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CMFB 1.01 patch
07-15-2016, 10:54 PM,
CMFB 1.01 patch
I installed the 1.01 patch to CMFB today, and out of curiosity I attempted to open a turn file from a game in progress that was started using the 1.00 version,   and the patched 1.01 version opened it and it appears to function normally.    Which is nice but which I also suspect indicates my 1.01 patch did not install correctly because in the past there has never been compatibility between different versions.    Anyone else have any issues with the 1.01 patch?
"A bad plan is still better than no plan at all." -- Mikhail Tal[Image: pzV.jpg]
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07-15-2016, 11:32 PM,
RE: CMFB 1.01 patch
No, everything is fine. The normal procedure is for new versions of the game to open old turn files. It will try to upgrade the game when ever you open it.

The "right / official" way to do this is to save the turn during the orders phase in the old game and then open it again with the new version and press the BRB. This is because it has the most chance of succeeding. But honestly many changes have no effect on the file saves and so things work fine even if you are sloppy.

For the first while you could *not* open new turn files with old versions. They used to to this for every release but lately they seem to have relaxed this and you will find that with CMFB people with version 1.00 can play people with version 1.01 without any notifications. This is not really a good thing but since the file format has not changed it seems to work fine. However that does mean that depending on the bug fix and depending on who's machine is calculating the turn it probably means some bugs will not appear to be actually fixed. Messy. Why the decided to make this change I am not sure. I guess it does make the tangled spider web of upgrading all related players with different versions smoother but it will also lead to confusion.

So, as long as your main menu screen says you have version 1.01 and you see no error messages about missing files you are all good!
Author of: Whose Turn Is It? - http://www.lesliesoftware.com/products/WhoseTurnIsIt / CMFI Sicily Pathfinders(not playable H2H) / CMBS Opportunity Knocks (scenarios, maps and mods here)
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07-16-2016, 12:10 AM,
RE: CMFB 1.01 patch
Thanks.  In a perfect world that would be the case for all patches, I had just assumed that the past experience of non-compatibility was still the case for the 1.01 patch.
"A bad plan is still better than no plan at all." -- Mikhail Tal[Image: pzV.jpg]
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07-16-2016, 07:36 AM,
RE: CMFB 1.01 patch
Actually most of their patches handle upgrades just fine. I have had I think only one PBEM ever that would not upgrade to a newer patch. We just finished the game with the older version.
Author of: Whose Turn Is It? - http://www.lesliesoftware.com/products/WhoseTurnIsIt / CMFI Sicily Pathfinders(not playable H2H) / CMBS Opportunity Knocks (scenarios, maps and mods here)
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