Are there any plans to fix the file issue?
All the desert scenarios have messed up Graphics wise was told file conflict with I believe another game if I remember correctly?
(04-18-2023, 10:28 PM)Relayer Wrote: [ -> ]Are there any plans to fix the file issue?
All the desert scenarios have messed up Graphics wise was told file conflict with I believe another game if I remember correctly?
I'm not sure what the issue is that you're having, but I've been told that the older versions of CS are considered "legacy" and there are no plans to troubleshoot or fix problems discovered in the old game. The CSlegion team has one programmer and the focus is gameplay versus the AI, rather than PBEM and human opponents.
Thats what i'm having a problem with is the Campaign scenarios desert ones only, has anyone else reported the problem?
(04-20-2023, 11:11 AM)Relayer Wrote: [ -> ]Thats what i'm having a problem with is the Campaign scenarios desert ones only, has anyone else reported the problem?
I'm not sure. I don't recall anyone mentioning it, though. What's the problem that you're seeing? Maybe take some screenshots? Is it any WF desert scenario or just when playing a campaign versus the computer?
No one else has had this problem?
Anybody have any Ideas?
(04-24-2023, 04:22 AM)Relayer Wrote: [ -> ]No one else has had this problem?
Anybody have any Ideas?
I tried the Africacorp one and the Tunisia one and no problems. Which campaign is it happening on?
If no one else is having issues I would think about reinstalling the game or maybe try a second install to another location.
Hi Scud.
Thanks I've reloaded the game twice and even bought a down load copy
Its the Afrika Korps and The tunisa campaigns are the problem?
Thanks for your help.
Relayer and Scud,
I have the most current of everything in the Campaign Series for EFII, WF and RS version 2.02.
Looking at the jpg file provided by Relayer I see some strange things!
1.) There is a miss-match on the terrain elevation. If you increase terrain height more than 3 levels, as an example level 2 to level 6 you get that vertical block out that you see throughout the picture.
2.) Desert terrain you say? Where is the green ground cover coming from? There should be no green ground cover in desert terrain if it is truly desert! Is this perhaps a Tunisian scenario which is sometimes Mediterranean Terrain!?
3.) You have the legacy task bar in your screenshot which indicates to me you are not running the latest version of the game. I don't see the legacy task bar that much any more.
4.) In the screenshot where is the title of your scenario, Relayer? At the top left there there should be a title so I can review the scenario!!
5.) Relayer, take your scenario and or game file with the problem, zip it and post it here on this forum. Also go to your scenario editor and open any scenario. When it's loaded go to Help in the upper right of the top toolbar and click on "About". Take a screenshot of that and post or include it so I can see what version of the game you are running.
6.) An after thought. What is you operating system Relayer? I hope Windows 7, 8 or 10 at the very least.
Big Ivan

How far into the Africa Corp campaign do you start to see the graphic anomalies? I worked through the first one "Pocket Breakout", but stopped on the next one "Meeting Engagement". I hate playing the AI, so I'd rather not keep going if it's way into the campaign. When you're playing, look at the top left of your screen above the menus and it should tell you the name of the scenario. That might help us go right to the problem scenario. Not positive, but Big Ivan will know. Or Jason if I can get him to weigh in.