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"Wehrmacht penis envy" - Printable Version

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"Wehrmacht penis envy" - bwv - 02-23-2010

American Blitzkrieg
Loving the German War Machine to Death
By William J. Astore

"Why do people have a fixation with the German military when they haven’t won a war since 1871?" — Tom Clancy

I’ve always been interested in the German military, especially the Wehrmacht of World War II. As a young boy, I recall building many models, not just German Panther and Tiger tanks, but famous Luftwaffe planes as well. True, I built American tanks and planes, Shermans and Thunderbolts and Mustangs, but the German models always seemed "cooler," a little more exotic, a little more predatory. And the German military, to my adolescent imagination, seemed admirably tough and aggressive: hard-fighting, thoroughly professional, hanging on against long odds, especially against the same hordes of "godless communists" that I knew we Americans were then facing down in the Cold War.

Later, of course, a little knowledge about the nightmare of Nazism and the Holocaust went a long way toward destroying my admiration for the Wehrmacht, but — to be completely honest — a residue of grudging respect still survives: I no longer have my models, but I still have many of the Ballantine illustrated war books I bought as a young boy for a buck or two, and which often celebrated the achievements of the German military, with titles like Panzer Division, or Afrika Korps, or even Waffen SS.

As the Bible says, we are meant to put aside childish things as we grow to adulthood, and an uninformed fascination with the militaria and regalia of the Third Reich was certainly one of these. But when I entered Air Force ROTC in 1981, and later on active duty in 1985, I was surprised, even pleased, to discover that so many members of the U.S. military shared my interest in the German military. To cite just one example, as a cadet at Field Training in 1983 (and later at Squadron Officer School in 1992), I participated in what was known as "Project X." As cadets, we came to know of it in whispers: "Tomorrow we’re doing ‘Project X’: It’s really tough …"

A problem-solving leadership exercise, Project X consisted of several scenarios and associated tasks. Working in small groups, you were expected to solve these while working against the clock. What made the project exciting and more than busy-work, like the endless marching or shining of shoes or waxing of floors, was that it was based on German methods of developing and instilling small-unit leadership, teamwork, and adaptability. If it worked for the Germans, the "finest soldiers in the world" during World War II, it was good enough for us, or so most of us concluded (including me).

Project X was just one rather routine manifestation of the American military’s fascination with German methods and the German military mystique. As I began teaching military history to cadets at the Air Force Academy in 1990, I quickly became familiar with a flourishing "Cult of Clausewitz." So ubiquitous was Carl von Clausewitz and his book On War that it seemed as if we Americans had never produced our own military theorists. I grew familiar with the way Auftragstaktik (the idea of maximizing flexibility and initiative at the lowest tactical levels) was regularly extolled. So prevalent did Clausewitz and Auftragstaktikbecome that, in the 1980s and 1990s, American military thinking seemed reducible to the idea that "war is a continuation of politics" and a belief that victory went to the side that empowered its "strategic corporals."

War as a Creative Act

The American military’s fascination with German military methods and modes of thinking raises many questions. In retrospect, what disturbs me most is that the military swallowed the Clausewitzian/German notion of war as a dialectical or creative art, one in which well-trained and highly-motivated leaders can impose their will on events.

In this notional construct, war became not destructive, but constructive. It became not the last resort of kings, but the preferred recourse of "creative" warlords who demonstrated their mastery of it by cultivating such qualities as flexibility, adaptability, and quickness. One aimed to get inside the enemy’s "decision cycle," the so-called OODA loop – the Air Force’s version of Auftragstaktik – while at the same time cultivating a "warrior ethos" within a tight-knit professional army that was to stand above, and also separate from, ordinary citizens.

This idolization of the German military was a telling manifestation of a growing militarism within an American society which remained remarkably oblivious to the slow strangulation of its citizen-soldier ideal. At the same time, the American military began to glorify a new generation of warrior-leaders by a selective reading of its past. Old "Blood and Guts" himself, the warrior-leader George S. Patton – the commander as artist-creator-genius — was celebrated; Omar N. Bradley – the bespectacled GI general and reluctant soldier-citizen — was neglected. Not coincidentally, a new vision of the battlefield emerged in which the U.S. military aimed, without the slightest sense of irony, for "total situational awareness" and "full spectrum dominance," goals that, if attained, promised commanders the almost god-like ability to master the "storm of steel," to calm the waves, to command the air.

