
Full Version: HPS Marching Eagles WATERLOO TWC Tournament
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Gentlemen, The Wargaming Club (TWC) plan to start a HPS Marching Eagles WATERLOO Tournament soon.
The winner will get a free copy of either Marching Eagles Austerlitz OR Marengo from HPS.

There will be 3 rounds (QB-Ligny-Waterloo) Each round will be played with mirror battles so everyone will play both sides, la grande armee and the allied coalition armies.

Ones who are interested please post here or pm me so i can give you detailed info about it.

For the first tourney we plan to have 8 participants. 3 officers are already in, Paul  B.(Titus) is reserve now... 

Hope to see you on WATERLOO fields gents!

*I have a permisson from blitz admin/s to make this announcement.

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