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Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Printable Version

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Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Warhorse - 08-08-2012

I have two scenario's that would fit the bill for two-three guys per side. One is Squeezeplay with Russia, Britain, France, US against the K'talan, and the other is an unreleased scenario, very large, based on Jason Pethos' Malta scenario. Please respond here if interested.

Choice #1-Squeezeplay
15 June, 1945
The K'talan have been here for over 3 years, and still no closer
to subdueing this miserable place. Now, orders have been given
to the 6th Motorized Rifle Division to push through North across
the river, to link up with the rest of the 20th Tank Army. There
has been a lot of human encrypted radio chatter, but advance
scouts only saw a few scattered units. Encouraged by this, the
Division plunges forward to cross the river quickly, soon though
their elation is replaced by astonishment. The humans have again
surprised the superior race with units on all three sides of
the advance, this will be a long day. This unit was the hope
of the 20th Army, it is a fresh unit with vital replacements,
full TO&E, they can't afford to loss valuable hardware!! A massive
envelopement is put into motion, can the K'talan unit make it
to the 20th? As the United Earth Army, try to crush this fresh
division, before it can either head off-map North, or spread
out and gain a stable defense. As the K'talan, your mission is
to head North only if minimal casualties are envisioned, in the
case of a hardened battle, try to take ground while setting up
a defensive line.[Best played as Human]

Choice #2-Invasion:Malta!
11 November, 1942
[Malta, Mediterranean Sea] The K'talan effort in the desert regions
is slowly being achieved, with heavy losses. It is decided to
conquer a series of islands in the area known as the Mediterranean,
so that isolated base and factories can be set up, with little
or no chance of attacks by the Humans. Malta is chosen first,
it seems pretty well defended, but shouldn't be too hard to take
over with a Dropship assault. It will be done with three Regimental
size drops in three of the more remote areas. The 20th Division
assets will be kept out of it, with the exception of the 20th
Tactical Missile Battalion, as to keep down logistics. Operations
thinks the Regiments with indigenous assets can do the job. First
in will be a company of Special forces at each dropzone to set
up perimeters. Immediately after the Special forces are in, the
Huge Dropships will discharge the entire Regiments at the individual
DZ's simultaneously. It seems the Humans have just started receiving
help in the form of former enemy troops as well, so as they are
inbound on the island as well, speed will be necessary! Best
played as the K'talan.

RE: Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Panther - 08-08-2012

(08-08-2012, 06:06 AM)Warhorse Wrote: I have two scenario's that would fit the bill for two-three guys per side. One is Squeezeplay with Russia, Britain, France, US against the K'talan, and the other is an unreleased scenario, very large, based on Jason Pethos' Malta scenario. Please respond here if interested.

Hey Mike,
you can count with me!


RE: Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Warhorse - 08-08-2012

OK, cool, come on fellows, at least two more and we can get this going!! Please also state which side you would like, K'talan or World Alliance.

RE: Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Warhorse - 08-11-2012

Ok, we have three total so far, one more and we can start, anyone? I know it's not everyones cup of tea, but seriously, it is a lot of fun!!

RE: Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Crossroads - 08-11-2012

Again, sorry I can't participate due to having all my time dedicated to playtesting my own mod...

I would again recommend this mod though, think it as a "Modern army vs a WW II army" battle Helmet Smile

RE: Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Warhorse - 08-11-2012

Exactly, and not as easy as you would think for the K'talan to win, even with the modern hardware, a real challenge!! At least give it a shot, if you've downloaded the newest 1.1 version, or even the older one. If you don't care for it, you can always back out, I won't hold it against you! Ashley is playing me now in the scenario "First Contact", and we are having a blast with it!! Step up fellahs, try it out!!

RE: Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Warhorse - 08-14-2012

Ok, we are starting now, jump in whenever, just let me know what side you would like, the K'talan have an entire Division, Commanded by Ashcloud, and the Human Alliance have numerous Divisions to command, so come on down!! Stefan and myself are on the Human Alliance side against Ashcloud right now, so he will need an adjutant!

RE: Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Ashcloud - 08-15-2012

I would also like to give my full endorsement to the K'talan mod - it is a fantastic piece of work and should be, at the very least tried by everyone who loves the CS platform (it may not be historical and may pull you far out of your interest zone but it is so much fun). Mike has built a mod that deserves to be seen as a complete stand-alone game in it's own right - it is a great achievement. From what I have seen so far, it manages to balance the overwhelming technical advantage of the invaders against the weight of numbers on the human side very well and it plays magnificently. I have never read any of Harry Turtledove's books before but can't wait to get my hands on them now. I am a fan, convert and believer.

Mike, can you tell me which Turtledove books feature the K'talan?

RE: Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Warhorse - 08-16-2012

Thanks very much, Ashley, I appreciate that!! The series is called Worldwar, the first book is called, In the Balance. In his storyline, they are called The Race, and are a lizard-like species, but the premise is the same! A very good read, there were 4 books in the worldwar series, then there was a follow-up dealing with colonization. See here for a background and info, my game followed very closely, I was going to make extremely alien looking vehicles, but decided on a more late 20th, early 21st century look instead, since that is roughly the level of the K'talan ground forces. Here is a link-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worldwar.

RE: Anyone for a K'talan Team game? - Warhorse - 08-20-2012
