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Main Event IV: M1A1 vs. Schwerpunkt - Printable Version

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RE: Main Event IV - Ratzki - 04-01-2009

By request here is the map for the Main Event IV

RE: Main Event IV - herroberst - 04-01-2009

Regarding Mr. X's reply, he seems to be following the tried and true "tank sniper" tactics, i.e. whittle down the opposing tank force and the opposing infantry will be fodder. Next few turns will be critical - if he knocks out all the tanks he wants without losing a tank or gun in the process he will be in good shape. I can see the difference that crack ATGs versus regular or green makes - when I can choose and quality is not restricted I have had very good results with Crack or Vet guns.

RE: Main Event IV - Der Kuenstler - 04-03-2009

herroberst Wrote:when I can choose and quality is not restricted I have had very good results with Crack or Vet guns.

Yes - definitely worth the cost...

RE: Main Event IV - Ratzki - 04-03-2009

Within a short time M1A1 is able to bring the anti-tank gun under fire from multiple locations. The Sherman is still pumping out smoke shells to try to buy some time for the T-34. Anothyer German shell from the 50mm misses wide, the crew starts to reload as fast as they can. They go PINNED, but only for a short time. Quickly they finish reloading the gun, amidst a hail of machine gun bullets, the Shermans smoke shells start to deploy, there is only time for one more shot, careful aim, ... and fire. The T-34 stops moving, and lays still, a couple of seconds later and the crew bails out of the disabled tank.
[Image: ME16.png]

Just ahead of M1A1's armor, Russian troops catch the sight of a large armored machine moving directly toward their position. M1 has to be thinking that this is one of the Pz IV's he assumes Mr. X has bought. The sighting is very short and then the tank turns into a contact marker and is not seen for the remainder of the turn.
The Germans are now making a serious move to take flag C on the Russian's extreme right flank. First one squad, then another followed by more squads dash across the open field towards the clump of scattered trees and surrounding brush. M1A1 has his Russian troops fire at will on the advancing Germans but his guns are at their long range and the fire does not seem to affect the running German platoon that is moving on the flag. Only after the Russians group their fire at only one target do they manage to force the squad down and PIN it. Overall, here at flags C and D, the Russains are moving forward but at a cost M1A1 might not be able to afford and with Mr. X looking like he is going to start making a move now, as well, things have the potential to get a whole lot worse for M1's troops before it gets better.
[Image: ME17.png]

Over at flag A, M1A1 might restart moving his armor forward. The barrage from the 81mm FO stops half way through the turn and some of the Russian squads rally back to just being PINNED. A few Russian infantry have run the guantlet and made their way through the shelling, the others PIN but no more damage is caused. The Marder is still laying in wait of an opportunity to ambush any armor that hets into it's LOS. As long as M1 moves towards his right, he should be able to avoid the Marder. German infantry are still be ordered to take pot shots at Russian tank commanders, it is keeping the lead tanks buttoned up and moving with limited visibility.
[Image: ME21.png]
The flag marked F has been vacated by M1 for the time being, and a couple of Russian squads take to trying to sneak and control flag B without being spotted. Mr. X has a couple of well placed HMGs that might catch a glimpse of them if not careful. The German Pz IV creeps forward, little by little, still out of sight of M1A1's men. Mr. X reports that he is checking to see if he can get a flank shot on one of M1's two tanks here, he says it might be a bad idea but figures the time is right to give it a try.
[Image: ME20.png]

RE: Main Event IV - Ratzki - 04-05-2009

This turn finds M1A1's tanks starting to move forward, he has not dealt with the Marder and it still sits, waiting for a chance to get a shot in. The Marder does not have to wait long as a T-34 slips into LOS. Mr. X has had a covered arc on the gun for some time now and when the T-34 is in LOS itis also well within effective range of the 76mm gun. At 309m, the chances for survival are low, and the Marder makes contact with one AP shell beofe the rest of M1's tank pack come into view. Knowing that this is now not a fair fight, the Marder reverses out of trouble. Mr. X now has another issue, that Marder is verry close to the edge of the map and there is a large swamp behind it as well. It is effectively trapped in a small pocket, and without a turret is going to be forced to expose itself to enemy fire without any means of defense if it wants to get out of here.
[Image: ME22-37.png]

M1's hopes of sneaking in a little flag takeover is foiled by a German HMG team. Both players have made some half hearted attempts to take this flag but nothing too serious. They seem to be waiting for the game to braek open a little more. I think that caution is warrented as there is little cover once you get to the top of the hill.
[Image: ME23-37.png]

The Battle still rages with each player now firing everything that they have onto each other's men. M1A1 is firing a battery of 122mm HE while Mr. X has 105mm HE landing on enemy positions. The big flag is flag C and the little one is E.
M1 now knows where the German armor is as he picks up confermation of two Pz IVs moving forward.
[Image: ME24-37.png]

