
Full Version: Midway editor : a real disappointement
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I was happy to play : game is funny
I was hapy to mod : Modding is 75% easy


 The scenario editor seems be a real crap.

I tried to build something and in game I saw that ennemy IA seems all crazy : sample = With enormous superiority, IA units are going to the opposite direction of the ennemy...

To mod and design the game has no sense if builded scenarios do not work properly. Even to assign individual missions to unit, they do always  the same thing : to go where there is no ennemy !

I tried that : To place a enormous task force around " Little jap units. I take command of Jap side. And what I see is that : US fleet does no attack, all aircrafts are going around in other place, but they do not attack anything

Great disappointement for me, at his time : If builded scenarios do not work, modding has strictly no sense Whistle

EDIT : After testing, same thing occurs with Jutland = AI units have incoherent actions, theiy just follov a "right line" and do not effect any "tactical action". I suspect that vanilla scénarios are scripted somewhere. Crual disappointement...
Have you checked the "Home Direction Value" in the pdt? Otherwise, you can help the AI by using objective lines and circles to give it something to focus on.

BTW, aside from setting objectives, there really isn't any scenario scripting in the game.
Yes, I tried that (and improved the agressivity values), but it changes nothing

It seems that this game is more made for 2 human players to play created scenarios. But My probleme is that I prefer to play vs AI

I will just play the vanilla scenarios, without create any other scenarios : it has no sense to buil argentina task force and british task forces if AI units do not want to fight for Falklands
I would be glad to take a look at the scenario if you want to send me the files. I have done NWS scenario design for WP and Guad.


