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1st Ukraine Front - Insiders look at a Play Test - Printable Version

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Turn 4 - Strela - 07-31-2009

Russian artillery in 27th Army sector continues to be effective and at the same time dismal supporting 40th Army...

[Image: T4Assault.JPG]

After disrupting yet another company  the Russian assault is extremely brutal - the German units reel back.

[Image: T427A.JPG]

Two successful assaults continue the Russian push - despite heavy pressure the German line holds, just.....

[Image: T440A.JPG]

Finally another bunker disrupts due to 5th MC armor's direct fire. This was the only one despite massive artillery preparation and heavy tank fire. Pushing forward another bunker line is found, but some positions are being held by weaker units.

German Turn 4

All of 34th and 198th Infantry Divisions are released. 88th Infantry Division won't release till the 28th. VII Korp assets also are released but will stay in the Lysanki area.

[Image: T488I.JPG]

Iron crosses are being sent to 1/I/GR 248 who is decimated by artillery and infantry fire. 53 men are lost in one turn but it does not disrupt and halts the Russian push to Baran'ye Pole. StuG ABT 202 moves up in support and to dissuade the SU Regt's from being too bold. The bunkers on the far left flank are abandoned as the Russian push south is threatening to isolate this area. With 198th Infantry released, some units are regrouping and considering when to retire.

[Image: T4Victory.JPG]

German casualties have accelerated this turn - almost doubling from turn 3.

Turn 5 to follow...!

RE: Turn 4 - Dog Soldier - 08-01-2009

Strela Wrote:After disrupting yet another company the Russian assault is extremely brutal - the German units reel back.
German casualties have accelerated this turn - almost doubling from turn 3.

Brutal just begins to describe this assault result. The 45 men lost by the Germans represent 19% of the total lost in the first three turns! (45/237).

Was the assault conducted by Russian SMG units? The on board result covers up the unit designation of the victorious Russian troops. Or was this a case of just overwhelming numbers of rifle men?

In any case, it points out the difference between direct fire and assault in the _alt series. A good illustration.

Dog Soldier

RE: 1st Ukraine Front - Insiders look at a Play Test - Strela - 08-01-2009

A picture is worth a thousand words....

5 : 1 in rifle men.

[Image: T4DogSoldier.JPG]

Turn 5 - Strela - 08-03-2009

Soviet Turn

5th Guards Tank Corp is released this turn. 5th Mech Corp is also now in position to batter the German bunkers, but can only get its Sherman's forward. The motorised infantry is stuck in traffic in the rear.

[Image: T527A.JPG]

In 27th Army sector, the Germans continue to be pushed out of their strongpoints . A bunker and an entrenchment fall this turn. Soviet units are now starting to engage formations from the 198th Infantry Division. Artillery and direct fire are disrupting more units and an effort will be made soon to push towards Medvin. Russian formations are in reasonable condition in terms of fatigue, but are prone to disrupt.

[Image: T540A.JPG]

40th Army sector now has 6th GTA up in the front line. 5th MC disrupts two bunkers after heavy artillery fire and push the defenders out. The German forward bunkers are looking precarious. Significantly, exploiting units are now faced with entrenchments in some areas. Are we clear of the bunker line?

5th GTC is also now at the front north of the Vinograd road. Hopefully this will restart the stalled attack in this sector. Note, the new tank rider unit - we are testing the tank brigade's organic infantry in a different format, which will allow the infantry to keep up with the tanks.

German Turn

Things just got immeasurably harder.

The successful assaults by the Russians in both the north and south will require quick action.

[Image: T588I.JPG]

In the 88th Infantry sector, the Germans are trying to both restore the line and pull its II/GR246 out of Krutyye Gorby and move closer to its parent formation. The pressure from the Russians has been relentless and it will be at least another turn before a robust response can be mounted.

[Image: T534I.JPG]

34th Infantry has been pushed back but is still in a reasonable condition. Exposed forward bunkers are evacuated and once clear other defence points will be reinforced. In front of 5th MC, the Germans are back to the final bunker line. If any of these break then there is a real risk that the Soviet rate of advance is ahead of history.

[Image: T5Victory.JPG]

Turn 6 to follow.....

