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Replay Speed issues - Printable Version

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Replay Speed issues - Liebchen - 03-21-2007

OK, I get that f7 and f8 speed up replays, that f5 slows it, and that f6 supposedly returns everything to normal.

What I'm getting, though, is that once I return to normal from an f8 replay, my oppo's auto defensive fire happens very fast, so fast that it is sometimes difficult to see. It also happens quick on the draw, so to speak, so that it will interrupt the result of my own fire in order to conduct (but not necessarily) show) the defensive fire.

It's annoying enough to quit the program after running through a replay so as to reset the speeds.

Anyone else having this issue?

RE: Replay Speed issues - Sgt Fury - 03-21-2007

Yep, I have this issue too. It has been raised a number of times and I believe Glenn usually chimes in with setting the AI speed from the menu. However, that does not work either. I have discovered that firing 2 shots from within the artillery dialog will bring the speed back to normal -- nice trick, eh? Other than that, restarting is the only way to solve the issue currently.


RE: Replay Speed issues - Sgt Barker - 03-21-2007

Thanks for the tip Sarge. I too have noticed this, and been annoyed by it. Arty it is.

RE: Replay Speed issues - Liebchen - 03-21-2007

Sgt Fury Wrote:I have discovered that firing 2 shots from within the artillery dialog will bring the speed back to normal -- nice trick, eh?
Just had this happen to me tonight, for the first time. Didn't know if it was serendipitous or what. Now I know, thanks.