
Full Version: Announcment of WDS Winter Sale
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[Image: 2021%20Winter%20Sale.jpg]

WDS just announced that their Winter Sale will run from DEC 15th through JAN 3rd 2022

Carrying on the tradition that JTS had set, all titles that have been released longer than 12 months will be on sale for 25% off, or $29.95 each.

The only two titles not included are:
--Civil War Battles - Forgotten Campaigns
--Panzer Campaigns - Kiev '43

Pricing will be in effect from roughly 12 AM Eastern US Time on the 15th.

Go to their website here.
Wargame Design Studio wants to hear from you! I wanted to do a second post on the survey, to make sure it stands out...please take the time to fill it out and let us know your thoughts:
Please take the time to complete this simple survey, it is your chance to tell WDS what direction you would want them to take regarding future projects and improvements to exiting games.  Wink
[Image: 2021%20Winter%20Sale.jpg]

Sale Starts today!

If you get something, let us know! Thumbs Up
Reminder to anyone wishing to take advantage of the WDS winter sale, you have until the 3rd January to make your purchases.  Wink