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Did you Try it? - Printable Version

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Did you Try it? - RedDevil - 01-13-2017

Ok..,  so just looking for some talk on my Bridges Scenario..  I  "KNOW" some of you guys enjoyed it :)

Did anyone find something "Wrong" or "Bad" with it?
Need the feedback really!!! Jester

 Next Question is..

 Do you wanna see Part 2?

 Gonna be big... of course, we all know bigger is better, right? That's what SHE said....
Well, I was kinda keeping it just a touch over average...   Rolling Eyes


So off the beaten path ..
Is Dark Chocolate better than regular Hershey's?


RE: Did you Try it? - Big Ivan - 01-13-2017

#1: Nope, doubt I'll ever have the Time, Patience or RAM memory. LMAO

#2: OK maybe a sneak peek if you insist... Islander

#3: Semi-sweet bakers dark chocolate is way better than the milk crap. Angry3

If there is a number 4 and I'm guessing, Tigers are mucho way better than Sherman's and T-34/76's so in CS terms at point blank range  how can Sherman's and T-34/76's kill Tigers? Must be a game legacy error... Confused

Hi Randy, hope you had a wonderful holiday!!
ItB Cigar5

RE: Did you Try it? - Dan Caviness - 01-15-2017

1. Send me the files Randy
2. Yes, yes I do.
3. Chocolate is always the answer.
4. 14 out of 10 polled love chocolate.
5. There is no "bad" chocolate.
6. Only downside to chocolate is it makes my clothes shrink.
7. I am an expert in chocolate, I've smuggled many Toblerone's out of Switzerland including the mega Toblerone.
8. When the old lady loses her shit...chocolate is your best defense...retreat to a safe distance and throw Hershey's Kisses.

RE: Did you Try it? - RedDevil - 02-20-2017

Well.. To the fellows who have tried this large ass fecker.. Thank you!!! and I sure hope it makes your brain cramp :)

I'm looking for some feedback
just a comment or 3 to ensure the design makes it worthy of part 2..

which BTW is under development and should be completed by the end of the year 2018..

I know I'm a slow assed worker, but real life kicked me in the arse here, (I had a wowser...) and I want to prevent remakes as much as possible!

Thanks for the comments


RE: Did you Try it? - RedDevil - 02-26-2017

The Soviet German Alliance.. Part 2

The Soviet German Alliance advances across the Elbe river valley, caught the Allied forces off guard and the destruction of the US VII corps and the British XXX corp and supporting 1stAirborne units, cast a dark shadow over the Anglo-Allied conquest of eastern Germany.
Stalin, realizing his Armies alone, cannot stand toe to toe with the Allied forces, began to merge the superior, yet numerically weaker, German armor forces into his vastly numerically superior, but weaker armor divisions. The resulting efforts have given the Allied forces quite the challenge.
Dashing past the Elbe, The Soviet German alliance has raced across northern Germany and entered the swampy North German Plains.. Covered by many rivers and lakes, the Heavy armored divisions are slowed, but the open ground favors their German allies' superior optics and range.
Gen. Patton begins to show why he is the best Commander in the theater, His staff quickly responds to the Communist-fascists threat.Taking Montgomery aside, Bradley convinces the British leader to accept Patton's Staff's plan and allow the Allies to counter the invading Communist forces with decisive action.

Can you lead them?


RE: Did you Try it? - kernel t - 02-26-2017

Lets see it.

RE: Did you Try it? - zap - 02-26-2017

Can you clarify? Is this the adjustment to the Bridges or the second installment?

RE: Did you Try it? - RedDevil - 02-26-2017

This is the 2nd scenario I am working on.
I am confident it is a sure fire competitor for the NML series. With all due respect to the original designer for his approach and ideas! I am simply taking the torch and lighting the way further for the huge scenario lovers who want to see all kinds of equipment and units go at it. I envision scenarios that give you what you want, yet make you have to make decisions that will determine the flow and victory.

Kernal T - you gotta wait until I finish it, Jesse :) I will invite you to PT it

working title "Die Seen"
map is 50% done - will post a picture later on
OOB is 30% - this should be an interesting one to all the diehards out there.

"Die Brucken" scenario VP adjustments will be re-evaluated once I get all the feedback from those currently playing and compare with the PT games scoring. I'm currently pending on a 3x3 challenge with the completion of another team game, and will certainly continue to look for anyone to step forth for another match of 2 or 3X to play.


RE: Did you Try it? - zap - 02-27-2017

Is there a plan to update/improve Bridges?