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Virtual Supply Trucks - Printable Version

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Virtual Supply Trucks - Jgolch - 02-27-2015

I was wondering if this optional rule is useful with ALL of the games? The reason I ask is that in some games the global supply/supply source values are low. Example: In Fulda 85 the Plan Rhinegate values are at 70. As the Warsaw Pact Forces advance this number drops as they move away from their sources. However, in Danube 85 the supply values are much higher in the campaign games. Most players believe the basic supply rules are not that realistic. BUT, I'm wondering if the Fulda scenarios were designed to use the basic rules and the Danube scenarios more advanced rules. I would prefer to use realistic supply rules in both Panzer Campaigns and Modern Campaigns. Are some games/scenarios better with the basic rules?

RE: Virtual Supply Trucks - Mr Grumpy - 02-27-2015

Not having either of these titles it is difficult to be sure, but it is very possible that as an early title FG was not designed with VST in mind and as a later title DF was?

When you open each titles optional rule dialogue box and click "default" is VST checked in either title?

RE: Virtual Supply Trucks - Jgolch - 02-27-2015

I think you hit it on the head. In the Fulda 85 Plan Rhinegate scenario the only optional rule set as default is Night Fatigue. In the Danube campaign scenario VST is checked. Thank you very much.

RE: Virtual Supply Trucks - Mr Grumpy - 02-28-2015

Ok makes sense, so don't use VST when playing FG, this is another example of why we always encourage players to use the default optional rules that the title was designed/tested with, I am sure that some of the negative comments we see posted about how some games play out is due to the fact that the players have experimented with additional optional rules with no idea of the effect they might have. Wink

RE: Virtual Supply Trucks - Jgolch - 02-28-2015

Thanks again. I reread your excellent post on optional rules and was reminded on how you emphasized using the default optional rules for specific titles. I wonder, however, how you would feel about two other optional rules. First, Limited Air Recon. I have gotten into the habit of using this in ALL of the Panzer/Modern Campaigns titles. Air and artillery strikes can be devastating in rear areas after successful air recon. Especially to vehicles in travel mode. Would you still NOT use Limited Air Recon if it is NOT a default optional rule? It would seem the game was playtested without it. Second, Blocking Helicopter Elimination. If this box is not checked you do see some players using their helicopters in an unrealistic manner. Thanks in advance.

RE: Virtual Supply Trucks - Mr Grumpy - 03-04-2015

Thank you for your positive comments on the opt rules thread, over the years the ever growing list of opt rules has caused more confusion than any other part of the rules IMO and Dog Soldier and myself hoped that the opt rules post would help players understand this sometimes complicated subject. Wink

To be honest I was not around at the start of the PzC series and I am not sure if rules like Limited Air Recon existed from S41 or were added later on in the series? So it might be the case that the rule was not even available to the designer?

So yes I would still play with the rule off if it was not default, for example if you played N44 with the rule on the Germans could bring up reinforcements without worry of air attack which of course would be un historical for that title, the mindset you need to have is if this rule is not used then you need to be very careful of how you move your units in T mode with maybe only leaving units in T mode on night moves?

RE: Virtual Supply Trucks - Dog Soldier - 03-04-2015

FWIW, VST works well in Smolensk 41 as it limits the German side when they move deep off the road network to make some of their flanking moves.

S41, being the first game is the series, had only one default OR, Night Fatigue IIRC.

I have found using this set of OR makes for a good game of S41 for both sides.
Recon Spotting
Low Visibility Air Effects
Night Fatigue
Programmed Weather

PW is the one with the least impact, but it should prevent the visibility getting 'stuck' at one hex which can happen.

Artillery Set Up can be added for realism or a sadistic Axis player / masochist Soviet player. The Soviet artillery is the one thing they have to keep the German player from walking all over them. The Soviet artillery set up value in the pdf simulates the period all right. It is so abysmal as to make the Soviet forces just a punching bag, trying to absorb what the Axis dishes out. Not much fun to play in PBEM.

Without the artillery set up rule, the Soviet guns can move about and keep from being found easily by all the Axis air recon assets while still dishing out some punishment on the Axis attacks. Pure playability reasons.

Dog Soldier

RE: Virtual Supply Trucks - Mr Grumpy - 03-05-2015

In a perfect world we could use the feedback of our most experienced players to create advice on which additional opt rules can be added to the default rules that will not unbalance a titles scenarios and add to the playing experience, maybe that is a project we might take on at some point?

I have always thought that some opt rules (like night fatigue) should be incorporated into the main rules thus reducing the ever growing list and simplifying the subject, however I was unable to make a good enough case to make that happen.