
Full Version: Midway Strike Bug
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We've had a bug pop up in Midway, and we're still working on pinning it down (and it may be some time before the patch gets out.)

In short, for some reason, under some circumstances, a player airstrike will get separated, where one bomber and the escort fighters will head to the target, and the rest will fly a slightly divergent course and miss the target, flying off into the far horizon.

This only seems to happen when you target an enemy ship.  (and is only an issue on long range strikes, so if the enemy is within 30-40 miles, it likely won't manifest.) Targeting Location Markers keeps the strike together nicely.

Thus, there is a workaround.  

When you spot a fleet and want to launch a strike on it, place a Location Marker where you think the fleet will be when your strike gets there.  When you set your strike, don't "target ship" but "target location" and choose that marker on the dropdown.  If your scouts are able to keep track of the enemy, you can place new markers and edit the strike to home in more directly.  Then, when your aircraft are in visible range of the enemy, either edit the strike to hit the ship you want or manually assign strike aircraft to their targets.

Truth be told, this is actually more realistic in a way.  Air Strikes were sent out with a location where the Air Ops staff thought the enemy would be, (leading to major issues for the US at Midway).

This adds a bit of fiddly micromanagement, though lots of players manually take their strikes home in any case.