Turn 6 - Strela - 08-03-2009

Soviet Turn

It is now 16:00. Progress overall has been acceptable, particularly in the 27th Army operation. It appears that 5th MC and 5th GTC are sufficient for the 40th Army sector so the 233rd Independant Tank Brigade is ordered to reinforce the sucess in the north. The 233rd is part of 6th GTA's reserve and if it can successfuly breakthrough it can push on to Lysanka. this would also put it in 198th Infantry Divisions rear and could compromise its positions.

[Image: T627A.JPG]

337th Rifle Division probes towards Baran'ye Pole with SU support but are halted at the outskirts of the village. 88th Infantry defenses look tougher here. Pushing towards Zakutintsy there is a bubble in the German line. It looks like the STuG battalion is the only force between here and Baran'ye Pole. The 233rd will be in the battle line during the dusk turn - is this the direction it should go? It is an extremely powerful force with 60 odd armored vehicles and a full strength tank rider battalion.

[Image: T640A.JPG]

40th Army is now seeing the benefit of 5th MC and 5th GTC supporting its infantry. 5th GTC shoots the 339th Rifle division into another bunker just north of Motylevka. Tank riders dismount and follow the Rifle infantry into the bunker complex. The German AT guns and infantry continue to stubbornly hold out at the cross roads just south of Motylevka. They manage to disrupt a flamethrower bn and a KV-1 bn.

Significantly, 5th MC manages to disrupt the German force defending Pavlovka. A quick assault by 133 Rifle Division manages to push the defenders out and further compromise the German defensive line. 2 Bn's of 45 Mech Bde push through and manage to disrupt another German company. The 5th MC is starting to look like it could breakthrough.

German Turn 6

The situaton has stabilised slightly in the north. The major issue this turn is the Russian success at Pavlovka. If the Russians continue to hold it, they will flank the whole of 34th Infantry's bunker line.

[Image: T6Assault.JPG]

34th Division realise the danger that a Soviet held Pavlovka presents. German artillery is called in with heavy fire and it is amazing that the town is not rubbled. Both Russian bn's of the 521st Infantry Regt are disrupted and II/GR107 assaults the town. Very bloody for the attackers, but significantly they take the town and don't disrupt. The line looks a little more secure...

[Image: T634I.JPG]

The recovery of Pavlovka is significant. A small Marder company moves up to support the infantry company south of the Russian Mech forces. This group will have to hold until next turn when the Feld Ersatz Bn can replace them.

The Germans decide not to abandon a bunker north west of Pavlovka as it would shorten the Russian line and expose the AT force on the Motylevka road. Anything to delay the Russians...

[Image: T688I.JPG]

In the 88th / 198th Infantry sector it has become apparent that the Russians could roll up the 198th Infantry bunker line. The 198th is now beginning to pull back to the south east. Ultimately, it will have to cross the G'niloy Tikich so the crossing will become of supreme importance. The divisional boundary is between Zakutintsy and Baran'ye Pole and is extremely lightly held. This will only be strengthened by the 198th Infantry retiring back.

[Image: T6Victory.JPG]

Both sides continue to pay the piper....

Turn 7 to follow.

Turn 7 - Strela - 08-07-2009

Soviet Turn

As the sun sets on the first day, all major Russian formations are now released and engaged in breaking through the German resistance.

[Image: T727A.JPG]

Once again the attack at Baran'ye Pole is repulsed with another SU left burning in the snow. 233rd Tank Bde took the STuG Bn head on, losing 2 tanks to 1. Round 1 to the STuG's. The Brigade pulls back with an aim to probe further south.

Two successful assaults resulted in the northern part of Zakutintsy falling to sappers as well as 1892nd SU regt. The entrenchment immediately to the west is also taken. Krutyye Gorby is finally confirmed as cleared.

[Image: T740A.JPG]

In 40th Army sector,  infantry from the 109th Infantry Regt (74th Rifle Division) successfuly push back the Marder unit and infantry company south of Pavlovka. This opens a gap big enough for 45th Mech Bde to exploit. 54th Tank Regt manages to push back a supporting German unit behind Pavlovka and the bunker complex is almost isolated. 2/45 MB follows up 54th Tank despite being disrupted to ensure the lines of communication remain open. 1/45MB pushes south east and is not stopped until it stumbles onto entrenched artillery.

