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Total War in Germany 3.0
05-15-2007, 09:37 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-15-2007, 12:10 PM by Aaron.)
Total War in Germany 3.0
3.0 is complete, the game is up to where i always wanted it to be from the first day i purchased it, only thing left is to play it, no big changes coming in the future just fixes to play balance if there is any, sit back and have fun with it, feedback always welcome and heres to southern Germany. Id love to mod the south and have a combined massive war. I attach 1 unit photo (Italians) just put it in the West-German/Units folder. Download at H2H or here


1.Moved 4th canandian mech south to Gelnhaussen (historical) and assigned to 5 corps.

2.Deleted my phantom bdes in Nato the 197th and the 26 fallschirmajer bde (not Historical)

3.Modified oob to use Volcano mans alt art pack a and b.

4.82nd takes 18 hours longer to fully deploy less troops jumping in over longer peirod, moved one of there drop zones

5. Made 101st not airmobile, did this for those gamey situations (not that anyone would do that) i did increase foot speed to help reflect the use of helos. Added the 2 missing att helo battalions

6. MAJOR RECONSTRUTION done to the dutch oob using the great work by Hans on northag-north Winter War Scenarios if u have downloaded this u have the extra grapics already.

7. MAJOR CHANGES done to the Danes oob, ive done my research and ive found that alot of those little units were just for coastal defence so i eliminated them from game, the danes r much cleaned up now but they liked to intergrate arm, mech even down to company level so still plenty of liitle units just alot less. added first bde of the jutland division, jutland div will be only danes represented in the game and since they were based off map except for hq they r now all reinforcements that show up over a period of 2.0 days starting with the bde in Haderslev then Viborg then Aalborg, each city is farther up the penisula (historical)

8. Change berlin oob ( no more west germans bde)

9. Change ace mobile oob and added another option for deployment (4) also push back its reinforcement time a couple hours

10. Make 101st a strategy (operation Screaming Eagle) with 5 options on deployment, starts on the 13th and finishes deployment on 16th

11. Added one more 82nd option (5)

12. Adjustments to 6th Polish AB and 7th Polish Naval oobs

13. Made Spetsnaz battalion on Jutland a strategy (3 Options)

14. Added another strategy option to the 76 Guards AB, 7th Guards AB and Polish AB
Rangers Lead the Way
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05-15-2007, 08:36 PM,
RE: Total War in Germany 3.0

again, two thumbs up, thank you very much for all the hard work !

playtesting this one was a real blast, i think you'll all like the

many strategy decisions you'll be up to and the revamped AI

puts up quite a fight now.

for those of you interested in new/reworked unit bitmaps,

i provided the danish AFVs with a more historical camo pattern.

any feedback very welcome, i'm still uncertain if i'd do all the

other nations too...


Attached Files
.zip   danish camo.zip (Size: 86.27 KB / Downloads: 17)
'Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.'
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05-15-2007, 11:37 PM,
RE: Total War in Germany 3.0
Looks like a lot of hard work has gone into this. An interesting period for me as I was serving with Second Field Regt. Royal Artillery in Munster during the mid 1980's.

Have only had time to look through the set up at the start and whilst not able to comment on the other nations I would be very happy to give some feedback about I BR Corps and some issues I have already discovered, for instance the infantry battalion in 4th Armoured Brigade was the 1st Bn. The Irish Guards. The names of some of the British units are a little strange, I know this has always confused everyone, but would be happy to help if you would like some input. I was wondering why infantry bns have recce platoons, incidentally rated as battalions in the oob!, but cavalry regts. do not have a recce troop. There are a lot of other bits and pieces I have noticed but probably too much for a forum post!

I was wondering it is it possible to play against the AI as NATO in this scenario?

I have always considered that a more likely situation was a Soviet attack against a, at least partially, prepared NATO defence. Are you thinking of doing such a scenario and if not would you mind if I had a go at one?
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05-15-2007, 11:57 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-16-2007, 12:10 AM by Aaron.)
RE: Total War in Germany 3.0
If u have something from 1985 as unit names and or organization, then yes send it to me ill look threw it. I dont think the british have ever been revised i think thats a vanilla oob.

And yes play as Nato against the AI.