In the process, any sense of war as thoroughly unpredictable and enormously wasteful was lost. In this infatuation with German military prowess, which the political scientist John Mearsheimer memorably described as "Wehrmacht penis envy," we celebrated our ability to Blitzkrieg our enemies — which promised rapid, decisive victories that would be largely bloodless (at least for us). In 1991, a decisively quick victory in the Desert Storm campaign of the first Gulf War was the proof, or so it seemed then, that a successful "revolution in military affairs," or RMA in military parlance, was underway.

Forgotten, however, was this: the German Blitzkrieg of World War II ended with Germany’s "third empire" thoroughly thrashed by opponents who continued to fight even when the odds seemed longest.

What a remarkable, not to say bizarre, turnabout! The army and country the U.S. had soundly beaten in two world wars (with a lot of help from allies, including, of course, those godless communists of the Soviet Union in the second one) had become a beacon for the U.S. military after Vietnam. To use a sports analogy, it was as if a Major League Baseball franchise, in seeking to win the World Series, decided to model itself not on the New York Yankees but rather on the Chicago Cubs.

The New Masters of Blitzkrieg

Busts of Clausewitz reside in places of honor today at both the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, and the National War College in Washington, D.C. Clausewitz was a complex writer, and his vision of war was both dense and rich, defying easy simplification. But that hasn’t stopped the U.S. military from simplifying him. Ask the average officer about Clausewitz, and he’ll mention "war as the continuation of politics" and maybe something about "the fog and friction of war" — and that’s about it. What’s really meant by this rendition of Clausewitz for Dummies is that, though warfare may seem extreme, it’s really a perfectly sensible form of violent political discourse between nation-states.

Such an officer may grudgingly admit that, thanks to fog and friction, "no plan survives contact with the enemy." What he’s secretly thinking, however, is that it won’t matter at all, not given the U.S. military’s "mastery" of Auftragstaktik, achieved in part through next-generation weaponry that provides both "total situational awareness" and a decisive, war-winning edge.

No wonder that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld were so eager to go to war in Iraq in 2003. They saw themselves as the new masters of Blitzkrieg, the new warlords (or "Vulcans" to use a term popular back then), the inheritors of the best methods of German military efficiency.

This belief, this faith, in German-style total victory through relentless military proficiency is best captured in Max Boot’s gushing tribute to the U.S. military, published soon after Bush’s self-congratulatory and self-adulatory "Mission Accomplished" speech in May 2003. For Boot, America’s victory in Iraq had to "rank as one of the signal achievements in military history." In his words:

"Previously, the gold standard of operational excellence had been the German blitzkrieg through the Low Countries and France in 1940. The Germans managed to conquer France, the Netherlands, and Belgium in just 44 days, at a cost of ‘only’ 27,000 dead soldiers. The United States and Britain took just 26 days to conquer Iraq (a country 80 percent of the size of France), at a cost of 161 dead, making fabled generals such as Erwin Rommel and Heinz Guderian seem positively incompetent by comparison."

How likely is it that future military historians will celebrate General Tommy Franks and elevate him above the "incompetent" Rommel and Guderian? Such praise, even then, was more than fatuous. It was absurd.

Throughout our history, many Americans, especially frontline combat veterans, have known the hell of real war. It’s one big reason why, historically speaking, we’ve traditionally been reluctant to keep a large standing military. But the Cold War, containment, and our own fetishizing of the German Wehrmacht changed everything. We began to see war not as a human-made disaster but as a creative science and art. We began to seek "force multipliers" and total victory achieved through an almost Prussian mania for military excellence.

