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Spotting with infantry - Printable Version

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Spotting with infantry - CDavidc - 05-28-2020

Hi guys, I need a little advice regarding spotting with infantry. So my guys are in prone position in a rather open field, with some low vegetation around them providing concealment. Understandably they don't really want to go to kneeling position possibly revealing themself, but I really need to take my chances, because I know there is a tank in front of them, and I need positive ID. How could I make them go kneeling while spotting? I tried giving them the Target armor arc command, switching between hiding and not hiding, but nothing seems to work for several turns now. (They are also well rested...)

RE: Spotting with infantry - A Canadian Cat - 05-30-2020

I think some should kneel on their own. I was sure I had seen that but perhaps I'm wrong. The only other thing I know you can do is move a little. But that might just be temporary. Is there a slightly higher elevation nearby? If so if you slow move them there they might have a better view. If you have to move you could split off a scout team or an AT team depending if you want to engage of just find the tank.

RE: Spotting with infantry - Stonecutter - 06-02-2020

I believe a method of getting some of them to kneel/stand up is to give them a move command but pause them for the entire turn. Be aware however that if they do kneel/stand up, they will not only detect the tank better but the tank will detect them better as well!!!

RE: Spotting with infantry - CDavidc - 06-05-2020

Thanks for the tips guys! Sadly the terrain is no factor in this case, and there are only 2 of my troops so I can't really split them up either, but that move/pause command combo looks intresting, I'm about to test it :)