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Who shots first - Printable Version

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Who shots first - Montana Grizz - 04-21-2007


Your T-34 is resting in a hex when your opponent moves his Tiger within view and assigned range. Who fires first, the Tiger or the T-34's Op fire?



P.S. I hope the answer isn't a roll of the dreaded virtual dices!

RE: Who shots first - Big Dawg - 04-21-2007

You would like the T-34 OP to fire first, but OP fire often will let you down.

RE: Who shots first - Von Earlmann - 04-21-2007

and yes it the dreaded dice roll :-)

RE: Who shots first - Digger - 04-23-2007

I would prefer OP fire turned OFF in this scenario, even at point blank range the paltry 76mm on the T-34 doesn't have a high rate of sucess against the Tiger. 16 vs 17 at 1 hex range is a bit of a lottery.

I would rather leave it turned off and swarm the mongrel in my turn.

Matt ~

RE: Who shots first - Digger - 04-23-2007

Of course with the T-34/85 things are a little different, but still, I'm not a fan of OP fire against Tigers, unless you have JS-II's as in my experience it leads to alot of burning Russian tanks.

RE: Who shots first - McIvan - 04-23-2007


Op fire chance of triggering is 1/(1+Range in hexes).

So 50% at one hex range, 33% at 2 hexes, 25% at four and so on.

That assumes your tank has enough action points left to fire in the first place.

Tactically, I'm with Digger. Turn op fire off, leave the T34 in a position where it can't be see, and swarm the Tiger in your own turn.

Op fire will drive you nutty. You are usually better off not using it.

RE: Who shots first - Panther - 04-23-2007

Hi Pat,

i agree with Digger too. Op fire is a good feature ... when it works! Mostly if i used this option my opponents had the better results.

Use op Fire only if you own the stronger units :boom3:.


RE: Who shots first - Legion - 04-25-2007


Are you quite sure that range is the only variable considered in the OpFire formula? My limited experience has left me the impression that more vulnerable target units are more likely to draw fire - maybe I'm just seeing what I expect to see....


RE: Who shots first - McIvan - 04-25-2007

There's no formula for picking on vulnerable units that I know of. However.....I'm out of practice with this game, but my recollection is that if you group a HT platoon with a tank platoon, the HT platoon often seems to take the op fire rather than the tank......often enough to leave a vague impression anyway.

However, I am a bit wary of my memory on this point....it could just be that I recall the HTs because HT's tend to die in droves to AP whereas the tanks more often shrug it off.

So I cannot offer any firm conclusion.