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Save movement costs doesn't always work
12-20-2020, 09:34 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-20-2020, 09:35 AM by ComradeP.)
Save movement costs doesn't always work
I might be overlooking something simple, but this is something that has been bugging me for a while: save movement costs doesn't always work. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't. There's no error prompt when it doesn't work, it just...doesn't work. It refuses to save the movement cost and normal movement range is displayed.

Does save movement costs always work for everyone else?
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12-20-2020, 09:46 AM,
RE: Save movement costs doesn't always work
I have noticed that it consistently does not seem work for certain units. Heavy artillery and HQ's above a certain level I think but I have never made a study of it. If you are finding that it fails in a random manner, that is not something I have encountered.
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12-20-2020, 10:26 AM,
RE: Save movement costs doesn't always work
The only time it hasn't worked for me is when a unit hits an undetected minefield, or encounters an unknown unit that opportunity fires and disrupts it. Otherwise, it always works for me.
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12-20-2020, 03:12 PM,
RE: Save movement costs doesn't always work
Artillery is messed up, I think - but it seems to limit it too much. And not all artillery. I believe what happens with that is it saves the cost of one fire, or half the movement, and so stops too soon. That is with default rules. No idea but maybe the options fire rules for artillery mess it up.

Otherwise, as larsonney said, it can get messed up by other things - interdiction can cost extra movement too and leave a unit stranded.

I don't recall ever having a problem with anything else.
[Image: exercise.png]
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12-20-2020, 04:37 PM,
RE: Save movement costs doesn't always work
The problem that ComradeP and I are referring to is not about something getting messed up during movement but about the inability to save movement costs prior to moving. As he says " It refuses to save the movement cost and normal movement range is displayed."

I have seen this on a number of occasions. But exactly what the criteria are that create this situation, I have no idea. As I mentioned it seems to only ever occur with certain units types but obviously there is more to it than that as these unit types do not always have this problem.

It is odd but it is also very rare so I would not say it is a big issue.
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12-21-2020, 12:30 AM,
RE: Save movement costs doesn't always work
Is it possible the arty is one that takes all movement to change modes?
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12-21-2020, 05:05 AM,
RE: Save movement costs doesn't always work
I have noticed that it happens with some HQ but never but never bothered to study it.
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12-21-2020, 05:13 AM,
RE: Save movement costs doesn't always work
In Bulge Herbstnebel there are a few HQ's (US) which do not save movement points. The only thing that I can see different about them is that they do not have any AA values set? 

The supply units in this scenario do not save movement points either but I think that is standard. They do not have AA values.

Which rings a bell because I remember playing a scenario made by someone which had Supply Units which did save movement points and in his notes he said that in order to do so he had to assign an unusal value to the unit?

However as with many things these days....I may be havering............
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12-21-2020, 05:17 AM,
RE: Save movement costs doesn't always work
HQ can save MPs in some titles, but not in all of them. I'm not sure what the criteria is for that, but in FWWC, for example, they cannot do this.

The artillery is not mysterious, though, and is consistent. In the PzC titles, all heavy artillery takes an entire turn to deploy, so that saving MPs effectively allows them to move zero hexes. (Other artillery doesn't have this restriction.)

Beyond that, I've never seen any anomalies with this feature.
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