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Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - Printable Version

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Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - jonnymacbrown - 03-28-2007

I don't want to do it myself. Those boys were light infantry scouts, not shock troops. Howsmabout somebody getting on the stick here? von ege :cool2:

RE: Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - Liebchen - 03-28-2007

Yes... Someone to lay a bit of stick about, then...

(Sorry, been watching the House of Cards...)

RE: Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - Glenn Saunders - 03-28-2007

Prinz von Egan Wrote:Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40?

Let me ask, when did you report the issue to HPS - first I heard about some problem with Bycles and there is rarely enough info in a post anyway to understand an issue properly.

I'm not sure which nation your referring to or what value seems to be causing your concern.

If you think something is amiss, I would suggest you send info to HPS Tech Support and be sure to include a btl file which illustrates your suggestion. If you have sent it already and not heard back, then I would resend it as HPS always responds to customer input and questions.

Be sure to include additional info if this Bycycle issue affects other nations and components - but don't write a thesis on it either. Just a brief and to the point note that includes a btl file and a hex to find an example of the situation you feel needs attention.

How else would anyone know there is even something that might not be correct?

I can't promise a change, but I can tell you with certainty that it will be looked at. I can also say for sure that if the issue isn't known - or, like after this thread, it might be known but not understood, - nothing much is likely to happen.

HPS Support can be reached at:
[email protected]


RE: Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - Volcano Man - 03-29-2007

Actually, I think he is referring to some kind of F40 mod, although I am not sure.

RE:��Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - Glenn Saunders - 03-29-2007

Volcano Man Wrote:Actually, I think he is referring to some kind of F40 mod, although I am not sure.

Ya - impossible to say I guess.

RE: Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - jonnymacbrown - 03-29-2007

Thanks for writing. I should have been more specific. My complaint is about the F40 Multi-strategies mod, that has Belgian bicycle troops as some of the most mobile and effective shock troops on the board. We had a thread about it, but the issue was never resolved. My feeling is, bicycle troops should have NO mobility when on foot, as they have to stay near their bikes. Also, they shouldn't have high firepower either, as they don't have heavy weapons. This mod, it seems to me, is now heavily weighted in favor of the Allies, primarily because their are many Belgian bicyclists and they inordinately influence the game in the early going. von ege :conf:

RE: Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - Tortue Agile - 03-29-2007

It is asked so nicely ;) Big Grin

So far you have been the only one complaining about them... So I won't make any change.

RE: Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - Elxaime - 03-29-2007

By the way, is the mod still going to be further updated? Things were left that they were, but I wanted to check and see if progress had been made. Would love to try it, but don't want to start a new game and have the scenario altered a couple of weeks later. Thanks.

RE: Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - Ricky B - 03-29-2007

Yes, there is an update coming. I promise to review things with Tortue and get it out by the end of next week, okay?


RE: Will the Bicyclists ever be downgraded in F40? - jonnymacbrown - 03-29-2007

"So far you have been the only one complaining about them... So I won't make any change."

This is a popularity contest? The bicyclists have assault values of 14, higher than all Panzers except Mk.IV, and most German infantry. They all have soft fire values of 9, higher than c.50% of all German infantry. These guys were on bikes with no heavy weapons! Hello? Just because I'm the only guy who thinks this is absurd, don't mean it isn't. von ege :cool: