
Full Version: New BG Scenarios added to the DB
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For those interested:  I have added a bunch of scenarios for the old BG Antietam, Bull Run, Chickamauga and Shiloh modules to the scenario data base.

Historically, almost all of the old BG stock scenarios, including the custom made ones (ie Chancellorsville, the Peninsula, Fredericksburg, Shenadoah 1 and 2...and so on) were superceded by the JT ACW series, and wonderfully so.

Here are scenarios I made and collected in BG over many years ago that have not been superceded.  Historically and immersively, it's a blast to look at all this old stuff...and replay some of it too.  It was a very good SIM for its time...I was working as an outsider with this group of cats:  ACWCO (

There are no scenarios from BG Gettysburg here.  However, there about 60+/- of scenarios from BG Antietam, Bull Run, Chickamauga and Shiloh.  There was a lot of work involved making even the simple map editor...had to import outside recources, which was a big pain.

Nevertheless, here are the scenarios from my collection, loaded into their respective modules, mine and others named "unknown" [I've tried hard to find their names or no avail]).  If they do nothing else, maybe they'll fire up the historical freaks here among us.  They should fight pretty good.   If anybody doesn't like the victory conditions or stuff, they're free to make and publish their own interpretations.  Over at the SAS site for IL-2 Sturmovick (where I've been living for the past number of years), ol' Gubi obeys the standard rule from over there regarding published work:  The DWTFYW liscence (translated to "Do What You Want" with It).  Wonderful advice from a group of wonderful cats over there too.

Now, one must know that the BG games only read the abbreviations under which a scenario is loaded (ie. SBF, and et al...only 3, 4 ,5, up to maybe 7 scenarios can be recognized by the particular game).  One must use the game file abbreviations for which the scenarios are to be deployed.  JSGME works like magic. least looking over these old, but not superceded, scenarios of the ACW.

Cheers and Prost