Reeling from a seemingly inexplicable and unimaginable defeat in Vietnam, the officer corps used Clausewitz to crawl out of its collective fog. By reading him selectively and reaffirming our own faith in military professionalism and precision weaponry, we tricked ourselves into believing that we had attained mastery over warfare. We believed we had tamed the dogs of war; we believed we had conquered Bellona, that we could make the goddess of war do our bidding.

We forgot that Clausewitz compared war not only to politics but to a game of cards. Call it the ultimate high-stakes poker match. Even the player with the best cards, the highest stack of chips, doesn’t always win. Guile and endurance matter. So too does nerve, even luck. And having a home-table advantage doesn’t hurt either.

None of that seemed to matter to a U.S. military that aped the German military, while over-hyping its abilities and successes. The result? A so-called "new American way of war" that was simply a desiccated version of the old German one, which had produced nothing but catastrophic defeat for Germany in both 1918 and 1945 — and disaster for Europe as well.

Just Ask the Germans

Precisely because that disaster did not befall us, precisely because we emerged triumphant from two world wars, we became both too enamored with the decisiveness of war, and too dismissive of our own unique strength. For our strength was not military élan or cutting-edge weaponry or tactical finesse (these were German "strengths"), but rather the dedication, the generosity, even the occasional ineptitude, of our citizen-soldiers. Their spirit was unbreakable precisely because they — a truly democratic citizen army — were dedicated to defeating a repellently evil empire that reveled fanatically in its own combat vigor.

Looking back on my youthful infatuation with the German Wehrmacht, I recognize a boy’s misguided enthusiasm for military hardness and toughness. I recognize as well the seductiveness of reducing the chaos of war to "shock and awe" Blitzkrieg and warrior empowerment. What amazes me, however, is how this astonishingly selective and adolescent view of war — with its fetish for lightning results, achieved by elevating and empowering a new generation of warlords, warriors, and advanced weaponry — came to dominate mainstream American military thinking after the frustrations of Vietnam.

Unlike a devastated and demoralized Germany after its defeats, we decided not to devalue war as an instrument of policy after our defeat, but rather to embrace it. Clasping Clausewitz to our collective breasts, we marched forward seeking new decisive victories. Yet, like our role models the Germans of World War II, we found victory to be both elusive and illusive.

So, I have a message for my younger self: put aside those menacing models of German tanks and planes. Forget those glowing accounts of Rommel and his Afrika Korps. Dismiss Blitzkrieg from your childish mind. There is no lightning war, America. There never was. And if you won’t take my word for it, just ask the Germans.

William J. Astore ([email protected]), a retired lieutenant colonel (USAF) and TomDispatch regular, teaches history at the Pennsylvania College of Technology. To catch him in a Timothy MacBain TomCast audio interview discussing the U.S. military’s fascination with the Wehrmacht, click here.

2010 William J. Astore

http://original.antiwar.com/engelhardt/ ... -to-death/

RE: "Wehrmacht penis envy" - Jim von Krieg - 03-03-2010

I enjoyed the article, because it made me think... but I can't say I completely agree with the author...

He seems to be saying, he prefers less professionalism... He says nothing of the Civil War themes that are prevalent throughout the US military... I think the Civil War theme is more prevalent in the US Military than a fascination with Germans... but that is just my experience...

There are some good points and some I think are wildly off the mark... At one point as I read this, I got the feeling the US Military was turning in the US on their uniforms for a little SS symbol. Personally, I don't see that happening. I think his Nazi fascination theme is wildly overdone...

IMO US military fascination with the concepts of Auftragstaktik and Clausewitz are about processes and tactical benefits for leaders to be empowered at the lowest level with the Commander's Intent and the authority to take action. He even shoots his own argument in the foot when he says the typical US Officer knows little about Clausewitz... Which is it, fascinated with the Germans or vaguely aware of them?

As for his pulling the US political leaders (Bush, Cheney, etc..) as thinking themselves as the new practitioners of Blitzkrieg to make a point, I had to burst out laughing... that was just plain absurd...

