
Full Version: Added new scn. King of the Hill
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The 109th Plays King of the Hill.  This hypthetical scenario continues Hueb's 109th Holding the Line.  After the overs the 109th Regiment of the 28th US ID hold the line in the first hours of the Ardennes offensive . The German Volksgrenadier Division falls back after a difficult river crossing and hold the high ground along with a castle strong-hold giving them open field of fire across the Our.  The reinforced 109th along with other 27th Inf Division units and independent (607th and 31st) Tank Battalion have to cross the river and secure the castle in order to ensure the Allies have a safe crossing venue.

I have added to scn listing and reporting database.   Lots of fun with lots of armor for both sides.   Depending on the player it is pro US or pro Axis in lots of test play so calling it balanced.   LMAO

Enjoy! LOL
109th was the 28th Inf Div.
Thanks for the new addition.