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Matrix question
08-16-2007, 09:37 AM,
Matrix question
I just got in my matix version and was dicking (technical term) around with it. I got a couple questions. Why were the arty spotter aircraft give such a high assault factor. 10 is huge. I have them in DGVN and they have zero assault factor as they are only lightly to unarmed aircraft. I was able to assault a train with them and take it out, LOL.

Also on the topic of trains. Just put in a couple on the existing maps. On both I tried the elevation factors were too high on the existing RR tracks for the trains to move on. Developers will have to closely watch that.

I also ran into a problem getting the programs to even go into the editor. Not sure what is up with that but got no response errors like 4 out 5 tries and had to open the editor directly from the XP folder instead of via the menu.

Thoughts anyone?

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08-16-2007, 09:56 AM,
RE: Matrix question
majog Wrote:I just got in my matix version and was dicking (technical term) around with it. I got a couple questions. Why were the arty spotter aircraft give such a high assault factor. 10 is huge. I have them in DGVN and they have zero assault factor as they are only lightly to unarmed aircraft. I was able to assault a train with them and take it out, LOL.

An error on my part, they will be remedied in 1.03.

majog Wrote:Also on the topic of trains. Just put in a couple on the existing maps. On both I tried the elevation factors were too high on the existing RR tracks for the trains to move on. Developers will have to closely watch that.

I have a bad habit of using my own maps for testing, they have an elevation of 10 metres, usually, and always worked. Keep in mind, that trains can't go up relatively steep grades, or even moderate grades for that matter.

majog Wrote:I also ran into a problem getting the programs to even go into the editor. Not sure what is up with that but got no response errors like 4 out 5 tries and had to open the editor directly from the XP folder instead of via the menu.

Hmm, that is weird. I have short cuts to all of the editors (takes so long accessing them from the menu) and they all function no problem. I am also using XP.

Are you patched to 1.02B standards?

Jason Petho
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08-16-2007, 09:57 AM,
RE: Matrix question
Off topic,

Has David managed to get a hold of you recently??

Jason Petho
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08-16-2007, 06:31 PM,
RE: Matrix question

No have not heard from David at all in almost a year now. I know he has my contact info as I got the matrix cd he sent.

Yes I have the latest patches accourding to the game and web site. It just says 1.02 so don't know if it is the b version. I will keep playing with it. On the RR issues I hear you on the grade. It is just something most developers will have to keep in mind. I have the same issue with a heuy's in DGVN. I try to keep the elevation under 10 per now.

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08-16-2007, 06:35 PM,
RE: Matrix question
Just out of curiousity how come, the airfield aircraft that were put in that can only be moved by loading them, were designed not to be able to fly like the ones in DGVN. They do have a fire and defense factor? Suggest in 1.03 that if they are just fix ground window dressing and will not be able to fly to give them the same defense and fire value of trucks as they would just be sitting ducks and not able to aim or fire if they could. Just my opinion and you know how that is.... every one has one, lol.
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08-16-2007, 11:05 PM,
RE: Matrix question
majog Wrote:Just out of curiousity how come, the airfield aircraft that were put in that can only be moved by loading them, were designed not to be able to fly like the ones in DGVN.

That is correct, they were designed not to be able to fly, no move. I will see about getting that corrected.

majog Wrote:They do have a fire and defense factor?

They do and are supposed to.

majog Wrote:Suggest in 1.03 that if they are just fix ground window dressing and will not be able to fly to give them the same defense and fire value of trucks as they would just be sitting ducks and not able to aim or fire if they could. Just my opinion and you know how that is.... every one has one, lol.

Duly noted. lol

Jason Petho
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08-16-2007, 11:08 PM,
RE: Matrix question
majog Wrote:Jason:

No have not heard from David at all in almost a year now. I know he has my contact info as I got the matrix cd he sent.
Hmm, alright. I will send him an email reminding him to get a hold of you.

majog Wrote:Yes I have the latest patches accourding to the game and web site. It just says 1.02 so don't know if it is the b version.
There is a B version available here:


majog Wrote:I will keep playing with it. On the RR issues I hear you on the grade. It is just something most developers will have to keep in mind. I have the same issue with a heuy's in DGVN. I try to keep the elevation under 10 per now.

Duly noted!

Hope you're well
Jason Petho
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08-17-2007, 09:33 AM,
RE: Matrix question

another stupid question... How come the planes have a minimum range? Also why are the German tanks not loadable now they there are troop trains to carry them? also are the flack train guns supposed to have the Armor killing range that they do. They act like 88mm guns on rails. I thought they were more like the 20mm AA guns? Not being critical just asking. Also still can't get the edit oob to work from the main menus.

While I am on a wish list thing. Is there any way to patch the oob thing so that once units are in an oob from a particular date that that becomes the default date for that saved oob? In other words next time i open that oob to edit it, I don't have to chose the date first it automatically matches the units already in it.

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08-17-2007, 11:38 AM,
RE: Matrix question
majog Wrote:another stupid question... How come the planes have a minimum range?

Due to their very powerful attack rating, the idea was that the airfields themselves would need to be defended by a security detachment decided by the player instead of just blasting away with the airfield aircraft.

Their original purpose was for larger scenarios I am creating. Imagine capturing an airfield in your advance. Stuka's would be brought up to provide you with a fairly significant punch - as long as you kept hold of the airfield. If the airfield was captured, the Stuka's would also be captured.

majog Wrote:Also why are the German tanks not loadable now they there are troop trains to carry them?
These are just the initial designs for trains, as a test to see how they would be received and what would be good to add/fix.

The troop trains are just that, troop trains. I will add larger trains for moving tanks, etc in a future patch.

majog Wrote:also are the flack train guns supposed to have the Armor killing range that they do. They act like 88mm guns on rails. I thought they were more like the 20mm AA guns?

Not sure, I didn't add them. Maybe they are the heavier version of FlaK trains?

majog Wrote:Not being critical just asking. Also still can't get the edit oob to work from the main menus.

Tis all good. Strange about editors though.

majog Wrote:While I am on a wish list thing. Is there any way to patch the oob thing so that once units are in an oob from a particular date that that becomes the default date for that saved oob? In other words next time i open that oob to edit it, I don't have to chose the date first it automatically matches the units already in it.

That is a good wish list item, I will make note of it!

Jason Petho
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