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Supply cut off? - Printable Version

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Supply cut off? - cillmhor - 11-01-2007

Hi a really basic question, but how do you tell from the game interface if supply has been cut off on a rail or road behind you? Do the little supply bubbles have a gap in them around an enemy unit cutting off supply? Or is there another button which can tell me if a unit is supply and also show supply traces?

Thanks for any help.


RE: Supply cut off? - Bigwig - 11-01-2007

Well, you can't completely cut off supply just by severing a rail line, but if you set the supply display to the mode where it shows you numbers, you can tell if there is a break by checking for unusually low numbers. Unfortunately, the supply display, like the possession display, is affected by the fog of war, so the only way to tell where the break is that I know of is to visually check for broken rail hexes.

Of course, if you're out of supply, there won't be any bubbles in the supply display at all (I think), but you can also check by bringing up the unit report - the second item in the first line says "supplied" or "unsupplied". But being totally unsupplied generally only happens when a.) you are surrounded, or b.) you do an amphibious or air drop without a friendly supply source around, so it tends to be pretty obvious.

RE: Supply cut off? - cillmhor - 11-01-2007

Thanks for the answer. So if I have rogue units roaming about in my rear areas with low scenario recon, I will just have to try and guess where they are if there is no obvious drop in supply, as I have multiple roads/rail tracks leading to the front so they could be cutting any one of three or four off:(.

Thanks again.

RE: Supply cut off? - Bigwig - 11-01-2007

Yeah, sounds like a situation where you need to garrison your rear areas. patrol them, even, depending on how big the map is.

Used to be, you could just check the possession borders, but they fixed that in TOAW III.

RE: Supply cut off? - Tanker - 05-01-2008

What is the practical effect of no supply or lowered supply? Does it lower unit readiness, proficiency or ability to attack?

RE: Supply cut off? - Bigwig - 05-01-2008

I'm not sure of all of the details, but most critiacally, readiness cannot rise above supply level. Meaning, amongst other things, that units low on supply cannot regain readiness until they first restock supplies.

RE: Supply cut off? - Tanker - 05-01-2008

Thanks P_K.

I guess the practical effect would be less ability to defend or attack.

I'm just wondering how long before lack of supply takes effect. It is probably very dependent on turn length. One week turns being more significant than 2.5 hour turns.

RE: Supply cut off? - Bigwig - 05-01-2008

Supply and its expenditure are a continuous proccess: supply is used when MP are expended, and regained at the begining of a turn, when supply is caluculated.

Oh, also, if a unit is totally unsupplied, it isn't eligible for reconstitution.

RE: Supply cut off? - Currahee - 05-02-2008

For a somewhat detailed treatment, see on this site: G-2; Articles; Strategy Articles; TOAW; the article, "Supply in TOAW" by me.

Also, if you'll search my old posts on this forum, going back to before we converted to the new message board, ie, search the archives...you'll find other detailed comments on supply; the meaning of the bubbles, the meaning of the diffenent color circles, etc.

RE: Supply cut off? - Tanker - 05-05-2008

Good info. Thank Currahee.