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new RS scen #7 of late - Printable Version

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new RS scen #7 of late - Mr. Guberman - 07-22-2008


Here we are, the first of the "Blackforce" scens:

"The Bridge at Leuwiliang"


2 March 1942
Leuwiliang, Java: On the second day of the Japanese invasion
of Java, Japanese Col. Hiroyasu's 16/2 Regiment continues it's
breakneck dash east, across western Java, toward Buitzenzorg
in an attempt to interdict the Allied retreat route between Batavia
in the north and the Javan capitol of Bandung to the south. In
the morning hours of March 2nd, the Japanese force, spearheaded
by the 2nd Recon Regiment, attached to the 16th Regiment, drives
up to the village of Leuwiliang, intent on capturing the bridge
across the Tjianten River, east of town. As the lead elements
of the Japanese regiment approach the bridge they find it already
blown, but it can be forded here even though the river is running
swiftly due to the monsoon rains. As the Japanese troops assemble
for the crossing they come under intermittant fire. On the other
side of the river awaits "Blackforce". Assembled around elements
of the Australian Expeditionary Force, newly arrived from North
Africa and ready for a crack at the Japanese. Having missed the
Malayan Campaign, this force was originally intended to be the
nucleus for the Allied counterattacks against the Japanese landings.
Typically, for this period of the war, the speed of the Japanese
advance has completely unhinged the Allied defensive plans and
now Blackforce is being used as a delaying force to allow time
for the Allied forces in Batavia to retreat through Buitzenzorg
to Bandung. From the hills across the river, the Commonwealth
troops watched the Japanese force assemble all morning, with
only an occasional shot being exchanged between the two sides.
During the mid-afternoon one of the Australian units opens up
on the Japanese, but the firing dies away as the Japanese appear
content to await the arrival of the complete 16th Regiment.
Late in the day their real intentions become clear as they try
to storm across the river, south of the blown bridge.

Got this one done rather quickly as my original premise included this deployment.

Fortune has breifly shown on me. A coven of my la Italiana's sisters have been here since last week, shuttling me away from her, back to my game and feeding me margaritas...and are now about to wisk her away to the homestead in Kansas for a couple of weeks. Should have time to complete these scens before she gets back...

Enjoy and cheers,

RE: new RS scen #7 of late - Huib Versloot - 07-22-2008

I'd like to give this one a try. Any takers?
