Apologies for my current turn delays. I had to come stateside ten days ago on an emergency job which has kept me buried in BS until today. I will try to get turns out as soon as possible barring any more fire drills.
Again...I apologize--not like me at all but after staring at blown circuits and dealing with a multitude of....well...crap...I would not have been able to give my scenarios in progress the attention they deserve until the fires got put out :rolleyes:
Generals Mixmaster and 95B respectively....I will get caught up within a couple days. Thanks for bearing with me and I hope this is not gumming up the CMAK/BBB tourney's for you.
Rasputin (Ted)
"We herd sheep....we drive cattle...we LEAD people! Lead me...follow me...or get out of my way!"
GEN George Patton