418th Infantry Regt (133rd Rifle Division) clears another bunker north west of Pavlovka and the whole complex is now close to being compromised.

5th GTC continues to shoot up Motylevka, but takes no ground this turn. Further infantry move up to support the armor.

All in all, things have improved significantly in the last four hours for the 40th Army with the mobile troops through the bunker complex and running into rear area forces.

German Turn 7

Last turn's brave counterattack at Pavlovka seems to be for naught. To recover the line will require further ground assaults. With the Russians threatening artillery emplacements it is time to move the guns and hopefully seal the breach at least temporarily.

[Image: T7Counterattack.JPG]

The first counterattack is against the southern shoulder of the Russian penetration. Artillery manages to disrupt the remaining good order rifle bn. The assault is successful but at a terrible price.

[Image: T7Counterattack2.JPG]

The second counterattack charges the disrupted infantry of 45 MB, pushing them back to the safety of 54th Tank Regt. The Russians suddenly find their communication lines are cut. Again the Germans pay dearly for their success. The Fusilier Bn will have to hold for at least the next turn to help retard the Russians.

[Image: T734I.JPG]

With the Russian penetration pinched at the shoulders it is imperative to stop the Mech Infantry from over running the artillery. STuG ABT 239 is approaching, but will not make it this turn. 34th Infantry's Marders will have to take point despite their disorganised state. Hopefully the Russians will pause while they try to clear their lines.

Though falling back one bunker at Motylevka, the seam between 34th and 198th Infantry Division is holding. 5th GTC has forced the Germans out of another entrenchment but are not in a position to take advantage.

The decision is made to stay in the Pavlovka complex and force the Russians to try and rescue their stranded comrades. Anything to cause delay.

[Image: T788I.JPG]

In 88th Infantry sector, ammunition is running low at Baran'ye Pole after yet another Russian attack. Surprisingly, STuG Abt 202 fought off at least 60 tanks for little loss. Russian forces continue to follow up our 'relocating' infantry.

The intensity for the Germans has picked up and it is only though desperate means that things are still holding together. The victory score reflects the heavy combat....

[Image: T7Victory.JPG]

Turn 8 - Strela - 08-08-2009

Soviet Turn

The sun has set and both sides have to decide whether to rest or push on. The Russians with a small penetration have to rescue their isolated comrades and see if they can widen the breakthrough zone. 5th GTC is also through the bunker line and looking to match 5th MC's success.

[Image: T8RAssault1.JPG]

The first successful assault reopens communications to the lead Bn's, though at a high cost.

[Image: T8RAssault2.JPG]

The second assault overruns the hapless Marders wiping them out to a vehicle. 4 Marders are no match for 530 men with grenade bundles. The desperate German defensive move is a minor irritant. An artillery column is found and destroyed by a combination of direct and indirect fire.

[Image: T8RAssault3.JPG]

In 5th GTC sector a further bunker is taken and it looks like the bunker line has been conclusively breached. Storming bunkers is not for the faint hearted, and the 3/1194 Rifle Regt loses 5% of its strength in this one combat.

[Image: T840A-1.JPG]

After 5th GTC's successful assault, units push forward to Repki to find it defended. Attempts to take more of Motylevka fail, but with the bunker line breached it may be more opportune to flank the town than assault it directly.

5th MC fail to widen the 'neck' of the penetration south of Pavlovka, severly hampering follow on units. With all units back in communication, heavier firepower can be bought to bear next turn.

[Image: T827A.JPG]

27th Army continues to probe both south and south east. German rearguards are being encountered but are quickly disrupted. 233rd Tank Bde is just a little too far north this turn and can not take advantage of the poor state of the German defences but moves forward to be in position for the next opportunity. Maybe a concerted armored thrust will be enough to break the line. Next turn will tell....

German Turn 8

The Russians are both through the line and bottled up. Their penetration is on a narrow axis and if the flanks can hold just a little longer.....  The desperate tactic with the Marder company was ultimately futile, but hopefully will help to contain the Russian thrust.

