One thing that always bothered me with the WDS games was the taskbar down the bottom.
It keep coming up when i moved to bottom of screen.
I have it in hide mode ,where it only pops up when you hover down bottom of screen.
I found a Steam App that seems to solve this problem.
It makes Windowed games ,what it calls Borderless Fullscreen.
I bought it to play TOAW4 ,the operational art of war 4,since this taskbar issue was very frustrating.
But I sorta got same problem with my Squad Battles games as well, and just sorta lived with it.
I just tested the app works for at least 2 Squad Battles games I tried it on,
Dien Bien Phu and AOTR.
I assume it works on them all.
The app is on Steam ,it is pretty cheap ,maybe check it out and buy it.
It is a bit hard to show in screenshot ,but there is a before and after screenie.
In the 2nd screenie I need to alt tab to access desktop ,and the task bar is nowhere to be seen or touched in the fullscreen game.