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Europa twilight Tournament final days for sign ups - Printable Version

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Europa twilight Tournament final days for sign ups - klanx171 - 01-12-2008

Europa Twilight - Hell on the Eastern Front is now open for sign ups.

The tournament should start in about 2 to 3 weeks time all going well.

Check the website at...


all information on the Tournament and how to join can be found there.

Re fight many of the great battles of the Eastern front. Fight as your favorite units (Whermact,SS, Russian, Guards, Fins, Italians and others) and smash the enemy.

The battle system is open and allows players to choose where they fight and which forces they will take. Be a tanker or choose to slug it out with infantry.

Given that most players are fighting their own battles in this theater of the war, now is your chance to show how good you really are against the likes of Czerpak, Jadpanther and others who inhabit the upper realms of the SP ladder, or if you are the likes of Cze and Jad come show the rest why you are on top. Players of any level are welcome and the more there are the better it will be.

The only thing to keep in mind is can you commit to a tournament, otherwise come on down.

RE: Europa twilight Tournament now open for sign ups - wigam - 01-12-2008

Hey bro the site looks good and i'll be sending you a sign up right now.


RE: Europa twilight Tournament now open for sign ups - Walrus - 01-13-2008

Hi Klanx

Great site.
I have sent you a mail.

Are we using winSPww2 ?

Looking forward to the battles.
Great idea for a tourney maye.

RE: Europa twilight Tournament now open for sign ups - Greybeard - 01-13-2008

Hello Daniel,

Looks like a great deal of fun.. e-mail sent..


RE: Europa twilight Tournament now open for sign ups - klanx171 - 01-13-2008

Well the sign up have been flooding in but its almost all Germans (excepting the ever Red Jad) and while I d love to have all Germans in this (they are my force of choice as well), i hope we will be getting some more ruskies as we go as otherwise I will have to assign sides randomly which is sure to disappointed some) so if you know any ruskie players or want to kick ass as a Russian then get over and sign up.

For the Motherland

RE: Europa twilight Tournament now open for sign ups - Epoletov [SPR]. - 01-13-2008

One that Russian will be exact, and can and more. ;)

E-mail sent.

RE: Europa twilight Tournament now open for sign ups - Thexder - 01-14-2008

Sounds interesting, I'm in (even bought the DVD yesterday for this:cool:)!

I prefer the German side but if there's not enough Soviets, I can be the first one to change sides as that's not that big of a deal.

A couple of questions:
1. Regarding the core forces - what is "battalion"? Is it just three infantry companies of the same sort or is it possible to buy one of them as engineers and/or some AT-guns etc. in the mix? Is there some fixed amount of points to be spend to core troops at the beginning?
2. Regarding the elite forces - what are considered "elite"? SS and guards of course but what about paras, ski troops, mountain troops etc? In other words if one opts for the non-elite infantry core troops, can he buy anything else than rifle companies?
3. "decide what your regimental number is (if you have chosen one)". What does this mean?


RE: Europa twilight Tournament now open for sign ups - klanx171 - 01-14-2008

You bought the DVD for this?

I didnt know there was a DVD, must be my clone.

1. a Battalion is 3 companies of troops (infantry) either mechanized/tucks or on foot, this would be 9 platoons. Support like AT guns comes after the 9 platoons. anything that comes as part of a company purchase can be part of the company

for tanks this is 3 companies which usually works out to be about between 30 and 45 tanks (given that a tank Coy is usually 3 squads of 3 or 4 and one HQ)

For tanks you may purchase different tanks but you cannot use scout cars, or such as part of your core, so it must be tanks, not tank like vehicles. so some PZ IIIs, mixed with PZ IVs and Stugs are ok, if you want tigers and panthers they may be purchased as platoons, given the cost and rarity.

Companies cannot be mixed per se, ie you cannot have engineers mixed in with grunts, you again may take engineers as auxiliary to your 3 companies.

There is no fixed amount you need to spend but if you choose a core option you must buy enough forces to satisfy your core requirements first, if you are below (as all turns after sent up are sent to the ref (me) for checking) then you will be allowed to continue if it is a minor discrepancy or redo if it is a major, repeat offenders will be penalized points, but in the first round there is likely to be some confusion.

Players do not need to take a core force and if they feel they cannot handle the restrictions are encouraged not to take it, there are rewards for taking a core force but there are also limitations and as such players need to decide if they can operate within them.

In PT most players had cores but some did not, neither kind was more successful than the other and some did find that a core force hampered their style of play.

2. regarding elites. Yes mountain troops, jumpers (paras), ski and mountain troops are considered elites. if you do not take an elite force you cannot have access to these troops, sorry but most of the Russian front was simple infantrymen and any variation such as the above is considered an "elite", there are only two exceptions to this.

a. Engineers, can be taken as a core choice for infantry and are not considered an elite.
b. ski troops, in winter there may be an option to choose ski troops, if you have not taken the elites choice, of course if you choose to take the elite option you always have access to elite forces but there can be no mixing, such as paras and mountain troops etc, you may take paras but then your core force is paras, or if its mountain troops then its mountain troops, you may supplement after your core is purchased with other forms of elite troops but your core must be consistently one kind of elite.

for none elite players they may take elite forces and may mix it up if they wish and if there are no limitations for the battle, but they gain no elite bonuses and are subject to any restrictions made for that round, so if elites are not an option then a non elite player must abide by that.

non elite core players, may also take elites after their core is purchased but only if such units are allowed.

The reason for this is that most of the Russian front was plain infantrymen and lots of them, so if you take elites then you get a better range of more powerful troops but you also operate at a 10% points penalty for buy points (and if you get to be the fireman then you operate at a 30% penalty while your op has a bonus 20%) and you must get only the best gear, so if you take elites its only elites for you.

3. regimental numbers are for those who wish to be historical units such as those in the SS or elsewhere, already many players have asked to be particular SS units and they can then fight as those units and in the write ups they will be named as those units.

In PT this gave the end of round reports a realistic flavor as instead of player names I used the regimental numbers to describe who was fighting which made it sound like a real historical report, basically its just for color.

RE: Europa twilight Tournament now open for sign ups - Thexder - 01-14-2008

Thank you for the informative answers!cheers

I guess we should continue this discussion in the Europa Twilight-forum instead of here so I'll post there. As for the "DVD", I of course meant the CD:rolleyes:. After playing MBT with those CD-version graphics there's no going back...


RE: Europa twilight Tournament now open for sign ups - Marduk - 01-16-2008

I've got a couple of questions:
1. Firstly, can a newbie join? If yes, look below.

2. What game are we playing? SPWaW, SPH2H or SPWW2?
3. Are there free slots?
