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Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - Printable Version

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RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - Tiger_Reyth - 01-21-2007

Greedy russians...

Pound them into the sand!


RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - General SP - 01-22-2007

Again scouts went forward to look for good artillery targets. Some paratroopers came back to life on the radio and started radioing more information. What Cpt Nimod needed was about 1 more company of armor and infantry. Well there was plenty of time while he regrouped and filtered all the intel reports.

Already the artillery was starting again.

[Image: type83sp_152mm1l.jpg]

RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - wulfir - 01-23-2007

[Image: kos309b.jpg]

Captain Bell and his handful of troops of Alpha Company, 3-36 Infantry, had positioned themselves inside the village of SCHWABENROD. After the initial clashes with the Soviet VDV it had been relatively quiet in their immediate area. They had heard the sounds of heavy fighting from the south, and they knew REIBERTENROD had caught hell.

Bell had grown a bit impatient when one of the men signaled he had spotted movement at eleven o'clock, and sure enough moving out of a building only about 200 meters away were half a dozen Soviet paratroopers...

A powerfull lust for blood boiled up in him. Quickly, he called out the targets to the troops nearby and opened fire himself. The Soviets were quick to return the fire but their lack of cover proved their undoing - one after one their weapons fell silent. Bell reloaded, the smell of gunpowder was strong. He remembered something he once read an Israeli saying:
"Firing a weapon is a great joy..."
Boy, he thought, it had never been truer..., but what now - had they been scouts for a larger body of enemy troops? What waited beyond those German houses...

RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - General SP - 01-23-2007

As Cpt Nimod pulled into the resupply point, the sound of more cluster munitions erupted in the town. Why did the superior Soviet armor not have these ready? His political advisor reminded him that the NATO cluster munitions were not very lethal. Cpt Nimod raised his eyebrow and commented "Not Lethal? You Moron! Did you not see the tanks that laid burning with their crews from these non lethal weapons?". Dismissing his advisor he got back to planning.

Scouts were scouring the country side. More artillery started launching. If he could not persuade NATO to come out and fight then he would bombard them until they had enough!

[Image: uragan.jpg]

[Image: uragan4.jpg]

RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - Tiger_Reyth - 01-23-2007

Look out it's an angry NATO sniper!

[Image: sniper6zm.jpg]


RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - wulfir - 01-24-2007

[Image: Leo_WEB.jpg]

Arriving at the Bundeswehr unit Gefechtstand Nelson was able to inform himself on the situation from the German commander. The Soviet attack in the south seemed to have petered out. Soviet forces had penetrated as far as "the artillery farm" but now US M109 SPA fire had driven the enemy back, and it seemed as if enemy forces were concentrating at REIBERTENROD in the seem between German and American forces.

Some enemy troops were still active in the extreme south, but the Germans were confident they would be able to handle them. The big worry now, was the size of the Soviet reserves.

And the Hinds...

RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - General SP - 01-25-2007

Cpt Sergei Rumkov powered down the road and just as he reached his next cover of safety, his red lights lit up again. CRAP! Jinking his Hind in a tight turn he deliberately dropped it to the ground just as the missile, probably a Roland, exploded 200 meters behind him in the forest. Damn he hated those things! Looking over his instrument panel he saw no damage and breathed a sigh of relief. He was lost in thoiught when his Copilot asked if he was okay. Smiling he nodded and continued the hide and seek to the front.

Meanwhile Sgt Teskuvich and his army tank north spotted an artillery unit 2300 meters out. Interesting it was just sitting there. Sgt Teskuvich was now command of his small tank force since his commander died early in the war by an American TOW. Being only 23 years old he was the youngest tank commander at the moment. He wondered if they would win this war and although he was the most die hard communist there ever was, he sometimes wondered what the hell they were doing! Well enough thoughts.

Gunner! Target! 10 o'clock. Load HE.

Target acquired! Locked! Away!

Damn! Miss! The other tanks joined in and although tank 3 hit no explosion. Hitting reverse and suspecting a trap Teskuvich backed out behind the tree line and gave orders to go to alternate positions.

[Image: t-80-DDST8708757_JPG.jpg]

RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - wulfir - 01-25-2007

[Image: abrams_002.jpg]

The gunner on Hutchins M1 tank stared through the battlesight. He had blasted away at long range against a T-80 hiding behind the burning hulks of the CAV M3s in the north without result when suddenly the T-80 presented its left side. The round penetrated.
Everyone onboard Hutchins tank screamed with joy...

In SCHWABENROD Captain Bell, now supported by Bradleys, began moving forward meeting scattered resistance from enemy paratroopers. Gaining ground he reported back with previously unseen confidence...

Eleswhere scouts reported the enemy were reinforcing REIBERTENROD with heavy armor. Was this the next attack echelong...?

RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - General SP - 01-28-2007

RE: Battle of Alsfeld 1985 - wulfir - 01-28-2007

[Image: cooperative_osprey96_3.jpg]

Moving forward to ferret out the remaining VDV troopers from SCHWABENROD the men and Bradleys ander Bell's command began recieving fire from a house to their left. Although engaging the house with the combined firepower of the riflemen and Bradleys the enemy fire could not be silenced until a squad closed with the building and cleared it with handgranades.

To their surprise the Americans found that the building had been held by a lone enemy sniper. They did not give in easily, these paratroopers. Moving again, the American forces came under artillery fire...