I'll speak Army because I know Army. This article made me think of a conversation I had with my former company commander not too long ago. I had to explain to him Jomini, Clausewitz, and their theories because he had never heard of them. There was very little fascination with German techniques. I think that is fairly typical in the Army.

At the moment, there is a shift in Army thinking which reflects counter-insurgency themes over conventional force on force themes. This has only been accelerating since 2004.



RE: "Wehrmacht penis envy" - bwv - 03-05-2010

yeah, thats the danger with these kind of articles - trying to create some broad narrative is always dicey. My concern would be that the top leadership has already adopted the German high command methodology of "best-casing" and underestimating opponents that led to disastrous decisions in WW1 and WW2. From this civilian's standpoint, the American military seems to have become infatuated with its strategic capabilities, and combined with weak political oversight has led to the last two decade's spree of interventions

RE: "Wehrmacht penis envy" - Ricky B - 03-05-2010

(03-05-2010, 01:07 AM)bwv Wrote: yeah, thats the danger with these kind of articles - trying to create some broad narrative is always dicey. My concern would be that the top leadership has already adopted the German high command methodology of "best-casing" and underestimating opponents that led to disastrous decisions in WW1 and WW2. From this civilian's standpoint, the American military seems to have become infatuated with its strategic capabilities, and combined with weak political oversight has led to the last two decade's spree of interventions

I am sure there is some underestimating of opponents at the top level, maybe even more throughout the intermediate levels based on my time in service, but I don't think it is common for most leadersthip in the US military - I definitly don't feel it is common compared, historically, to most leadership in any country throughout history - if the leadership read things correctly then easily half the wars would never be fought as the losing side would know it was going to lose, as opposed to the harder fought wars. When it has come to conventional fighting I think the US military has done an excellent job of planning to win - while unconventional battles have and always will be difficult to plan for, and "win", since it is more a military-political battle there and it is basically impossible to beat a people's will to fight over the long term without something to eliminate the desire, through terror or other options.

As to the interventions over the recent past, I feel that is a real stretch to blame that on the US military leadership. They have carried out the orders issued to them. I don't recall any push by the military itself, versus civilian leadership over them, for war or intervention - I would flip it around and say that the political leaders, and NOT just the president, have pushed for the interventions and the military has done as told, as they should in cases of war.

Now maybe your post is related more to the civilian leadership and that I would have to agree with, but since you specifically mentioned the "American military" I am replying to that as it seems to be the point.

Interesting stuff either way!


RE: "Wehrmacht penis envy" - bwv - 03-05-2010

(03-05-2010, 01:47 AM)Ricky B Wrote: [
As to the interventions over the recent past, I feel that is a real stretch to blame that on the US military leadership. They have carried out the orders issued to them. I don't recall any push by the military itself, versus civilian leadership over them, for war or intervention - I would flip it around and say that the political leaders, and NOT just the president, have pushed for the interventions and the military has done as told, as they should in cases of war.

Now maybe your post is related more to the civilian leadership and that I would have to agree with, but since you specifically mentioned the "American military" I am replying to that as it seems to be the point.

Interesting stuff either way!


I tend to view the top military leadership as political, as they well know that their careers can benefit from telling the executive branch what they want to hear and those who don't play along have the example of Eric Shinseki to look to

RE: "Wehrmacht penis envy" - JasonC - 03-05-2010

"unconventional battles have and always will be difficult to plan for, and "win" "

The US cut its teeth fighting and winning unconventional battles. Ask the Sioux, or ask a Philipino. It has triumphed in them pretty much every time, and only treason at home has ever got in the way - not enemy anything. In the field, it knows what to do, kicks ass and takes names.

Yes that includes holding out a viable political end state, it includes relentless will. It also includes a constant unassuming fairness by fighting men in the field and a brutally realistic attritionist perpective at the command level.

The US military tradition has very little to learn from the much less successful German one. Some stuff about staff professionalism and training to get it, and combined arms, much of which was already learned in WW II, sure.

But the modern maneuverist cult has been pretty much all bad, precisely because it has thrown away sound collective intelligence in the "American way of war", for a much less sound continental European tradition of flamboyant losing through reckless military gambling. Which always overpromises and undelivers, until the old truths of attrition warfighting force themselves back in.

