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Dev's fan club
01-23-2007, 02:58 PM,
RE: Dev's fan club
Erm....not really. If your THAT worked up about something Geordie did why not at least be man enough to attack him AT the Fragment forum where at least he has the chance to defend himself rather than hiding behind Mummy's skirt over here.

- falco.
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01-23-2007, 03:14 PM,
RE: Dev's fan club
Col Tal, I don't think any particular life threatening injustice is going on in this present situation, although in the past I have felt that important points of principle were involved. I am just stupefied at the ludicrousness of the present affairs.

Whoever this Carmen Miranda troll is has a lot to answer for, pushing Randy's buttons just when all seemed to be heading back to a welcome normality. The Fragment forums were all nice and quiet, and so were the Blitz forums. I was a happy lad. Randy was presumably happy. Everyone was happy.

Now Randy is actually starting to copy and paste Fragment posts here, but carefully minus their context. How can this end anywhere good? Just.......don't.

You'll note I haven't dissected Randy's post in great detail because I'm just blimin sick to death of it. I'm going home to have some dinner and see the wifey and brats and experience normal life.

Great post Herr Schacht.
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01-23-2007, 03:52 PM,
RE: Dev's fan club
RedDevil Wrote:But it's going full speed over on fagment! over 120 posts on the issue! They can't let it drop over there, but their posters want to come over here and "put an end to this injustice".

So it's only ok over there, but not here?

when you weenies stop calling me names and trashing this site and stop trying to get a new moderator in here who will let you make this forum go to shit for your personal fun time, then perhaps it could be "left go"

Now we got alias' showing up trying to start problems and guests doing the same, but that's ok?

OH, BTW sandwell is a btinternet hub, sometimes the ips can trace past it, most times not, and the IP was a setup that worked well, as any half competent webmaster should have known, and since old carmen couldn't email me, I'm betting he/she is half competent, because that email would give me some info that can't be hidden or manipulated as any half competent person would know. And yes, we can track IPs just as much as anyone with the programs can.
Well first of all, I never called you any names prior to you posting this, and secondly I have told all the Fragment guys to let it drop.

But truthfully, I don't care one way or the other. However, it would be better for the CM community if it was dropped.
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01-24-2007, 01:55 AM,
RE: Dev's fan club
McIvan Wrote:Whoever this Carmen Miranda troll is has a lot to answer for, pushing Randy's buttons just when all seemed to be heading back to a welcome normality. The Fragment forums were all nice and quiet, and so were the Blitz forums. I was a happy lad. Randy was presumably happy. Everyone was happy.

I agree completely with this statement.... I thought we had put this debacle behind us and moved on until this poster turned up pushed the right buttons and started this clusterfuck.

It was obviously pre-meditated with the aim being to rid the Blitz of Randys moderation or on an even greater scale and a hell of a lot more sinister to bring down the Blitz CM Ladder.

As you say McIvan you were happy, Randy was happy and the membership were happy.... and now this.

I think its laughable to come to this over a game and a few personality clashes. There is nothing to be gained from it... FraGMent have their forum and their ladder and their way of doing things as does the Blitz.

Best just to agree that we dont agree and move on.

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01-24-2007, 04:46 AM,
RE: Dev's fan club
Oh man this IS getting old. I should not even post, but I think I have to. First people coming over here and doing this crap is bullshit, and should be stopped. Randy is not stepping down, no matter what they do, so why try and push his buttons even more, and attempts to force this issue will go nowhere, of that I am sure. So it is Randy we have, and Randy we have to live with as moderator. Second, for the good of the Blitz and the CM comunity in general, I think Randy SHOULD delete those posts, but I think Randy SHOULD NOT post here about it, delete them and go on...and let this die man. Like I said before this is emotion, no logical. Next I agree with falco, stop posting here about what they are doing and get over there and kick someone's ass. This entire thread should be trashed, it is just stirring the pot.
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01-24-2007, 05:14 AM,
RE: Dev's fan club
Isnt it the case that the word Moderator is derived from the word Moderation.

How much moderation is being excercised? Shouldnt forum modding be done in moderation by defninition?

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01-24-2007, 05:54 AM,
RE: Dev's fan club
There's a lot of good posts in this thread! :)
If any member posts anything here from Fragment....DELETE IT!
And don't quote anything from there either. We all know they are trying to wind you up but if nothing is mentioned here, in the end they will give up.
As for this pathetic Carmen thing, same again...DELETE IT OR THEM!
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01-24-2007, 06:54 AM,
RE: Dev's fan club
I agree, we gotta let this thing go. If the faithful here did not like the job that you do, we would let you know or you would know by the lack of usage of this section of theBlitz. Just do what you have to do and leave it be. If Mad Russian does not want his scenarios being U/L'd here by users, well tell us that, we don't need all the other goings on and who said what to who and how they said it and whatever goes on between the lines. Same with the banned members, just remove 'em and walk away. You are wasting too much of your time with all the banter and counter banter that goes on, I know you would rather do other things with your time, so ....
Keep up the good work and leave the banter to professionals; us, I am sure we can keep you busy enough.:)
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01-26-2007, 01:04 AM,
RE:��Dev's fan club
Ratzki Wrote:I agree, we gotta let this thing go. If the faithful here did not like the job that you do, we would let you know or you would know by the lack of usage of this section of theBlitz. Just do what you have to do and leave it be. If Mad Russian does not want his scenarios being U/L'd here by users, well tell us that, we don't need all the other goings on and who said what to who and how they said it and whatever goes on between the lines. Same with the banned members, just remove 'em and walk away. You are wasting too much of your time with all the banter and counter banter that goes on, I know you would rather do other things with your time, so ....
Keep up the good work and leave the banter to professionals; us, I am sure we can keep you busy enough.:)

Hear, hear to that!! If they want to sling mud, them them do it in their own back yard, let's not get involved over here.
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