I dont c how the soviets could have got that much suprise either, but this is a worst case scenario and i still figure in 12 hours warning before start of game for Nato to recall troops and pilots and start the deployment process or reinforcement process. I c Nato as partly ready in the game now, the problem with having NATO deployed and ready before the soviets cross the border is they cant win, there is no way the PACT could have won a war with NATO ready. Someone might disagree but thats what i think, i u did make a game with a deployed Nato your going to need to throw 20 divisions in from the Motherland on top of whats in the game.

Rangers Lead the Way
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05-16-2007, 01:59 AM,
RE:��Total War in Germany 3.0
bdtj1815 Wrote:for instance the infantry battalion in 4th Armoured Brigade was the 1st Bn. The Irish Guards. The names of some of the British units are a little strange, I know this has always confused everyone, but would be happy to help if you would like some input. I was wondering why infantry bns have recce platoons, incidentally rated as battalions in the oob!, but cavalry regts. do not have a recce troop. There are a lot of other bits and pieces I have noticed but probably too much for a forum post!

Even though the post is about the ALT OOB, some of the issue likely stem from the original and I will attempt to answer some of those here.

> the infantry battalion in 4th Armoured Brigade was the 1st Bn. The Irish Guards.

The OOB is based on the Janes book by Kemp. I will check the source to be sure as it is always possible that a error was made. But if Kemp has it this way as I suspect it does - and as the name has no impact on play, I think I would leave it as it was.

> I was wondering why infantry bns have recce platoons, incidentally rated as battalions in the oob!

Because independant Coys incurr Battle Fatigue at a rate 6 time the normal amount. As these coys cannout combine to escape this BF, I've rated the COYs as Btln in game terms to make them have what I think is the correct game effect.

> but cavalry regts. do not have a recce troop. There are a lot of other bits and pieces I have noticed ....

As I've said in another post - more detail can often make the game bog down with too many units so at some point you have to decide which units to include as separate game counters. I am not sure exactly which Brit Cav unit you are looking at here but I suspect we included only the major components.

That all said - if the ALt OOB person wants to make a bunch of changes than that is of course up to them.

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05-16-2007, 03:02 AM,
RE: Total War in Germany 3.0
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05-16-2007, 10:01 AM,
RE: Total War in Germany 3.0
Quote:the infantry battalion in 4th Armoured Brigade was the 1st Bn. The Irish Guards

Hi Glenn,

No need to check any source. I was in 4th Armoured Bde for five years!

In 1985 I became an FOO in L "Nery" Battery supporting the 17/21st BG. The Irish Guards served in the brigade until 1986 when they were replaced by 1st bn. The Grenadier Guards. I don't suppose it really matters but if one thing is wrong I usually begin to wonder about other things.

Incidentally bfore becoming a "proper" gunner I commanded a Blowpipe Troop in 48 "Talavera" Battery which was attached to the newly formed "experimental" 6th Airmobile Brigade. The two infantry battalions in the brigade had about five times the usual number of Milan AT launchers. The plan was that the brigade would be airlifted in front of a Soviet breakthrough deluge the enemy armour and allow 4th Armoured Brigade to whop them in the flank. Glad we never had to do it!!
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05-17-2007, 06:09 AM,
RE: Total War in Germany 3.0
For those who like all the unit graphics they can get there hands on heres an updated oob for Total War 3.0, nothing has change except instead of a default graphic for all BDE HQ theres an independent unit graphic for BDE HQ. The unit graphics were revised to go along with Radetzky unit boxes which have the national symbol in the top left corner, the unit insignia has been moved to the top right so as not to overlay each other. Example then revised oob, unit graphics and the overlays to follow for those who who want them.


Rangers Lead the Way
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05-17-2007, 06:24 AM,
RE: Total War in Germany 3.0
And the unit boxes, u must rename them to Unitbox and put in that nations folder
Rangers Lead the Way
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05-17-2007, 08:24 AM,
RE: Total War in Germany 3.0
thanks again aaron,

i'd like to add that the Unit boxes were originally made by
mr. thomas wulfes for Fulda Gap and i just made some
minor adjustments, including incorporating the danes
and the dutch. so all kudos to him, he did a geat job
implementing the boxes in most Modern and Panzer

'Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.'
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