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Just wanted to say Thanks for keeping this game series up.

TalonSoft's (JT) Rising Sun was the first game that truly hooked me on PC Wargaming (I think it was the late 90s/early 2000s).

CS is wargaming comfort food for the soul.

I also really appreciate all the new comforts/options you've added to ease the burdens of a virtual commander (especially with Vietnam).

It's all made for a very enjoyable and educational experience.

Thank You!
Someday I'd like to write an essay about this but...

The beauty of any JT game - whether it's Panzer Campaigns, Campaign Series, Early American Wars, Naval battles... the beauty are the calculations - the attempt to reflect in one dimension what is true in another.

And he did it so well.

Ultimately, whether you know it or not, if you love JT games, its because of that inherent fidelity to the truth.

And I think that is part of what is so compelling about his work.
Thank you so much for the support! It is appreciated.

Still lots to do in the future, but we're getting there, one game at a time. 

And continually trying to improve it, of course.
The UI improvements.. and just the ability to highly customize your wargaming experience.. that is so valuable.

It's funny to say but... the environment is enjoyable once you get it tuned up right.