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North African & Mediterranean Campaigns..please.......
05-10-2020, 06:55 AM,
RE: North African & Mediterranean Campaigns..please.......
Funny you guys should bring this up!! I am in fact working on an all-encompassing mod/game for SB based on the Pacific War game. I had started a Minor Nations mod in AoTR, but when I remembered that game only covers two years, switched gears and dumped it into the PW game. That being said, I currently have added in France, Britain, Poland, Belgium and a few others, so that for starters Blitzkrieg can be dealt with!! I've already made a few scenario's with it and it plays awesome! What will happen is that to play a desert game, ie Africa, there will be a desert mod in the mods folder of my game, use JSGME to switch to desert colors for vehicles/weapons/units, just like I enable for winter warfare in my SB mods. Stay tuned, it is a big, big project, but am killing it. Will release the first part as soon as I get Britain done, which am right now finishing up the vehicles, then have to resize everything for the on-map graphics, but I am working towards you guys goal! You will need to own the Pacific War title to use this mod/game, should be within a few weeks I will post it up top where I just posted my Korean War upgrade. So far I have a few French, Belgian, and Polish scenario's completed, folks will need to try out their scenario creating abilities when I release it to further enhance this game!
Meine Ehre heisst Treue

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RE: North African & Mediterranean Campaigns..please....... - by Warhorse - 05-10-2020, 06:55 AM

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