
Full Version: WF Battleships
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I am designing a small Normandy type beach landing which would have included 1 Battleship with 14" guns. When the unit is placed on the map it turns into a large aircraft and can not load the gun or be used as a battleship. Is this a coding error?

(12-14-2010, 04:29 AM)Troll Wrote: [ -> ]I am designing a small Normandy type beach landing which would have included 1 Battleship with 14" guns. When the unit is placed on the map it turns into a large aircraft and can not load the gun or be used as a battleship. Is this a coding error?


I presume, yes. It will be corrected for the 1.05 UPDATE.

Which nation is it for?

Jason Petho


(12-14-2010, 04:44 AM)Troll Wrote: [ -> ]US



If there is a stationary Battleship, try using that one.

Jason Petho
I substituted a British Battleship with the 14" guns for the time being and comes on map OK

(12-14-2010, 05:14 AM)Troll Wrote: [ -> ]I substituted a British Battleship with the 14" guns for the time being and comes on map OK


I think it is because the US battleship is using a specific graphics code that calls upon the gliders graphic. An error in platoon coding.

Jason Petho
Thanks Jason