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MBT Campaign any takers - Printable Version

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MBT Campaign any takers - Imp - 04-22-2010

Anybody fancy a MBT campaign open to any choice of sides & balancing as we go reasonably modern times say 70s on.
By this I mean if you fancied say Sweden vs Russia ruskies would use suitable stuff as determined by us.
So possibly second line tanks APCs helos RPGs etc if makes more sense. T-64s or 72s not 80s vs the S Tanks for example.
To balance in case one side has a particulary bad battle bit of a gentlemens agreement on what to do otherwise the outcome of the campaign is virtually decided then.
For example
1) If in very bad shape the other side will field a force to match to allow rebuild points to stack up & let the other side repair.
This could be as small as you like just a scouting force from either side for instance.
2) The onus is still on the player to survive intact though if need be by doing attemting a fighting withdrawl.
Perhaps with the option to call a cease fire once the majority of his forces have exited as he is already in bad shape.
Initial thoughts on ceasefire, if ask for the other player can still perform normally that turn as this stops calling for as realise you are in deep ....
3) No helos in core as can still have despite your air coming out as zero.
4) No offmap arty in core as it becomes to good at counterbattery.
5) Expanding core has to be agreed as the guy in the best position already is most able to.
Open to any house rules using some pregenerated maps etc, perhaps another balancing tool loser can pick map & if its a meeting perhaps gets a couple of turns to take up position & play it as a delay.

RE: MBT Campaign any takers - low_bidder - 04-22-2010

I'm your daisy.
Here is one I'll bet you haven't done. Cuba vs Portugal. During the Colonial Wars period ('61 to '74)


Repair set to hard and no ordinance sections to reflect the logistics problems. Portugal wasn't the richest NATo member and got no help from traditional allies, which were not all that happy about giving up their colonies and didn't see what the military dictatorship in Portugal was accomplishing by trying to hold on to theirs.
After things get unbalanced, we can compensate by shortening the game. Most campaign games tend to be 30+ turns or so. We can start at 30 and then drop down to get a balanced match. Trading rough OOB isn't unreasonable, since every country in the world keeps agents in Africa. The second most common job in Africa is spy. Often for more then one paymaster. So it wouldn't be unreasonable for us to have a rough idea of what the other side has. If it looks like one of us is going to get hammered, we cut the turns down to under 20 and set all the flags to 5 points and just run around. Or just open the turn and close it. You can bump the game along to the next one.

Lots of custom maps for that war. I suggest Cuba since that was the period when the Soviets started using Cubans as their international "leg-breakers". Plus, IIRC, Portugal has mostly old Pattons (M-47) in that period with a some light stuff from WW2 (A/C's, etc.). Cuba has T-55's which is pretty much a fair match. Both sides are a little short on anti-tank weapons for the rifle squads . Arty is pretty much WW2 leftovers. I think the Exp/Mor levels are almost the same.
Cuban gets natives ( guerrilla troops or any insurgents). Portugal gets Mercs.

I have any slot in the CD set open except 16 and 18.

RE: MBT Campaign any takers - Imp - 04-22-2010

Okay sounds good & like you have a fair idea of forces involved so could try & make fairly realistic if you like, e-mail on the way.
Did not mean trading OOB info exactly just restricting banning some units if they would most likely not be used as very rare or in the T-80s case they would be in Central Europe.
About as likely as a force made of up of T-34s when Germany invaded.

Any takers for a later period campaign or one off battle pre or post TI.