[Image: T834I.JPG]

The Soviet drive south east of Vinograd is the most immediate threat. Essentially the Russians have broken through and it is only dogged defense around Pavlovka that is constraining 5th MC. StuG Abt 239 is the only unit available to plug the hole and its 8 STuG's should be able to delay the infantry but will be in serious trouble if Russian tanks appear. The forces east of the Pavlovka penetration are too light to push the Russians back and will have to hold in place.

The Germans will soon have to decide when to abandon both Pavlovka and Motylevka as their flanks are close to collapse. Three infantry regiments of 34th Infantry Division are in these towns and they will be needed in the days ahead. With most units on foot it will be a very delicate operation....

At Repki, the sudden appearance of T34's with tank riders is blocked by the resident engineer company. A push in strength in this direction by Russian forces could tip the balance in this area.

[Image: T888I.JPG]

88th Infantry rearguards continue to be heavily engaged  and fortunately 3 units rally up. 198th Infantry starts a full disengagement south east. With a strong Russian armor force on their flank it is critical that the line be pulled back and Bn's consolidated. The G'niloy Tikich is a serious barrier for the 198th to escape out of the pocket. If they are not close enough to the bridges the Russians will be upon them and the path south blocked.

South of the river the 198th begins a staged pullback. The Soviet success at Motylevka will require a line east of Repki and the only units available are from 305th Infantry Regt and divisional level formations. With enemy tanks outside of Repki, haste will be needed to reinforce the town. It will be important for the 198th Infantry to match the retreat of 34th Infantry, else the Soviets exploit any mismatched moves.

[Image: T8Victory.JPG]

And so the 26th of January ends. Infantry losses are roughly equivalent, which is bad for the Germans considering they had the benefit of bunkers for most of the day. German gun losses have mounted during the day reflecting the constant Soviet pressure moving forward. Guns have been abandoned or in the case of this turn overrun in travel mode. Armor losses are reflective of the aggressive use of the SU's by the Russians and the less than successful initial employment of the 233rd Tank Bde.

Turn 9 to follow....

26th January vs History - Strela - 08-08-2009

With the 27th of January about to dawn it is worthwhile comparing our game progress vs the situation maps of the actual battle....

[Image: OverallMap.JPG]

Zetterling has the above daily situation map. It shows that historically during the first day 27th Army made the most progress capturing Baran'ye Pole and entering Medvin. 40th Army pushed the Germans back but failed to breach the defenses. The most progress was made where 5th MC was committed but was still well short of the planned capture of Vinograd. This prompted Vaututin to commit 233rd Tank Bde in direct support of 27th Army.

[Image: 26thJanMap.JPG]

Here is the situation in the game. The red line represents the front line as at midnight.

After the initial success in the first two turns, 27th Army has dropped behind the historical pace. Baran'ye Pole has held out against the Russian attacks, while 337th Rifle Division is only just starting to push towards Medvin. Both 88th Infantry's left flank and the adjacent 198th have skillfully held up the Russian infantry's advance and prevented a clean breakthrough. Most German Bn's are now reconstituted with their 3 companies.

In the 40th Army sector the Soviet forces have advanced beyond historical lines. The 5th GTC has reached the outskirts of Repki and 5th MC is almost directly south of Vinograd, albeit on the end of a tenuous line of communications. 5th MC's penetration will be almost impossible for the Germans to contain.

Overall, the first day is a reasonable approximation of what happened historically. As this is the 6th play through of this scenario, prior results can be compared. This is the 3rd time that the 5th MC has cracked the line south of Pavlovka on the 26th. Consideration may be given to converting one or two entrenchments to small bunkers on the 'corner' here to hold the Russians just a little longer. As they are not here for this play through lets see where the Russians end up by the end of tomorrow, but at first glance it may be beyond the historical 27th January lines....

RE: 1st Ukraine Front - Insiders look at a Play Test - Strela - 08-08-2009

Hi All,

Quick question - I am not seeing a lot of comments or otherwise in this thread? Is it of any interest?

Too many details, too verbose etc or just plain boring?

It takes me quite awhile to compile each turn for the AAR and if its not really interesting, I will consider the next step...!! Big Grin

RE: 1st Ukraine Front - Insiders look at a Play Test - Ricky B - 08-08-2009

Enjoying the read and learning from it, please keep it up, thanks.