RE: "Wehrmacht penis envy" - Ricky B - 03-06-2010

(03-05-2010, 04:20 PM)JasonC Wrote: "unconventional battles have and always will be difficult to plan for, and "win" "

The US cut its teeth fighting and winning unconventional battles. Ask the Sioux, or ask a Philipino. It has triumphed in them pretty much every time, and only treason at home has ever got in the way - not enemy anything. In the field, it knows what to do, kicks ass and takes names.
Kind of a broad brush there, maybe accurate when applied to "wars" rather than battles but not easily in many cases, and not in dominating things in many cases - ie they were difficult in many cases. Look at King Philip's War, the Seminole fighting in Florida, the Apaches in Arizona. King Philip's War was the bloodiest fighting, as a percentage of population involved, of any fighting in America, I believe. Anyway, we lost plenty of battles in the wars, but yes, ultimately won most of the wars through attrition or at times, terror - just ask the Filipinos on that one, although I would suggest the Filipinos gave up the battle upon the promise of independence rather than through defeats in fighting or terror.
(03-05-2010, 04:20 PM)JasonC Wrote: Yes that includes holding out a viable political end state, it includes relentless will. It also includes a constant unassuming fairness by fighting men in the field and a brutally realistic attritionist perpective at the command level.

The US military tradition has very little to learn from the much less successful German one. Some stuff about staff professionalism and training to get it, and combined arms, much of which was already learned in WW II, sure.

But the modern maneuverist cult has been pretty much all bad, precisely because it has thrown away sound collective intelligence in the "American way of war", for a much less sound continental European tradition of flamboyant losing through reckless military gambling. Which always overpromises and undelivers, until the old truths of attrition warfighting force themselves back in.
I guess I just don't see this with our military, but then it is hard to analyze when the fighting it still going on and so many things aren't public. But it seems to me that the tactics used to take out the Iraqi military and the Taliban in Afghanistan were very appropriate to what needed done, and overall the actions since to suppress insurgents has been reasonable, at least in Iraq, where there are issues related to limiting force due to Iraq being in charge. Afghanistan maybe not so much but I don't have a feel for that one nearly so well. Maybe you have some cites on issues tied to what you are saying here? I am just not aware of anything specific.


RE: "Wehrmacht penis envy" - Crossroads - 04-16-2010

(02-23-2010, 12:55 AM)bwv Wrote: American Blitzkrieg
Loving the German War Machine to Death
By William J. Astore

"Why do people have a fixation with the German military when they haven’t won a war since 1871?" — Tom Clancy

I did not want to start a new "Myth" thread, and as it's within the spirit of this thread :chin:, here's another one from armchairgeneral:

Otherwise, I would have named the thread as:

"The Myth of German Superiority in WWII ETA"

a.k.a. (from the article):

“A Righteous A**-kicking.”

a.k.a. (ie. what the article actually is called):

"Remembering The Heroes of Arracourt"


Among other things:

When the sun set that evening, the result hardly qualified as a battle at all – more like a massacre. But Combat Command A was not the victim. Walking the battlefield the next day, the Americans counted forty-three knocked out German AFVs, almost all of them Panthers. The Germans admitted to losing more than that, but a number were towed away and later repaired. The two battalions of panzergrendiers had been shattered as well – overrun, scattered, and then mopped up except for a few survivors who escaped to the east, probably suffering between 500 and 1,000 casualties.

And what price did the Americans pay for this victory?

Six soldiers killed.
Thirteen soldiers wounded
Three tank destroyers and five Sherman tanks knocked out.

There is a theory which has been abroad for some time that the U.S. triumphed in World War II solely based on material superiority, that superior German soldiers and superior German equipment were worn down by sheer numbers and weight of firepower, airpower, and manpower. I think that theory is flat-out wrong and the battle of Arracourt is a powerful counterpoint to what is presented as the “typical” clash between German and American mechanized forces in the autumn of 1944.