
Full Version: CS Legion Scenario Designer Interviews
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On the CS Legion site a Q&A I conducted with our own Don Fox has posted.  

My intention is to interview the scenario designers that have been producing great games for us to play over the years.  Next up will be Huib.

I have been away from the game for a while and there's a lot of new games out there that folks have spent a lot of time developing so if you have suggestions on any favorite scenario designers you would like to see covered in this series let me know here.

Don Fox has an interesting background and his work concerning WW2 history has went beyond Campaign Series. Please go read and feel free to post questions in the comments section.  Comments have to be approved by Petri or myself so it may take a few hours before we can approve your comment but hope we can get a conversation started over there concerning all things Don Fox.
Great read, I look forward to more!

Hey Scott...great stuff!

IMO, it's all downhill from Don Fox, lol, but a few designers I have enjoyed over the years include:

Berto: He did a great series based in Italy I always enjoyed.

Von Earl: XXXXVIII....need I say more?

And...whoever did Borisov...why am I old and suffering CRS?

I'd also add David Galster, and Jason Pethos, buuuuuut I'm fairly sure they are already on your list...;)


(03-27-2018, 12:28 AM)Dan Caviness Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Scott...great stuff!

IMO, it's all downhill from Don Fox, lol, but a few designers I have enjoyed over the years include:

Berto:  He did a great series based in Italy I always enjoyed.

Von Earl:  XXXXVIII....need I say more?

And...whoever did Borisov...why am I old and suffering CRS?

I'd also add David Galster, and Jason Pethos, buuuuuut I'm fairly sure they are already on your list...;)



Thanks Dan.  Good recommendations for future posts.  Word on the street is that you may have designed a scenario or two so may be sending questions your way one day!