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Alto De Leon 1 - Spanish Civil War

Alto De Leon 1 Image
Squad Battles Ladder

Alto De Leon 1

By Joao Lima
Republican Spain 1 - 0 - 5 Nationalist Spain
Rating: 6.13 (3)
Games Played: 6
SM: 2
Turns: 16
Type: Custom
First Side: Republican Spain
Second Side: Nationalist Spain

As the military uprising failed, Gen Mola's forces, based in Navarra, begun a series of operations. One of such operations targeted Madrid. Mola intended to approach the capital through the northern Sierras. To this purpose he split his forces on a series of columns.

The third of Gen Mola's columns had the objective of taking the Alto de Leon. This they did since the troops and militia defending it panicked and fled at their approach on the 22nd. On the 24st an Republican counter-attack force was assembled, under Col Carrasco and promptly counter-attacked. After taking an high area to the south of the Alto de Leon, convinced of their superiority in weapons and numbers, the Republicans, under the watchful eye of Gen Riquelme advanced.

Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Richie61's ProfileRichie61 Well Balanced 7
Support6's ProfileSupport6 Moderately Pro Nationalist Spain 8
Support6's ProfileSupport6 Totally Pro Nationalist Spain 8