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Hi Guys,

I'm trying to learn WitP by playing the guadalcanal campaign. I'm not sure how spotting actually work.

Basically, with the us i'm in a situation where my carriers are south of Moresby, and the japenese carrier are between mine and Moresby. I'm trying to locate them with the aircraft on the ground and my aircraft carrier. But if mine are in range of the japenese they get spotted first are likely smached. 

Can you tell me the correct course of action to spot them before they spot me and destroy them ? They seem to be in a perfect position from my point of view besically being encircled, so i guess i'm missing something. There is clouds but nothing too problematic, and my submarine are just in front of moresby in case of japenese landing.

thx for any help !
if you go on You tube - ther are loads of videos on playing this game .
Every commander wants to know the answers to your questions !

Essentially there are a lot of random factors but raising the detection level of the enemy is critical. sometimes it can be quite one sided. Japan is likely to spot you first generally because they have longer ranged aircraft  - So I would get a close as possible. Your DB are best but TT planes are good too but they have very short range at this time.

Set CAP at min 60%  

Have you set a search arc and range for your patrol sqn's, especially as you appear to know approximately where the enemy is deployed. Most experienced player's would not seek a carrier engagement with Japan at this date unless you have a large advantage.
If this is not a PBEM game then a lot will depend on the advantage setting selected for the AI.
For this scenario you might achieve a pyrrhic victory.
But if it's against the AI you can reset your orders and replay the turn again and again if you so desire.