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Call for players/playtesters - Printable Version

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Call for players/playtesters - Guderian - 02-03-2011

See my reply below to Ubercat's post. I'm looking for players to play and provide feedback to me for "Storming the Land Bridge" and "A Decision to be Made" so I can try my hand at balancing them. Tx. Any help is appreciated.

Prior post starts here:
Hey Ubercat,

I too am new to PzC, and, so far, I only own Smolensk '41 and Moscow '41. Like you, I too have noticed from the scenario stats that there appears to be a lack of h2h scenarios for the first title, which is a shame.

When I decided to try PzC, I was hoping to battle my way through the Eastern Front year by year while reading books about the campaigns. I'm not sure I will continue my chronological tour as I enjoy the PzC series too much and can't wait to get the other campaigns, but I still lament the lack of h2h scenarios in Smolensk '41. Accordingly, with the help of a mentor, I've decided to try and modify some of the stock Smolensk '41 scenarios to get them h2h approved.

Since "Drive Over the Dnepr" has already been modded for h2h play, I think fans of the battle would appreciate it if "Storming the Land Bridge" and "A Decision to be Made" were balanced as well. These scenarios would then serve as excellent introductions to the full campaign, which already has high marks and appears balanced from the games reported. Would you, or any other players, be interested in playing either scenario mirrored and giving me your impressions so I can tweak the scenario and hopefully, eventually get it h2h approved?

Best regards,

RE: Call for players/playtesters - Compass Rose - 02-03-2011

Hey Guderian,

What is the map size of "Storming the Land Bridge" and "A Decision to be Made" and are there a lot of units?


RE: Call for players/playtesters - Guderian - 02-03-2011

Scenario description for "A Decision to be Made":
125km W of Smolensk: On July 7th Guderian was faced with a decision. Should he continue his rapid advance and cross the Dnepr with his panzer forces only, or should he break off the advance and wait for the infantry to arrive before launching the battle. The Soviets were just starting to set up a defensive line and were weak. By waiting for the infantry to arrive he risked attacking a well organized defensive position. But, if he attacked now there could be danger to the open flanks of his panzer corps. Since it would take at least 10 days before the first infantry units would arrive Guderian choose to risk a crossing now. This is a medium sized scenario that covers the opening of the battle in the area from Orsha south to Mogilev. (12,800 sq km - 40 Turns, Explicit Supply)

SM = 3

Scenario description for Storming the Land Bridge:
140km NW of Smolensk: On the morning of 8th July, Hoth already had advance elements of the 20th Panzer division across the Dvina River. He was ready to advance on Vitebsk, which would unhinge Timoshenko's defensive line. Two more panzer divisons, the 7th and 12th, were to break through in the "land bridge" area between Vitebsk and Orsha. If these attacks succeeded then the panzers would be free to advance on Smolensk in conjunction with Guderian's Panzergruppe 2. What was needed now, was steel nerves and a quick strike to force the Soviet defenses. This is a medium sized scenario that covers the opening of the battle in the area from Vitebsk south to Orsha. (14,900 sq km - 40 Turns, Explicit Supply)

SM = 3

The separate scenarios cover Panzergruppe 2 and 3's attacks towards Smolensk in the northern and southern sectors (Panzergruppe 3 in the north [Vitebsk] and Panzergruppe 2 in the south [Osrha/Mogilev]). I have not played either scenario before, but as they involve panzergruppes and possibly supporting army groups, I imagine it's at least 3-6 divisions on the German side. Drive to the Dnepr covers the Mogilev sector of Panzergruppe 2's drive in the south. That scenario has two divisions and a regiment for the Germans.

RE: Call for players/playtesters - Mr Grumpy - 02-03-2011

Jim and I have been talking about his great idea to create two new H2H scenarios for the S41 title, i have suggested that it would be a great idea to play the scenarios through as normal ladder games to get a feel for the issues that these scenarios might or might not have. After the play through changes can be made and a updated version played through at the H2H area with a view to getting the scenarios the H2H Approved status. :)

So I am asking for any new(ish) players out there who also like the S41 title to consider helping Jim out with his H2H project. :bow: