one game going with the variant and one without. My game as German is probably on turn 70 or so, and I think this version of Uranus is probably the only balanced option. Without those extra Pzs, I don't think the Germans have a chance.

"When in doubt, lash out."
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07-31-2006, 11:58 PM,
RE: Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
I've seen the russian "5th Mech Corps" in the "Chir river" scn which starts around 12 December (within the campaigns timeframe), but this unit is not available for the russians in the campaigns as far as I know. Why? It would be even necessary in trying to contend the SS.
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08-01-2006, 09:01 AM,
RE: Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
I'm playing Fury as the Axis in one of his games. And it's not looking good. I decided to make a disciplined withdrawal from Stalingrad and make a run to the southwest. Unfortunately, Fury's dogged advance has all but destroyed my northern wing, and the South is starting to buckle.
At this point, it appears that there's very little I can do to avoid the inevitable envelopment. In fact, it's very likely, that many of my units wont even make it to the main pocket. And, what forces make it into the main pocket will be worn down and decimated. It's not looking like the SS are going to have anything to rescue.
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08-01-2006, 11:00 AM,
RE: Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
So far in my game i dont think the extra SS Panzer Grenadier Divisions are going to change the final outcome
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08-01-2006, 01:05 PM,
RE: Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
A partner and I are playing Germans in this one too, against Fury and Larry Bouton. At this point, outside of the near total destruction of one German Inf division, and some beating up of 1 Mot and 1 Panzer div, along with the near total loss of the Rumanians, things aren't in too bad of shape. Destroyed one Soviet rifle division early on.

As Fury stated, the pocket will form but right now we think we will have something left to rescue. But a lot of it depends on the what they do with their tanks, as they are the unstoppable force it appears. A fun battle so far, but the key question is surviving in the pocket - if the Soviets don't have to form an outer ring and just go for the kill, the pocket doesn't have a chance of holding out until relief arrives.

[Image: exercise.png]
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08-02-2006, 07:33 AM,
RE: Thoughts on Uranus SS variant?
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