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Elltee's Russians defend Sonars Axis Assault (SONAR KEEP OUT) - Printable Version

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Elltee's Russians defend Sonars Axis Assault (SONAR KEEP OUT) - Elltee - 01-17-2008

Right the battle - 1500pts(unrestricted) QB Axis Assault May 1943 Random Map 40% rarity max

Not sure what I'll be up against but I'm expecting it to probably be tank heavy and don't know what the map will be like so I've picked a force to cover all eventualities.

Green Rifle Company (comes with a MMG and 2 50mm Mtrs)
3x Reg 45mm AT guns
3x Reg MMG's
1x Reg HMG
3x Reg ATR's (just in case he sends any soft HE chuckers)
4x Reg LMG's
3x Reg TH's (these and the LMG's will form a picket line and give me some early intel)
1x Vet Sniper (just to pop some TC's)
2x Vet KV1's (set up deep hoping to move to where needed)
3x Con Art Spotters 2x 120mm Mtr to do damage 1x 82mm Mtr for smoke or to break up attacks
5x TRP's
2x Roadblocks
8x Trenches (either to use or as dummies depending on the map)
1x MG Pillbox
3x AT Mines

Any comments welcome

RE: Elltee's Russians defend Sonars Axis Assault (SONAR KEEP OUT) - Jobu88 - 01-17-2008

Awesome. 1500 point battles are more fun than 3000 in my opinion. Thanks for taking the time to maintain a DAR.

RE: Elltee's Russians defend Sonars Axis Assault (SONAR KEEP OUT) - McIvan - 01-17-2008

May 1943....do Tigers fit under 40% rarity? Your KVs could be a bit of a liability depending on what the Germans have purchased, might have been better off with some 57mm AT (if 40% didn't scuttle that) and more artillery/infantry/tank hunters. Mind you, I suppose the tank hunters are all molotovs at this time period anyways....

Looking forward to it!

RE: Elltee's Russians defend Sonars Axis Assault (SONAR KEEP OUT) - Elltee - 01-17-2008

Well my initial plan - not having seen the map - is to strip away as much infantry as possible from his attack then hopefully the tanks will have to go in unsupported and immobilisations will be good enough to stop him reaching the flags. I will try and set up the AT guns so that they will get side shots and try to sneak the KV1's down a flank.

Just seen the map now - I'm defending a large open village - lots of flags- a ridge line in front of my set up area so not many places to hide or move unobserved, but his infantry will have to cross pretty open spaces to get to me. I just hope he don't sit on top of the ridge and blow the village away with HE.

RE: Elltee's Russians defend Sonars Axis Assault (SONAR KEEP OUT) - Jobu88 - 01-17-2008

Screenshots. Must have screenshots. They're very easy to do once you learn the procedure.

RE: Elltee's Russians defend Sonars Axis Assault (SONAR KEEP OUT) - Elltee - 01-17-2008

Yes screenshots will follow - just had a quick look at the map before I went to work - will put one up this evening with my force setup.

RE: Elltee's Russians defend Sonars Axis Assault (SONAR KEEP OUT) - Elltee - 01-18-2008

Right side of defense
[Image: sonar1.jpg]

left side of defence
[Image: sonar2.jpg]

The 1st line comprises LMG's, TH's and a sniper + roadblocks and mines if he tries to outflank on right

2nd Line comprises MMG's and Art spotters

3 Platoons defending flags on the reverse slope of a natural bowl shown by dashed white line

As stated the intention is to strip away as much attacking infantry early on as possible to force any tanks in alone - I will only then need immobilisations to prevent him reaching the flags.