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Rate of Fire? - Printable Version

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Rate of Fire? - 10-3 SquadLeader - 07-06-2006

Where can I find the rate of fire of CM guns?
The probability of hitting is for a single shot?


RE: Rate of Fire? - mTk(FGM) - 07-09-2006

I've never seen the numerical data and always assumed it was pretty much a function of crew quality. I've had a crack crew get off as many as 6 AFV rounds in a minute. I suspect guns may even be quicker.

As for hit probability, when you <target> a unit it will give you the
hit %. I've always thought it was a per shot prediction. It could change as the turn progresses though.

mTk :P

RE: Rate of Fire? - McIvan - 07-09-2006

It does change.......the percentage chance dials upward exponentially as your crew observes fall of shot and corrects, heading toward the unobtainable 100%. if you have a crew firing 6 shots/minute, they will be shooting at close to 100%in most cases before the turn finishes.