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Looking for a WinSPMBT - Printable Version

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Looking for a WinSPMBT - purdune - 11-04-2009

As the thread subject says, looking for a game. Been playing SPMBT for some months now so not a novice. New to the forums. With that said I'm not an old salty dog. I can tell you I'll turn around games and won't leave you hanging. I like more modern games (80-90's) and I like playing the Germans. With that said I'll go for just about anything.

RE: Looking for a WinSPMBT - Weasel - 11-05-2009

Please keep this post updated if you get a game or not. I hate seeing new guys to the MB leaving with a "what's the use".


RE: Looking for a WinSPMBT - low_bidder - 11-05-2009

Me! Me! Pick me. (waving hand frantically in the back of the room).
I have only slot 04 open on the DL roster, but about 240 or so on the CD list.
Germany is fine by me. Soviets, Czech's or Poland for me, unless you would rather do a NATO collapse scenario in which case I'll take the Limey's.
I prefer larger maps, so there is some elbow room. Enough to avoid frontal assaults. I also want some limits on ICM/AP. They are not modeled very well, being much more lethal then even theory ( never been use against armor in the real world, AFAIK) would account for.
I have found that having 1 (one) battery with 4 tubes or less works the best. That allows the use of a scarce and expensive asset without giving up ammo re-supply or having so many that you just swamp the map with bomblets and watch stuff burn. Fun for some, but not why I play.
Let me know and if you want, set it up and send it to;
[email protected]
If you have the CD I would prefer a slot between 17 and 20.
If this is a bootcamp game, then it will be a draw no matter what so make it small( <10000 points) and short (<20 turns) so you can get out of bootcamp and then we'll play for keepsie's.

RE: Looking for a WinSPMBT - Walrus - 11-05-2009

low_bidder Wrote:If this is a bootcamp game, then it will be a draw no matter what so make it small( <10000 points) and short (<20 turns) so you can get out of bootcamp and then we'll play for keepsie's.

That's a kind offer...but not necessary.
BootCamp games can be scored normally.

If you both choose to play a Mentor game, then that is different.
Generally though, Mentor games are played to help someone with very limited SP, or PBEM experience get through their first games(s) without getting a total thrashing and having no idea what happened.
The idea is that the Mentor (usually a senior SP ladder player) is awarded some Bonus ladder points for helping a newbie so the Ladder result can be a pre-negotiated draw...though again, that is not entirely necessary.
Really...it is about negotiating before the game and being happy to help someone ease their way into the community.

I have a feeling that you two would be fine playing a normal battle eh Big Grin

Carry On....

RE: Looking for a WinSPMBT - low_bidder - 11-06-2009

Perdune, Make that slot 01.
Walrus, I'm desperate for a new game. All my current games are past the half way mark except 2 of them. I try to keep my games from lumping up in the pipeline. For some reason if I have several games that finish within a week or so of each other, I get caught short of opponents. So I have developed the habit of looking for new opponents BEFORE that happens.
Might not need to worry about that with the long list of players on the Blitz, but old habits die hard.

RE: Looking for a WinSPMBT - purdune - 11-06-2009

Thanks Weasel and Walrus. I want to get this started off right!

If you don't mind I'd rather you set up a game. Being new I've set up some first class, lop sidded games! What you have listed sounds good to me. I don't mind "blue on blue". If you'd rather me set it up give me a day or two an I'll shoot you one. slots 17-20 sound good. [email protected]

PS I think, with my games with Shortreenigade that I'm out of boot camp. Looks like I'm near bottom of the ladder.

RE: Looking for a WinSPMBT - Weasel - 11-06-2009

IT is up to purdune to ask for a mentor game if he wants one, then it is up to the SP player to accept or refuse. If accepted only a draw may be recorded if the existing Sp player wins, if purdune wins he get to record normally. The SP player will be awarded the result plus 25pts.

RE: Looking for a WinSPMBT - low_bidder - 11-06-2009

Think positive! Ladders are for climbing. I'll have a set along shortly.

RE: Looking for a WinSPMBT - Weasel - 11-06-2009

The good news is 99% of the guys ahead of you don't play anymore, so you don't have to worry about them reporting when you are.

Paul beat you huh....been there done that!!

RE: Looking for a WinSPMBT - purdune - 11-06-2009

Yep Paul likes to kick me around. Much like a cat with a limp mouse. Eventually I say "ok get it over with and kill me!". I've been doing better lately and he is getting his nose bent out of shape. Oh well, don't use your tricks on me if you don't want me to learn them! With that said he is still far better then me. Hum, hope he doesn't read this!

Get you that game back to you soon Low_bidder. We are doing a strieght ladder game correct?