Mr. X's Marder did not knock out M1's T-34 but did manage to damage the gun. The Marder tries to make a run for it and get into a new position, but M1A1 has predicted the move and positioned most of his armor to take care of the threat. A couple shots miss but when one finds home, it is all but over for the Marder. A second shot confirms the kill as the crew bails out of the vehicle and sheads towards friendly lines.
This could spell trouble for Mr. X as he is now down to infantry AT weapons only. The other nasty suprise awaits, in that I am sure now that M1 is smelling blood and will get his KVs in there and start up the two tanks flame throwers. He still has to be careful as German squads can still take out a tank, if one get careless and too close.
[Image: ME25-39.png]

Here is another overview of the field, will be interesting to see if Mr. X can shore up his failing right flank, or will M1A1 be able to roll up the defenders here and press into the German flank effectively putting the German side on the defensive.
[Image: ME26-41.png]

RE: Main Event IV - Ratzki - 04-08-2009

With the Marder now taken out of the picture, M1A1 sees to it that his KV-Flame tanks get to shoot at some Germans. The KVs move in quickly and start to shake 'n bake everything in the area. German squads reatreat after taking only a few flame blasts. All seems to be going well with the plan, but M1 has not seen 2 German squads close to his KV. Armed with grenade bundles, these Germans have the potential to make quick work of enemy armor.
Mr. X is pulling out all that he has left in this area, saturating Russian units with 81mm and 50mm mortar fire, as well as HMGs. If M1 can roll up the defenders here, there will be little to stop him from taking flag A and B, and maybe E.
[Image: ME27-42.png]
O this side of the hill, Mr. X waits for the Russian armor that is slowly creeping toward the German tanks. He can only look and watch the carnage going on near flag A for the time being. Russian 122mm HE is still comming down, but is most ineffective as M1 has only contact markers to go by and they are old and now off by a fair margin. The Russians have little infantry here to push too much, and with the numbers game in the Germans favour, will likely not try anything too rash now.
[Image: ME28-42.png]
The Russians bring up some infantry to support the tanks and begin to make some serious headway against Mr. X's Germans. With his tanks buttoned from the 81mm HE, a KV falls victim to the German grenades comming from the Pines. M1A1's armor force is slowly being wittled away, he has lost 1x T-34, 1x KV-Flame, and has another T-34 with a damaged gun, the Marder is Mr. X's only armor loss so far.
[Image: ME29-44.png]
M1A1 does the unexpected and starts to travel down through the trees well in front of his own infantry with all his armor in this area. Mr. X has enough squad AT weapons to dish out some hurt if he gets a few breaks. Will this be a turning point in the game?
[Image: ME30-45.png]
Still waiting out the Russian artillery fire, both sides have settled down and do little moving.
[Image: ME31-45.png]

Mr.X has left me with a little tidbit on what the fure turns will hold:
"Well...a lot has happened. My right is slowly starting to crumble, but I hope I am inflicting casualties and am happy that I stalled him this long - almost half of the game for one small flag... I also now regret not saving my Marder for now. I was afraid that it would be sealed off and rendered useless in that small patch of woods and marsh - so I took a chance at killing another tank. Who knows what he would have done if the Marder was still in tact. Hopefully, some brave infantry with grenade bundles will step up and win some iron crosses! I am very happy with my left. I own that flag. The center? I will now open up on infantry with HE shells from my regular PzKw IV. Slowly erode his strength while, whole companies of infantry remain hidden in the woods, waiting for an opening to take the center. He did not counter my PAK, so perhaps some action from one of my tanks will make him move. I am almost certain he still has not spotted my vet and crack PzKw IV. Based on our email communication, it is starting to rattle him somewhat. He is not as confident as he was 5 turns ago! LOL! At least the "roasted rabbit" comments have slowed down. I am going to start saving my HMG ammunition for spotted targets. They have rendered his support weapons useless by suppressing them - at the very least, they have been nothing but small red stars for the better part of the game thus far. Overall situation is still very much in the balance IMO. I am a little suprised that he has not shown very much infantry... I hope he does not have more and he spent too much on armor. If that is the case, I will be happy. My theory is that this is an infantry game. All other weapons (including armor) are there only to make sure the infantry can take the objective and hold it. HOWEVER, the performance of my three tanks tanks may decide the game - if they can give my infantry a clear shot at the flags."

RE: Main Event IV - herroberst - 04-09-2009

M1A1 is true to form and starting to lead with his tanks. I suspect that Mr X's infantry and armor will take down all of the Russian armor and it will be over for M1A1.

Be interesting to see if Mr X thinks of isolating tanks from covering fire with smoke and suppression and getting close enough for bundles.

RE: Main Event IV - fluidwill - 04-10-2009

Its that sort of devious thinking that makes you such a joy to play against HO.

Great game by both sides so far and still in balance, nice commentary Ratski

RE: Main Event IV - Lord Bane - 04-10-2009

Well herroberst I have to hand it to you. You called it. I noticed that he pulled that precious Flame KV he lost right up to two German infantry sound contacts before it was killed. That is not good. Would have been very interesting to see how his tanks would have handled the German infantry with a different, non-suicidal, approach.
Lord Bane (FGM)

RE: Main Event IV - Ratzki - 04-11-2009

I just find that 75mm is not that effective on digging infantry out of their positions without some infantry help, so M1 is hamstrung a bit by having to get in close for some cannister shots. Now I think that he came a little too close but time is now becoming a factor, and he has to do something.