
Full Version: Helicopters and night disruption in MC series (possible mistake?)
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I am currently playing an campaign of Bolt out of the Blue with the older version and have reached the first night turn. Contrary to the base game this mod uses night movement disruption which in my opinion works a bit strange when looking at helicopters. 

While I think this is fine with ground units I am not sure if it works as intended for units moving in the air. In order to know if air units are affected I experimented by moving a helicopter and it indeed got disrupted. Assuming from this I figured airmobile units behave the same way and also can't move during the night (or have to fly along a road what doesn't sound like it makes much sense).

Is this working as it should? Not really sure if helicopters can get as easily disrupted as units moving on the ground. Assume Helos would have better navigation equipment and generally a better orientation since they are in the air. Shouldn't that make them harder to disrupt or at least warrant to make this mechanic a bit different for them?