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Newbie on deck - (more chum?) - Printable Version

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Newbie on deck - (more chum?) - Lionfish - 12-12-2007

I am very glad to have found The Blitz after purchasing the Campaign Series by Matrix.

A little preface as to me background….
Back in school, I had played Panzer Leader, Risk, and A&A. In the Navy my division officer was a huge Harpoon fan and we played several games in the early hours in our small compartment between watch sessions. It was a great game – killed the time when floating around for months – and kept my brain active.

Time passes – and I had put my board gaming to bed after leaving the Navy. I started working on the floor of the Pacific Options exchange in the early 90s – starting off as a runner – working my way up to Broker and eventually becoming a Market Maker. Talk about one of the best GAMES – derivative trading with all its probability, strategies, arbitrage, etc. fit me like a glove. While on the exchange my partners at my firm were professional poker, backgammon, chess, and bridge players. We had two world champion Backgammon players, Grand Master Chess player, a Black Jack card counter, and a champion Bridge player who had played with Warren Buffet. After a little further digging – I found that most of them had all been war-game players as well, Risk, A&A, Panzer Leader, etc.

I had not played any of those games in over a decade; however one of the traders introduced me to Steel Panthers. Wow – it was great. I was very excited to see the game on a computer – it reminded me of Panzer Leader. Later on I got West Front in the mid-to-late 90’s Steel Panthers and West Front was on my computer.

However, times again change. Those wargames didn’t update with the time and XP and then Vista rolls out. I too changed – got married – had a kid. Moved off the trading floor into an office and started designing financial software and running my own trading operation. There was no time for games, and when I got home – “undivided attention” was for my son – not games or reading.

I was searching around the internet a little while ago and found Matrix Games – I hadn’t taken the plunge on any purchases – but I recently revisited the site to see that they had purchased and updated West Front (and the entire Campaign Series) – I took the plunge last week and purchased the game.

I played 3 small West Front scenarios to get back the feel of the game mechanics. However, I was itching for a H2H match. I have never played a H2H game – only the AI. The traders in our group, way back when I was introduced to Steel Panthers, were not much for email or for that matter PBEM. Steel Panthers and West Front a decade ago – were for personal enjoyment only. I am VERY pleased to find others interested in the game and that there is a group that plays (and has been playing) these games H2H for some time.

I took the plunge yesterday in my first H2H game with 1925frank. He contacted me on the Matrix Forums and so we are playing (my first) H2H WF small scenario.

I use Microsoft OneNote for work on my tablet PC (where the game also resides) – so taking notes, screen shots, and drawing is very easy. I plan on creating a detailed AAR report – for newbies – on my experience. For anyone with a Tablet PC – get OneNote! It is awesome and should be easy for creating the AAR report.

However, I do have some questions that maybe someone could answer. Please keep in mind that my experience is almost from a decade ago and only against the AI.

1. Opportunity Fire – I had traditionally set Opportunity Fire on stationary units (defending) changing the range or to Never. Is that something that should be rethought when playing against humans?

2. Action Points, Opportunity Fire, and Assaults. If I set my Opportunity Fire to NEVER for a stationary defending unit – thus saving action points – if I am assaulted by the enemy – does saving action points (by NOT firing) help my defense against an Assault? – I would think it SHOULD!

3. Smoke ICON sometimes not showing up. Sometime when I set areas for laying smoke in the 2D map I sometimes get a smoke icon and sometime not. It is very frustrating as I have to wait for the turn to see what kind of ammo I am shooting into that hex! Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

4. Artillery fire – sometime my artillery will NOT fire – even though I have ammo and the battalion headquarters (has not moved) is in range. Is there something I am missing (maybe forgot).

I am still remembering things from when I use to play – so I could be forgetful on some of the items.

Anyway – I am looking forward to some games and hope that I can at least hold my own. I don’t expect to have a very good result this first game – but never-the-less will report my AAR and results.

Regards –

RE: Newbie on deck - (more chum?) - Guderian - 12-12-2007

Welcome to the club Lionfish. There are some articles at the Blitz that may answer some of your questions.

Here is the link: https://www.theblitz.club/articles/strategy_articles.php#cs

If the articles don't answer any of your questions, I'll try and answer them later when I have more time.

It's nice to see so many new faces playing CS. I hope the beginners stick around long enough to become sharks themselves. Hate to see beginners get turned off to the game too early because of a couple losses early on.

You should also take the time to read this: http://www.olivergrayson.com/CS/TopGun/Round1/Round_1.htm

Be sure and watch the replays too.


RE: Newbie on deck - (more chum?) - Lionfish - 12-12-2007


Thanks for the welcome. I am playing my H2H game and yes already making some mistakes (forgot about some things). The mechanics of the game are coming back pretty quickly, but the tactics are very rusty.

Thanks for "The Blitz" articles - I read them and they are helpful. Additionally that olivergrayson ARR is great. I have started reading it but have not finished. I am eager to watch the replays too.

I am not too worried about losing, as long as I learn from my mistakes. For now building experience and improving strategies and tactics are priority. I know what it's like to be the low man on the totem pole - it doesn't bother me. I am kind of like Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke when fighting George Kennedy - I may not win, but I won't go down and won't quit! No matter what kind a shlacking I'm taking.

Thanks again for the threads.

Hopefully - when you have time you could address those questions I have.


RE: Newbie on deck - (more chum?) - majog - 12-12-2007

Welcome Lionfish. If you like we can do a game. I suggest small WF or EF (12-18 turns) and I will coach you through a couple to help you get the hang of things. If interested send the first turn of anything to [email protected].

RE: Newbie on deck - (more chum?) - Lionfish - 12-12-2007


Thanks for the invite....I will take you up on it as soon as I finish the beat down I'm taking from 1925frank. Actually - it's not that bad - but I HAVE made some serious mistakes. 1925frank has been helpful and sharing some insight.
